transition metal carbonyls. Substitution reactions of thallous

Jan 23, 2018 - 10, 1975. S. Erik Pedersen and William R. Robinson. 55991-48-5; Thian+SbFs", 55991-24-7; TTF+SbFe", 55991-25-8. References and Notes...
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2360 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 14, No. 10, 197.5 55991-48-5; Thian+SbFs-, 55991-24-7; TTF+SbF6-, 55991-25-8.

References and Notes L. B. Coleman, M. J. Cohen, D. J. Sandman, F. G. Yamagishi, A. F. Garito, and A. J. Heeger, Solid State Commun., 12 1125 (1973), and references therein. H, R. Zeller in “Festkorperprobleme”, Vol. XIII, H. J. Queisser, Ed., Pergamon Press, New York, N.Y., 1973, p 31; T. W. Thomas and A. E. Underhill, Chem. Soc. Rev., 1,99 (1972); K. Krogmann, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. E n d , 8, 35 (1969). J. A. McCleverty, Prog. Inorg. Chem., 10, 49 (1968). R. P. Shibaeva and L. 0. Atovmyan, J . Struct. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 13, 514 (1972). E. J. Rosa and G . N . Schrauzer, J . Phys. Chem., 73, 3132 (1969). R. D. Schmitt, R. M. Wing, and A. H . Maki, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,91, 4394 (1969). We suggests the term “heterosoric” to describe solid electron-transfer complexes in which donor and acceptor (cation and anion) are stacked alternately in columns. “Homosoric” is suggested for those solid complexes which consist of columns containing only one type of species. D. J . Dahm, P. Horn, G. R . Johnson, M. G.Miles, and J. D. Wilson, J . Mol. Struct., in press. F. Wudl, C. H. Ho, and A . Nagel, J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 923 (1973); L. Alcacer and A. H . Maki, J . Phys. Chem., 78, 215 (1974);

S. Erik Pedersen and William R. Robinson W. E. Geiger, Jr., ibid., 77, 1862 (1973). (IO) G. S. Hall and R. H. Soderberg, Inorg. Chem., 7, 2300 (1968). (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

(16) (17) (18)


(20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

D. J . Dahm, private communication, 1971. T. R. Miller and I. G. Dance, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 95, 6970 (1973). F. Ullmann and F. Mauthner, Eer. Dtsch. Chem. Ges., 35,4302 (1903). C. J . Fritchie, Jr., Acta Crysrallogr., 20, 107 (1966). J. F. Weiher, L. R . Melby, and R. E. Benson, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 86, 4329 (1964). M. G. Miles, J . D. Wilson, D. J. Dahm, and J. H. Wagenhecht, J . Chem. Soc.. Chem. Commun.. 751 (1974). We found this procedure to be more successful than that reported.’* A. L. Balch and R. H . Holm, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 88, 5201 (1966). E. Hoyer, W. Dietsch, and W. Schroth, Proc. Int. Conf. Coord. Chem., 9, 316 (1966). R. H. Holm, 4. L. Balch, A. Davison, A. H . Maki, and T.E. Berry, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 89, 2866 (1967). R. Williams, E. Billig, J. H. Waters, and H. B. Gray, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,88, 43 (1966). A. Davison and R. H. Holm, Inorg. Synth., 10, 8 (1967). D. L. Coffen, J.Q. Chambers, D. R. Williams, P. E. Garrett, and N . D. Caulfield, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,93, 2258 (1971). C. Marschalk and J. P. Niederhauser, Bull. SOC.Chim. Fr.,147 (1952). L. R. Melby, R. J. Harder, W. R . Hertler, W. Mahler, R. F. Benson, and W. E. Mochel, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,84, 3374 (1962).

Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

the Stability of Thallium(1) Transition Metal Carbonyls. Substitution Reactions of Thallous Tetracarbonylcobaltate S. ERIK PEDERSEN and WILLIAM R . ROBINSON* Received January 23, 1975


The reactions of TICo(C0)4 with a variety of Lewis bases in noncoordinating solvents proceed to completion in several hours at room temperature with gas evolution and formation of either TICo(C0)3L or Tl[Co(C0)3L]3 and thallium metal. Thallium(1) compounds stable in solution at room temperature are formed with those Lewis bases which give substituted cobalt carbonyl anions of relatively low basicity (pKa < 5). In particular, T ~ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C ~and H S TICo(C0)3P)~ (p-OC&4CI)3 result from the reaction of the corresponding Lewis bases with TICo(C0)4. With ligands giving more strongly basic anions, thallium(II1) derivatives and thallium metal form. Lewis bases including P(OCH3)3, P(OCzH5)3, P(CsHs)3, As(&H5)3, Sb(CsHs)3, and P(n-C4H9)3 which give substituted hydriodocobaltcarbonyl derivatives with PKa’s of greater than 5 yield thallium metal and thallium(II1) derivatives of Co(CO)3L-. These substitution reactions suggest that a pKa of about 5 for the hydridocarbonyl is the upper limit of the base strength of the corresponding metal carbonyl anion which is consistent with the formation of thallium(1) derivatives which are stable in noncoordinating solvents.

