
Chem„ 23 (8), 1492-8 (1977). (4) G. R. Fleming, A.W.E. Knight, J. M. Morris, R.J.S. Morrison, and G. W. Rob- inson, J. Am. Chem. Soe., 99 (13),. 430...
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Varian announces training courses in gas chroma­ tography Schedule for January, February and March 1979: Basic Gas Chromatography Jan. 17-19, Palo Alto, CA Feb. 21-23, Florham Park, NJ March 7-9, Houston,TX Lecture & Lab, 3 days, $225 Lecture only, 2 days, $155

Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography Jan. 22-23, Palo Alto, CA March 12-13, Houston,TX Lecture & Lab, 2 days, $225

+ [L] + |Ab] — IL*—Ab] + [L-AbJ, where L* = labeled ligand, L = unlabeled ligand, Ab = antibody, and L*—Ab = bound labeled ligand. When equilibrium is reached |L*—Ab] is separated from [L*] by precipitation of [L*—Ab] or some other physical-chemical technique. As seen from the equilibrium equation, the more L present the less [L*—Ab] formed, and this roportional relationship between L and ,* permits quantitation of unknown quan­ tities of L by measuring the amount [L*—Ab] by counting y or β radiation from L* in the complex. In FIA, quantitation is made by measuring fluorescence


References (1) S. A. Berson and R. S. Yalow, J. Clin. Invent., 38, 1996-2016 (1959). (2) W. D. Odell and W. H. Daughaday, "Principles of Competitive ProteinBinding Assays," Lippincott, Philadel­ phia, Pa., 1971. (3) R. C. Leif, R. A. Thomas, T. A. Yopp, B. D.Watson, V. R. Guarino, D.H.K. Hindman, N. Lefkove, and L. M. Vallarino, Clin. Chem., 23 (8), 1492-8 (1977). (4) G. R. Fleming, A.W.E. Knight, J. M. Morris, R.J.S. Morrison, and G. W. Rob­ inson, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 99 (13), 4306-11 (1977). (5) E. F. Ullman, M. Schwarzberg, and K. E. Rubenstein, J. Biol. Chem., 251 (14), 4172-8(1976). (6) R. D. Spencer, F. B. Toledo, Β. Τ. Wil­ liams, and N. L. Yoss, Clin. Chem., 19 (8), 838-44 (1973). (7) R.A.A. Watson, J. Landon, E. J. Shaw, and D. S. Smith, Clin. Chim. Acta, 73, 51-5(1976). (8) S. A. Levison, W. B. Dandliker, and D. Murayama, Environ. Sci. Technol., 11 (3), 292-7 (1977). (9) D. S. Smith, FEBS Lett.. 77 (1), 25-7 (1977). (10) E. J. Shaw, R.A.A. Watson, W. J. Lan-

don, and D. S. Smith, J. Ciin. Pathol., 30,526-31(1977). (11) J. F. Burd, R. J. Carrico, M. C. Fetter, R. T. Buckler, R. D. Johnson, R. C. Boguslaski, and J. E. Christner, Anal. Biochem., 77,56-67(1977). (12) J. F. Burd, R. C. Wong, J. E. Feeney, R. J. Carrico, and R. C. Boguslaski, Clin. Chem., 23 (8), 1402-8 (1977). (13) H. R. Schroeder, R. J. Carrico, R. C. Boguslaski, and J. E. Christner, Anal. Biochem., 72, 283-92 (1976). (14) H. R. Schroeder, P. O. Vogelhut, R. J. Carrico, R. C. Boguslaski, and R. T. Buckler, Anal. Chem., 48 (13), 1933-7 (1976). (15) H. R. Schroeder and F. M. Yeager, ibid., 50 (8), 1114-20 (1978). (16) W. B. Dandliker and V. A. deSaussure, lmmunochemistry, 7,799-828 (1970). (17) R. C. Aalberse, Clin. Chim. Acta, 48, 109-11 (1973). (18) G. C. Blanchard and R. Gardner, Clin. Chem., 24 (5), 808-14 (1978). (19) M. N. Kronick and W. A. Little, J. Immunol. Methods, 8, 235-40 (1975). (20) P. Cukor, M. E. Woehler, C. Persiani, and A. Fermin, ibid., 12,183-92 (1976). (21) M. W. Burgett, S. J. Fairfield, and J. F. Monthony, Clin. Chim. Acta, 78, 277-84(1977). (22) M. W. Burgett, S. J. Fairfield, and J. F. Monthony, J. Immunol. Methods, 16, 211-19(1977). (23) C. B. Reimer, D. J. Phillips, C. M. Black, and T.W. Wells, Proceedings 6th Int. Conf. on Immunofluorescence, Vien­ na, Austria, 1978. (24) K. W. Walls and E. R. Barnhart, J. Clin. Methodol., 7 (2), 234-5 (1978). (25) R. G. Taylor and T. R. Perez, Arch. Invest. Med. (Mex.), 9 (Suppl. 1), 363-6 (1978). (26) H. Koprowski, W. Gerhard, and C. M. Croce, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 2985-88(1977). (27) Y. Talmi, D. C. Baker, J. R. Jadamec, and W. A. Saner, Anal. Chem., 50 (11), 936-52A(1978).

Automatic Gas Chromatography* Jan. 24-26, Palo Alto, CA March 14-16, Houston,TX Lecture & Lab, 3 days, $200

Glass Capillary Gas Chromatography Feb. 13-14, Denver, CO March 1-2, Florham Park, NJ Lecture & Lab, 2 days, $225

Maintenance of the Gas Chromatography Feb. 26-27, Florham Park, NJ Lecture & Lab, 2 days, $225 To enroll in Denver, Palo Alto and Houston courses, please contact the Varian Instrument Division Training Department, 2700 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598; Telephone (415)939-2400, ext. 225. Enroll in Flor­ ham Park courses at Varian Instru­ ment Division Training Department, 25 Hanover Road, Florham Park. NJ 07932; Telephone (201) 822-3700.


'One tuition-free course per Model 37111 purchase.

C. Michael O'Donnell is assistant di­ rector of the Clinical Chemistry Labo­ ratories and assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at the Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles, Center for the Health Sciences. His research interests have been in the areas of fluorescence and phosphores­ cence spectroscopy including photo­ chemistry. Recently, his interests have been in biochemical applications, par­ ticularly the application of fluores­ cence techniques in the clinical labo­ ratory.






Stephen C. Suffin, assistant profes­ sor of pathology at the University of California, Los Angeles, is currently working as a visiting researcher in the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, the National Institute of Allergy and In­ fectious Diseases. Since his graduation in 1972 from the University of Califor­ nia at Los Angeles, School of Medi­ cine, Dr. Suffin's research work has been in the study of the interaction of infectious agents with the host im­ mune responses.