Traite de Biochimie Generale. Volume I. - ACS Publications

Javillier, M. Polonovski, M. Florkin, P. Boulanger,. M. Lemoigne, J. Roche and R. Wurmser. Masson &. Cie., 120, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris VI, Fra...
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Vol. 81

Trait6 de Biochimie GBnBrale. Volume I. Composition to preparative scale chromatography and to plant stream Chimique des Organismes (In T w o Parts). By M. analyses. A few applications of a more specific nature are P. BOULANGER,included. A Nomenclature Committee was convened JAVILLIER, M. POLONOVSKI, M. FLORKIN, J. ROCHEand R. WURMSER. Masson & again a t this Symposium and its recommendations are inM. LEMOIGNE, Cie., 120, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris VI, France. cluded in this volume. In comparison with many of the papers read a t the First 1959. 1475 pp., 17.5 X 25.5 cm. Price, Brochks, 22.000 fr.; Cartonnes toile, 24.500 fr. Symposium, the present papers are a reflection of the adThis is the first of three volumes on general biochemistry vances made in the intervening two years. Most of the Symposium Papers present techniques that are more planned by the authors and their collaborators. The second Second sensitive, more reproducible or more accurate or deal with will deal with enzymology and the third with metabolism. the theory with a more critical view. They address themselves primarily to University students conclusion, it can be reported that a useful addition in pure and applied chemistry and biology. The first hasInbeen included in the work, namely, an author index to volume is concerned exclusively, and rigorously so, with the the discussion contributions. While it is recognized that static aspect of biochemistry and follows the general pattern considerable effort time would be involved and that the of such text books, beginning with the elementary composi- latter might lead toand a tarnishing of the record for rapidity of tion of natural products and going on to the chemistry of publication which these Proceedings now enjoy, it is felt carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Details of isolation and that n future Proceedings some consideration might be identification methods as well as of organic syntheses support given ito a subject index. this descriptive and very comprehensive inventory. One will find compiled in the numerous tables much information DIVISIONOF PURECHEMISTRY not easily obtainable elsewhere. As in all cooperative NATIONALRESEARCH COUNCIL K. 0. KUTSCHKE efforts of this type, it is not easy to strike a perfect balance OTTAWA, CANADA between sections. In the present instance the accent is on protein chemistry. Of particular interest in this reviewer’s opinion are the chapters on the isolation and preparation of a wide variety of proteins and the one on chromoproteins. A Premier Colloque Internakonal de Photographie Corpusculdre. Strasbourg, larau 6 Juillet, 1957. Centre National final chapter on associations between proteins, lipids and de la Recherche Scientifique, 13, Quai Anatole-France, carbohydrates and on biochemical morphology constitutes a Paris 7, France. 1958. 451 pp. 16.5 X 24.5 cm. Price happy closing note. This text book is richly documcnted, a rough check 5.300 fr. showing nearly four thousand references. These are placed This volume represents the proceedings of the first intera t the end of each chapter and are subdivided into review articles and original papers some as recent as 1956. A national conference on “nuclear” emulsions. It is pregeneral author index and a subject index are to be found a t sented entirely in French, those contributions not originally such were translated. The subject matter principally the back of the second part. covered in this conference was that relating to the intrinsic BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT properties of nuclear emulsions rather than with the techEDOUARD PAGB niques relevant to their exploitation in experiment. This OF MONTREAL UNIVERSITY MONTREAL, CANADA degree of emphasis is perhaps to be regretted somewhat b u t one would hope then that a t some subsequent Conference the latter subject would receive the attention it deserves. Gas Chromatography. Proceedings of the Second Sym- This is not meant to minimize the importance and usefulposium Organized by the Gas Chromatography Discus- ness of the Conference. It is indeed a most valuable consion Group under the Auspices of the Hydrocarbon Re- tribution and an exceedingly useful compilation of the most search Group of the Institute of Petroleum and the Kon- modern viewpoints on photographic theory and the techinklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging held a t the niques related to the “handling” of nuclear emulsion. I t is, of course, impossible to cover in a review the proRoyal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, May 19-23, 1958. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York 3, ceedings of such a Conference. The reviewer can only reN. Y . 1958. xiii 383 pp. 16 X 25 cm. Price, cord what appear to him as the highlights. The first paper was an excellent review by Prof. J. W. Mitchell of “Photo$13.00. graphic Sensitivity.” This was followed by a series of This Second Symposium on Gas Chromatography con- contributions on more particular aspects of the above gentains twenty-eight contributed papers divided into three eral problem. Perhaps one of the highlights of the Congeneral headings: “Theory of Gas Chromatography,” 10 ference was the first (to my knowledge) detailed presentapapers, “Techniques and Apparatus,” 9 papers and “Aption of the Russian work in this field. plications,” 9 papers, along with a report of the discussions. A next group of papers was primarily concerned with the Each main theme i s prefaced by an introductory lecture and problem of the development of nuclear emulsion. This a general survey of the program is given in a final review series of papers is certainly of use t o the worker utilizing lecture. The more formal opening and closing addresses emulsions in experimental work as it covers the entire spccare included as well. trum of “problems” arising in this somewhat “magic” field. This volume, as was the report on the First Symposium, These contributions are detailed and explicit and well docuwill doubtless prove to be a useful mine of information, both mented with illustrations. This series of papers was folto the newcomer to the field, as well as to the more expe- lowed by a group of brief presentations relevant to the exrienced practitioners of the art. Obviously, a selection of perimental utilization of emulsions as detectors of nuclear the subject matter of individual papers merely reflects the particles in various branches of physics. I t is this parinterests of the reviewer, but passing mention must be made ticular aspect the reviewer feels was not emphasized sufof some topics. The theoretical basis of gas chromatogrdphy is considered both in respect to the significance of ficiently. All in all the volume would appear to be a useful presentaparametcrs of the van Deemter equation for packed columns tion of a large and important body of technical knowledge and in regard to chromatography in coated capillaries. in a somewhat highly specialized field. Each contribution Application of theory to specific problems, such as that of contains a bibliography and the pursuant discussion is prethe chromatography of highly radioactive gases and of the sented in its entirety. The volume is handsomrly bound determination of thermodynamic quantities, are discussed. and well printed. The section on Techniques and Apparatus contains a wealth DEPT.O P PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY of practical information regarding detectors, on columns of hI. I;. I;Ar%oN UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER high efficiency and on the programmed column temperature technique. Automatic deviccs are discussed in application ROCHESfER 20, KEW YORK