Introduction At the beginning of this work, thallium(1) transition metal carbonyls were not well known. Only one such compound, TICo(C0)4, had been well characterizedlJ although brief reports of Tl[C5H4CH(C6H5)2Cr(C0)3]3and Tl[C5H5M(CO)3] (M = M04 and W5) appeared in the literature. Of these, the molybdenum compound was reported to decompose even in the solid state, and the tungsten derivative had only been mentioned in a patent. Attempts to prepare TlMn(C0)5637by the metathetical reaction of a thallium(1) salt with the metal carbonyl anion had resulted in the formation of the corresponding thallium(II1) derivative. The substitution reaction of TlCo(C0)4 with triphenylphosphine also gave a thallium(II1) compound, T I [ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( C ~ H ~ ) ~ ] ~ . ~ Toward the end of this study, Burlitch8 reported the preparation of Tl[C5H5M(CO)3] (M = Cr, Mo, and W), TIMn(C0)5, and TlCo(C0)3P(C6Hs)3. The group 6B derivatives were isolated and characterized, but were only stable in 1 O O h aqueous sodium hydroxide or in the solid state at -65’. In other solvents such as tetrahydrofuran and toluene, these compounds decomposed more or less rapidly to the corresponding thallium(II1) derivatives and thallium metal. T I C O ( C O ) ~ P ( C ~ and H ~ )TlMn(C0)s ~ were only detected in solution and were characterized by infrared spectroscopy. TIMn(C0)5 was generated in tetrahydrofuran at - 6 5 O and was stable under these conditions. However, at room tem-

perature, it rapidly decomposed to Tl[Mn(C0)5] 3 and tallium metal. A similar decomposition took place for TlCo(CO)3P(C6H5)3 in a tetrahydrofuran-methanol solution at room temperature. From these observations, it appeared with the exception of TlCo(C0)4 and, perhaps, T1[C5H4CH(C6H5)2Cr (CO) 31 that thallium( I) transition metal carbonyls were unstable with respect to disproportionationto the correspondingthallium(II1) derivatives and thallium metal. We have examined the reactions of a variety of Lewis bases with TlCo(C0)4 in order to explore the question of the general instability of TlCo(CO)3L and to develop a convenient route for the preparation of the corresponding thallium(II1) derivatives. During this study we have prepared several new thallium(1) metal carbonyl derivatives and have determined the conditions under which additional stable thallium(1) derivatives can be prepared.

Experimental Section All operations were conducted under nitrogen using Schlenk-type equipment with deoxygenated solvents. Tetrahydrofuran was distilled from lithium aluminum hydride and stored over molecular sieves. All spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer 221 spectrophotometer with NaCl optics. The spectra were calibrated in the carbonyl region using polystyrene and Hg[Co(C0)4]2 in heptane. The C O frequencies of this solution were taken from A d a m ? Melting points were determined in sealed capillary tubes under a nitrogen atmosphere. The compounds

Reactions of Thallous Tetracarbonylcobaltate

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 14, No. 10, 1975 2361

Table I. Analytical Data for Thallium Metal Carbonyls and Related Compounds Analysis, % Compd TICO(CO)," TICO(CO)~P@-OC, H,CI), TICO(CO), P(OC, ~ , ) , b TICo(CO), P(OCH, ), CC, H gc

Yield, % . 95 90 80 60 95

C Mp,"C


H Found

Calcd Found


P Calcd




140-142 145-152 118-122 135 d 125 d 88 78 128 d 116-117 192-196 195-196 158-162 160-1 6 2 92-94 102-106 223-228 198-206 198-206 216-224

