Trade announcements - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Educ. , 1935, 12 (3), p 150. DOI: 10.1021/ed012p150. Publication Date: March 1935. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 12, 3, XXX-XXX. Note: In lieu of an abstra...
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TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS Piltrations in Chemical Laboratories A 134page, paper-covered booklet issued by Carl ScMeicher & SchJII Co., New York City (second, revised and enlarged edition). Contains the following sections: Information on Laboratory Filtrations and Related Subjects; Information on Properties of C. S. & S. Filterpapers; Summary on the Use of C. S. & S. Filt& Products in the Laboratories of Various Industries and in Medical Science: Classified C. S . & S. Products; Filtering .Materials for U x in large-Scale Filtrations, in Funnels, Filtering Machines, and Filter-prews. ~


of quality and production. "It is overcoming the timitations of former processing agents which in turn limited the degree of perfection attainable in processing fiben and fabrics." The booklet outlines the progress that has been made in the use of alcohol sulfates. I t describes also the nature and properties of the several types of Gardinol and suggests specific applieatiaus. Seetions of the booklet discuss the Gardim1 series, the properties of the product, the treatment of cotton and linen in all stages of manufacture, and the processing of wool, silk, and rayon. Bausch & Lomb Publications

Metal Tops for School Desks Heavy-gage steel tops for the reconditioning of school desks are offered by the Stow Manufacturing Co., Inc.. Binghamton,





New York. The tops may be installed by a janitor..if necessary, while the classroom is in use. Unfinished, standard finish, and special tinish tops are available.

"Poloriaing Micrormpes."-This 24-page pamphlet opens with a brief discussion of the p o l d i n g m i a m o p e and its utility. Descriptions of Bausch & Lomb models and of numerous accessories follow. Profusely illustrated. "Ultra Viokd Photominopaphy at 3650 A."-A 7-page pamphlet of which the &st six pages are devoted to a summary of the theory and technic of ultra-violet photomimgraphy. One page of specifications and prices. Illustrated. "Something New in Spectrographr."-A complete description of the small Littrow quartz spectrograph. (7 pp.) "The New Density Comparator."-Description of a new instrument designed for accurate and rapid spectrographic analysis. (4 PP.) Portable Laboratory Colloid Mill The new No. 005 Portable Laboratory Model developed by Chmicolloid Labamtorics, Inc., 44 Whitehall St., New York City. possesses all the features to be found in the larger models of the Charlotte Colloid Mill. The material chamber is of Monel metal and the mill is easilv cleaned and readilv dismantled for educational inspection. The mill is recommended for re&&, instruction, and industrial development work, ~ ~ literature on Carbon Monoxide Alarm

How to Use Electronic Tubes in Industry

Ao illustrated 217-page zincograph pamphlet, presenting a fundamental treatment of the operation and application of electronic tubes in industry, is offered by the Westinglrouse Elcdric and ManufacLwing Company, East Pittsburgh. Pa., for $2.25 (net). m e treatment is nou-mathematical, starting with electronic phenomena and the mercury arc, passing to high-vacuum tubes and the grid-glow family, thence to photo-responsive electronic devices and cathode-ray tubes and ending with the specific technic of a variety of applications. As a supplement to the above course, a "Manual of Experiments'' may also be purchased for 6 k . In tbis series of twentylour tests, the apparatus needed, method of set-up, procedure to be followed, and results to be obtained, are fully explained. m i s parallels the course of study and demonstrates the types and characteristics of the various electronic tubes described. The two form a very complete schedule of clas-wm and laborstory work in this subject. Advertising and propaganda have been avoided so that the material can be used a:; an accurate and unbiased text.

The Mine Safety Apfinces Company. Pittsburgh, recently announced the development of a carbon monoxide alarm which eives.DromOt warnine. .. -. when the amount of carbon monoxide in the air reaches a danger point, by ringing a n elcctric gong. An internting, illuswated bulletin has been prepared describing the M. S. A. Carbon Monoxide Alarm in detail, and also dealing with the vital matter of carbon monoxide poisoning, which bas grown to be the fourth largest cause of industrial dieases, accidents, and death. A copy of the bulletin may be secured by addressing the Mine Safety Appliances Company. Braddock, Thomas, and Meade Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.





Introduce "Numerals in Colors" for Multiple-Point Recording

Reading of multiple-point instrument records is simplified by a new system of ,,numerals in colars,, introduced by ~~~d~& ~ ~ company, ~ ~ h , marking ~ system ~ -be specified ~i~~~~~~ strip-cbart recorders for 2.3.4, 6 points. With of the thermocouples, resistance thermometer bulbs, or other primary elements identified on the chart by a numeral, and each numeral distinguished from the others by being prioted in a contrasting color, reading of records is made Gardinol easy, errors are avoided, and time is saved. Colors used for A handy manual which reviews the uses of alcohol sulfates printing the numerals are: black, green, red, violet, yellow, and in the textile industry has just been issued by the Gardin01 blue. A circular giving further details and showing a reproduction of Corporation, Wilmington, Delaware. "Gardinol," it is explained, is a new type of chemical ;~roducr an actual chart in six colors will be sent on request. Address the which is helping the textile industry establish higher standards above Company and ask for Circular No. 314-1.