12.82 12.61 0 0 54.7g 54.68 33.15 33.19 1.59 1.70 4.07 4.15 38.35 38.62 2.30 2.58 4.72 4.62 31.1g 32.P 21.22 21.43 2.18 2.41 41.37 41.46 2.48 2.35 40.37 40.13 1.94 2.1 1 48.37 48.58 2.90 2.67 5.94 6.20 33.43 2.43 32.53 2.30 21.75 2.71 21.50 2.70 9.24 9.01 47.83 48.15 2.29 2.47 49.16 49.57 3.08 3.47 5.85 5.90 46.00 46.82 3.06 2.52 44.71 44.64 2.69 2.97 56.47 3.73 4.17 55.77 43.55 43.57 6.60 6.43 7.49 7.79 61.39 61.61 4.53 4.71 11.15 11.07 60.96 4.28 4.41 11.43 11.01 60.58 64.26 64.94 4.44 4.37 63.80 4.42 12.40 12.14 64.94 4.44 a Mol wt: Calcd, 375; Found, 376, osmometrically in benzene. Mol wt: Calcd, 658; Found, 634, osmometrically in benzene. P(OCH,),CC,H, = 4-ethyl-l-phospha-2,6,7-trioxabicyclo[ 2.2.2loctane. P(OC,H,)(OCH,), = phenylethylene phosphite. e DPM = bis(dipheny1phosphino)methane. f DPE = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane. g X = TI. X = CI. prepared, melting points, yields, and analyses are reported in Table I. Preparation of TlCo(CO)4. Thallous tetracarbonylcobaltate was prepared as described previously238 by the reaction of excess thallium metal with Coz(C0)s in benzene and by the metathetical reaction of thallous nitrate with NaCo(C0)4. Substitution Reactions of TICo(C0)4. All substitution reactions were run in essentially the same way. One to one mole ratios of TICo(C0)4 and ligand (about 4 mmol in each case) were stirred in 30 ml of 1,2-dichloroethane, dichloromethane, or benzene, usually at ,'5 for several hours until gas evolution ceased. The solutions were filtered and reduced in volume until precipitation just began to occur. A large excess of heptane was added as a layer across the top of the solution and allowed to diffuse slowly into the solution. Following formation of the crystalline product, the mother liquor was removed with a syringe, and the product was washed with several 10 ml portions of hexane then dried under vacuum. With the exception of triphenyl phosphite and tris(p-chlorotriphenyl) phosphite, the ligands used in this reaction gave thallium(II1) compounds and a metallic lump or mirror. The metal was soluble in dilute nitric acid, and the nitric acid solutions gave a white precipitate upon addition of sodium chloride solutions. No reaction was observed with As(OCH3)3 or P(C6F5)3. The reaction of P(C6Hs)zCl gave a product identified as [Co(C0)3P(C6H5)2]2 from its infrared spectrum (2030 (w), 1995 (vs), 1970 (sh) cm 1) and melting point (151-153'). The presence of dichloromethane in several of the products was verified by mass spectroscopy which showed CH2CI2 and its fragments in the spectra of these compounds. Preparation of T I C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C H ~ ) ~ C C ~TI[Co(C0)3P(OHS. CHz)3CCzH5]3 (1.3 mmol) in 30 ml of tetrahydrofuran was reduced over 1% sodium amalgam producing NaCo(C0)3P(OCH2)3CCzHs. The anion solution was filtered and the tetrahydrofuran was removed in vacuo. The sodium salt was redissolved in 20 ml of water and upon addition of 3.80 mmol of TIN03 in 20 ml of water an orange-red precipitate was produced. The water was syringed off and the product was washed with three 20 mi portions of water and dried under vacuum. Preparation of ace(c o ) 3P(C6H5)3. NaCo(CO)3P( C6H5)3 (2.46 mmol) in 20 ml of water was filtered onto 2.5 mmol of TIN03 in 20 ml of water producing an orange-red precipitate. The water was syringed off and the product was washed with three 20 ml portions of water and dried under vacuum. Preparation of T I [ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C ~ Hand ~ ) ~TI[Co(CO)3P(p]~ OC6H4C1)3]3. These compounds were prepared by the metathetical reaction of thallic nitrate with the corresponding thallium(1) compounds in a 50-50 water-tetrahydrofuran solution. The tetrahydrofuran was removed under vacuum, and the remaining water was removed from the crystalline product with a syringe. The product

was washed several times with 20 ml portions of water then dried under vacuum. Preparation of [Co(CO)zDPE]zCH2C12. A solution of 3.49 mmol of TlCo(C0)4 and 3.50 mmol of 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane in 30 ml of benzene was stirred for 4 hr at 60-80'. After filtration, the solvent was removed in vacuo and the product was dissolved in 30 ml of dichloromethane. After adding 20 ml of acetonitrile, the dichloromethane was slowly removed in vacuo causing red crystals to precipitate. The crystals were washed with two 20 ml portions of acetonitrile. Preparation of [Co(C0)2DPM]z. A solution of 8.18 mmol of TICo(C0)4 and 8.20 mmol of DPM in 50 ml of benzene was stirred for 24 hr at 80'. The solution was filtered and the solvent was removed in vacuo. The solid was extracted several times with 20 ml portions of acetone leaving behind a yellow solid. This solid was dissolved in a minimum of dichloromethane, giving a black solution, and filtered. A large excess of hexane was added as a layer and by letting the two layers diffuse together, black-green crystals were obtained. These crystals could be converted to a yellow solid by stirring in acetone for a few minutes. The acetone soluble fraction from the initial extraction, after removal of the acetone in vacuo, was dissolved in a minimum of hot methanol and set aside at 0' for several hours giving orange crystals. These isomers could also be isolated from a solution of TI[Co(CO)3DPM]3 stirred at 80' in benzene for 24 hr.

Results Reactions Giving TI(1) Derivatives. With only a few exceptions, tertiary phosphines, arsines, and stibines react smoothly with TlCo(C0)4 in solvents of low dielectric constant such as benzene, toluene, dichloromethane, and dichloroethane with the evolution of carbon monoxide and the formation of substituted thallium cobalt carbonyls. With most of the ligands tried, the products isolated from t h e reaction mixture were derivatives of Tl[Co(C0)4]3 and thallium metal (vide infra). However, with P(OC6Hs)3 a n d P(OC6H4C1)3, T1(I) derivatives were the final products. In addition to these two compounds, other species appearing t o be Tl(1) derivatives were observed in solution (Table 11). During the initial stages of t h e reaction of TlCo(C0)4 with several Lewis bases, strong bands appeared in the infrared spectra of the reaction mixtures at about 1900 cm-1. This is the region where both T1C o ( C 0 ) 3 P ( O C 6 H s ) 3 and T I C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C ~ H ~ have C ~ )a ~ strong band (Table 11). These peaks disappeared as the Tl(II1) derivatives were formed. We were later able to isolate one of these intermediates, TlCo(CO)3P(OCH2)3CCsHs, as well

2362 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 14, No. 10, 1975

S. Erik Pedersen and William R. Robinson

Table 11. Peak Maxima of the Infrared Spectra of TlCo(CO),L and NaCo(CO),L NaCo (CO),P(OC, 8 ,) , NaCo(CO),P(OC, H4C1), TICo(CO),P(OC, H j ) 3

TlCo(C0),P(OC, H,C1) , TlCo(CO),P(OCH, ),CC, H, TlCo(C0) ,P(OCH, CH, C1) 3 u TlCo(CO),P(C, H,F),'

TlCo(CO),P(OC,H,)(OCHz)2a TICo(C0) ,P(0CH 3 ) TlCo(C0),P(OC, H j )

Tetrahydrofuran Dimethyl sulfoxide Tetrahydrofuran Dichloromethane Tetrahydrofuran Nitromethane

1964 (s), 1885 (vs), 1843 (s) 1960 (s), 1875 (vs, br) 1969 (s), 1892 (vs), 1859 (s) 2009 (w), 1973 (m), 1912 (s) 1906 (s) 2009 (w), 1970 (m); 1907 (vs), 1881 (s) 1961 (m),1904 (m, sh), 1881 (vs) 1958 (s), 1875 (vs, br) 2011 (w), 1976 (m),1916 (s) 1912 (s) 1902 (s) 1896 (s) 1911 (s) 1900 (s) 1898 (s)

Acetonitrile Dimethyl sulfoxide Dichloromethane Dichloromethane Dichloromethane Benzene Benzene Tetrahydrofuran + water Tetrahydrofuran + water

Observed as reaction intermediates.

as T ~ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( C ~byH ~the ) ~ metathetical , reaction of TIN03 with NaCo(CO)3L in water. Similar metathetical reactions carried out in tetrahydrofuran and water gave solutions with infrared spectra characteristic of TlCo(C0)3P(OCH3)3 and TlCo(CO)sP(OC2H5)3 although neither of these compounds were isolated. The isolation of TlCo(C0)3P(OCH2)2CC2H5 and Tlco(CO)3P(CsHs) from TIN03 and NaCo(CO)3L in water along with the recent work of Burlitch.8 who isolated a variety of less stable TI(1) derivatives by the same method, seem to indicate that other Tl(1) compounds might be prepared by this route. TlCo(CO)3P(OC6H5)3 and TlCo(C0)3P(OCsH4C1)3 are air sensitive yellow-orange solids which are soluble in all common organic solvents except saturated hydrocarbons giving orange to red solutions. In contrast to TlCo(C0)4, these complexes are completely insoluble in water. Large crystals of both compounds can be handled in the air far brief periods of time without any significant decomposition, but in solution they are rapidly decomposed upon exposure to the air. The air-sensitive yellow-orange solids TICo(C0)3P(OCH2)3CCzHs and TlCo(Co)3P(CsH5)3 decompose upon solution in nondonor solvents giving thallium metal and the correspopnding thallium(II1) derivative. The infrared spectra of TlCo(CO)3P(OC6H5)3 are solvent dependent in a fashion similar to that found for TlCo(C0)4 (Table 11). In dimethyl sulfoxide, a solvent of high dielectric constant, the spectrum is indistinguishable from that of NaCo(C0)3P(OC6H5)3 in the same solvent. NaCo(C0)3P(OC6H5)3 is presumed to dissolve in dimethyl sulfoxide to produce solvent-separated Yaf ions and Co(C0)3P(OC6H5)3ions in a fashion analogous to NaCo(C0)4.10 Similar species appear to exist in solutions of T ~ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O Cin ~H di-~ ) ~ methyl sulfoxide. In solvents of low dielectric constant, such as dichloromethane and tetrahydrofuran, the spectra of TICo(C0)3P(OCsHs)3 show three peaks and one peak, respectively, a t significantly higher energies than those of the free anion suggesting the same type of T l K o interaction found for TlCo(CO)@ is present in these two solvents. In acetonitrile and nitromethane, solvents with dielectric constants intermediate between those of tetrahydrofuran and dimethyl sulfoxide, the spectra show both anion peaks and peaks due to associated species. In acetonitrile the anion peaks predominate while the peaks due to the associated species are of greater intensity than the anion peaks in nitromethane. It appears that equilibrium amounts of both the solvent separated ions and the associated species are present in solution. This equilibrium favors the dissociated species in good donor solvents with high dielectric constants and the associated species in solvents of low dielectric constant. The infrared and molecular weight data for TlCo(CO)3-

Table 111. Peak Maxima of the Infrared Spectra of TI[Co(CO),L], in Dichloromethane -


u(CO), c m - '

2046 (vw), 2009 (m),1978 (s) 2046 (vw), 2008 (m), 1976 ( 9 ) 2045 (vw),2008 (m),1975 (s) 2044 (vw), 2008 (m),1974 (s) 2040 (w), 2000 (m),1968 (s) 2040 (vw), 2002 (m), 1963 (s) 2038 (w), 1999 (m),1961 (s) 2035 (w), 1997 (m), 1959 (s) 2026 (w), 1993 (m),1953 (s) 2026 (w),1993 (m),1953 (s) 2024 (w), 1993 (m), 1951 (s) 2020 (w), 1989 (m), 1951 (?) 2024 (w), 1990 (m), 1950 (s) (C,H,),PCH,P(C,H,),(DPIM) (C,H5),P(CH,),P(C,H,),(DPE)a 2025 (w),1989 (m), 1948 (s) 2016 (w),1979 (m),1938 (s) P(C,H,), a Not isolated. ROC6H4C1), P(OC, H ), P(OCH,),CC,H,a P(OC,H,)(OCH,), P(OCH, CH, Cl) P(OCH,CH=CH,),a P(OCH,) , ROC, H5),' P(C,H,F), P(C,H,) 3 As(C,H,), Sb(C,Hj),

P(OcsH5)3 indicate an undissociated species with a covalent T1-Go interaction in solvents of low dielectric constant. An ion pair with a TI-0 interaction would be expected to give rise to at least one C-0 stretching frequency lower than that of the free ion analogous to those observed for metal carbonyl anions 0-coordinated to aluminum,' 1 magnesium,Iz and sodium.10 This type of interaction is presumably also responsible for the 1843 and 1859 cm-1 peaks observed for the NaCo(C0)3L derivatives in tetrahydrofuran (Table 11). Since similar low frequency bands are not observed for TICo(C0)3P(O@6H5)3in either dichloromethane or tetrahydrofuran, a T1-0 interaction can be ruled out. Although there is a significant shift to higher frequencies in going from the anion to the Tl(1) compound, the shift is small compared with that observed between the anion and the Tl(II1) derivative (Tables 11 and 111). Considering the more intense band, there is a shift of -35 cm-1 between the anion and the Tl(1) derivative but a shift of 100 cm-1 between the anion and the Tl(I1I) compound. This shift must result from a charge transfer from Co to TI during bond formation. The charge transfer to TI(1) is less than to Tl(II1) which indicates less covalent character in the T K Obond in TlCo(C0)3L than in TI[Co(C0)3L]3. A similar observation was made for TlCo(C0)4 and Tl[Co(C0)4]3.*,13 A great variety of R , M [ C O ( C O ) ~ L ]species ~ have been reported and structural data are available for a few.l4--lS In a11 cases the Co(CO)3L group exhibits C3" local symmetry. This type of complex often shows two bands in the carbonyl region, a very strong band and a very weak band a t higher frequency. The very weak high-frequency band, which sometimes is not observed, is considered to be due to the totally symmetric equatorial stretching mode (the AI mode), while

Reactions of Thallous Tetracarbonylcobaltate

Inorganic Chemistry, Vo1. 14, No. 10, 1975 2363

the intense lower frequency band is due to the E mode.18 Since and NaCo(C0)3P(C6Hs)3 in tetrahydrofuran and water2 also in tetrahydrofuran TlI=o(C0)3P(OC6H5)3 exhibits one very forms Tl[Co(C0)3P(C6H5)3]3 which almost certainly involves strong band in the carbonyl region, it seems likely that the initial formation of T ~ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( C ~Finally, H ~ ) ~ . when TlCo(C0)3P(OC6H5)3 has C ~symmetry V in this solvent. The TlCo(C0)3P(C6H5)3 or T I C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C H ~ ) ~ C are C~H~ geometry of TlCo(CO)sP(OC6H5)3 in dichloromethane is dissolved in dichloromethane, they immediately dispropormuch more difficult to determine. The observed three band tionate to thallium metal and Tl[Co(C0)3PR3]3. Thallium(1) spectrum is consistent with any of three possible trigonal derivatives of (CsHs)M(C0)3- (M = Cr, Mo, and W) and bipyramidal isomers with axial C O groups, but without adMn(C0)5- also decompose to the corresponding thallium(II1) ditional information the correct structure cannot be ascerderivatives and thallium metal.8 tained. The Tl[Co(C0)3L]3 derivatives are air stable dark red or One might speculate as to why there is a change in geometry purple solids which sometimes appear to be black when they of T ~ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C upon ~ H ~going ) ~ from tetrahydrofuran are isolated as large crystals. Some of these compounds to dichloromethane. While tetrahydrofuran is a fair donor crystallize with 2 mol of dichloromethane when recrystallized solvent which may solvate the thallium atom to some extent from or prepared in this solvent. They are soluble in most increasing its coordination number, dichloromethane is a very common organic solvents except for saturated hydrocarbons poor donor and cannot increase the coordination number. A in some cases. Although they are air stable in the solid state, system in which thallium is coordinated to only one entity is the solutions of these compounds must be protected from the probably not a very stable one, and one way that the thallium air. In contrast to the TlCo(CO)3L derivatives, these commight increase its coordination number is to move closer to pounds are only partially dissociated in good ionizing solvents one or two of the CO groups and interact with the ?r cloud such as dimethyl sulfoxide as can be ascertained from the weakness or absence of peaks due to the anion in this solvent. of the CO. This would result in Cs symmetry and hence three This along with a shift of 100 cm-1 to higher energy in going carbonyl bands in the infrared spectrum. This is probably not the case, however, since this association of Tl(1) with one or from the anion to the Tl(II1) compound as mentioned above two C O is not observed for TlCo(C0)4 in dichloromethane indicate strong covalent thallium-cobalt bonds in the in which it has C ~ symmetry.8J3 V T1[Co(CO) 3L]3 derivatives. A second alternative would be a structure in which T1 forms T ~ [ C O ( C O ) ~ A ~ ( Cis~ aHspecial ~)~]~ case, however. The a ?r complex with the ?r electron density of the ligand phenyl infrared spectrum of this compound in dimethyl sulfoxide ring. Two thallium(1)-benzene a complexes have previously shows only one peak at 1891 cm-1 which is what is observed for NaCo(CO)4 in dimethyl sulfoxide.10 Tl[Co(CO),been reported,lg and it has been suggested that TlCo(C0)4 forms a similar complex with toluene.8 Since this tolueneAs(C6H5)3]3 is apparently decomposing in dimethyl sulfoxide TlCo(C0)4 complex could not be isolated, the interaction of in a complex fashion which may be similar to the reaction that the thallium with aromatic rings is probably weak and can occurs when [Co(CO)3As(C6H5)3]2 is reduced over Na/Hg easily be severed. In a donor solvent such as tetrahydrofuran, in tetrahydrofuran as shown in eq 3.20 this would probably be the case with T ~ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C ~ H ~ ) ~ 2[Co(CO),As(C,H,),], Na(Hg) NaCo(CO), + 4As(C6H,), + thus explaining the change in geometry upon going from dichloromethane to tetrahydrofuran. [Co(THF), I[Co(CO), I, (3) The spectrum of T I C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C ~ H ~in C Idichloro)~ methane is similar to that of T ~ C O ( C ~ ) ~ P ( O in C ~the H ~ ) ~ Reactions Giving [Co(CO)2L2]2 Dimers. In the previous section, the formations of Tl[Co(CO)3DPE]3 and Tl[Cosame solvent which seems to indicate that a similar thalli(C0)3DPM]3 were described. From the similarities in color um-phenyl interaction is occurring in this compound. and infrared spectra of these two compounds with other Reactions Giving Tl(III) Derivatives. In the majority of cases Tl[Co(C0)3L]3 derivatives, it appears that the bidentate the reaction between TlCo(C0)4 and Lewis bases results in ligands act as monodentate ligands in both cases. With DPE, the formation of thallium(II1) derivatives and thallium metal. the thallium(II1) derivative is formed only if the substitution Table I11 indicates the thallium(II1) derivatives prepared in this manner as well as T ~ [ C O ( C ~ ) ~ P ( O C ~ H and ~ C ~ ) reaction ~ ] ~ is run at or below room temperature with less than a stoichiometric amount of the ligand. With an excess of T ~ [ C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C ~3 H ~ ) ~ ]were prepared by reaction which ligand or at slightly elevated temperatures (50-SO"), the of the corresponding Tl(1) compounds with Tl(N03)3. Since previously reported dimer, [Co(C0)2DPE]2,21 is formed. This we were primarily interested in the isolation of Tl(1) rather compound is also formed when Tl[Co(C0)3DPE]3 is stirred than Tl(II1) compounds, no attempts were made to isolate the for several hours in benzene at 50-80'. One might speculate Tl(II1) compounds with some of these ligands. In these cases, that the formation of this dimer involves the initial formation the Tl(II1) derivatives were only identified by color and inof the disubstituted thallium(II1) compound, Tl[Cofrared spectrum in solution. (C0)2DPE]3, followed by disproportionation to the dimer and Although the final products of these substitution reactions thallium metal. The latter reaction is presumably analogous are Tl(II1) derivatives and thallium metal, the reactions seem to the one in which [(C5H5)Fe(C0)2]2 is formed from the to involve the initial formation of the substituted thallium(1) decomposition of Tl[(C5H5)Fe(C0)2] 3.8 derivatives followed by disproportionation to the thallium(II1) [Co(C0)2DPM]2 is prepared by reaction of TlCo(C0)4 derivatives and thallium metal as shown in reactions 1 and 2. with DPM at SOo in benzene or by decomposition of T1TICo(CO), + L -+ TICo(CO), L + CO (1) [Co(C0)3DPM]3 in benzene at 80'. In contrast to [Co(C0)2DPE]2, which formed only one isomer, three isomers 3TlCo(CO),L Tl[Co(CO),L], + 2T1 (2) of [Co(CO);?DPM] were isolated (Table IV). Only two There is ample evidence for this reaction route. First, the isomers are present in the reaction mixture, and they can be separated by differences in solubility. One isomer (orange) isolation of the two previously described TlCo(C0)3L deis soluble in polar solvents while the other (yellow) is not. The rivatives lends credence to the first step. Furthermore, it was previously mentioned that other TlCo(C0)sL derivatives were yellow isomer is easily converted to a black-green isomer by dissolving it in dichloromethane. Both the yellow and detected in the infrared in solution and that spectra due to these species would diminish in intensity with time and black-green isomers have bridging carbonyls (Table IV). The eventually disappear completely as those of the Tl(II1) deblack-green isomer can be crystallized from dichloromethane rivatives increased. Second, the reaction of thallous nitrate and hexane to give large almost black crystals which contain



S. Erik Pedersen and William

Inorgapzic Chemistry, V d . 14, No. 10, 197.5 Table IV. Peak Maxima of the Infrared Spectra of Some [Co(CQ),L,], Dimers ___---___ Color v(CO), cm'.' cornpa

were not stable enough to e isolated from these solvents. No Tl(1) derivatives of anions whose hydrido derivatives have pKa values equal to or greater than H C O ( C O ) ~ P ( C ~could H ~ ) ~be detected in noncoordinating saplvents. Similar results are observed with other transition metal




Dark red



1970 (s), 1920 (vs), 1753 (m, ?h), 1728 (vs) [Co(CO),DPM], Black-green 1978 (m), 1957 (s), 1922 (vs), 1773 (m), 1703 (m) [Co(CO),DPivl], Yellow 1950 (s), 1910 (vs), 1760 (m), 1696 (w) [Co(CO),DPM], Qrange 2008 (w), 1948 (m), 1878 (YS, br)

CHzClz CW,Cl,

K.B? MBr

1 mol of dichloromethane per dimer. It can be converted back to the yellow farm by stirring in acetone or acetonitrile which causes the yellow isomer to precipitate out. This behavior is not inconsistent with what has been reported for othe,r C02(CO)s-nLn derivatives.22.23 The third isomer is orange and has, in contrast to the other two isomers, no bridging carbonyls. It cannot be converted to either of the other two isomers even on refluxing in benzene for several days. This seems to indicate that it has a structure quite different from the other two isomers. Discussion The reaction of a Lewis base with a solution of TlC:a(C0)4 in a solvent with a low dielectric constant may proceed through one or more of the following series of reactions. TlCo(CO), + L TlCo(CO),L + CO 3TlCo(CO),L+ Tl[Co(CO),L], f 2T1 2Tl[Co(CO),L], + 3[Co(CO),L], + 2Tl --f

(4) (5)


The basicity of the anion Co(G0)3L-, Co(C0)2l)PE-, or Co(CO)2DPM- can serve as a guide to the stability of the various intermediates in this series. One index to the relative base strength of transition metal carbonyl anions is provided by the acid dissociation constant of their corresponding hydrides. The position of the carbonyl stretching bands of transition metal carbonyl anion derivatives can also be helpful in assigning relative base strengths to the anions, especially for an isoelectronic series such as M(CO)nLwhere only L is changing. The relative basicity of M(CO)nLis presumably related to the T acidity of E. If E is high on the T acidity scale,23 as is P(OCsHs)3, its ability to accept electron density is greater than for some L lower on the same scale such as P(C6Mj)3. The more electron density L can remove from the metal, the lower the basicity of M(GO)nL-, The carbonyl stretching frequencies are also sensitive to the electron density on the metal. A he 7r acidity of E decreases so do the frequencies of the C modes. Lowering of the carbonyl frequency indicates a greater electron density on the metal which suggests that the basicity of the anion, M(C has increased. In the absence of steric effects, which will be discussed in a separate communication, a p& o f about 5 for the hydridocarbonyls is the upper limit of base strength for which thallium(1) derivatives of the corresponding transition metal carbonyl anions are stable. In the Co(CO)3E- series, stable Tl(I) derivatives have been prepared with L = CO, P ( O C 6 Hj)3, and P(OC6H4C1)3. The PKa of HCo(C0)4 is about 1,24 the pKa of H C O ( C O ) ~ I ? ( O C ~ H is ~4.95,20 )~ while that of H C O ( C O ) ~ P ( O C ~ H ~ is C I probably )~ somewhat lower. HCo(CO)3P(C6H5)3 has a pKa of 6.96 and only the thallium(I1I) derivative of the corresponding anion is stable in noncoordinating solvents. Tl(I) derivatives of anions whose hydrido derivatives have values which fall between HCo(C0)3P(OCdh)3 and ( C 0 ) 3 P t C 6 M s h as suggested by the relative values of the CO frequencies in Tl[Co(C0)3L]3 could be detected in soluti~rlin moncoordinating solvents but

( @ 0 ) 3 - . (M E= e r , Mo, and W) dispr~portionate rather rapidly in solvents of low diekctric csnstant,8 while Tl(I) derivatives sf the strongly basic anions Mn(CO):iand (CsHs)Fe(CO)z--showed no stability at all in solution at ambient temperatures but immediately ~ i s p r o ~ o r t ~ o n atot e d the corresponding TI(l[H%)derivatives.6,g This seems to indicate that the stabiiity of thalliuni(4) derivatives of transition metal carbonyl anions decreases gradually with increasing base strength of the anions and presumably the covalent cha f the T1--M bond. ~ e a ~ ~ y basic anions characterized rido derivatives with pKa values of about 5 or less gi e thadlliuin(1) deriva,tives. Anions whose hydrido derivatives have pKa values between 5 and 7 form thalliurn(1) derivatives of marginal stability. Such derivatives are usually stable in the solid state but disproportionate more or less rapi Iy in so%ventsof low dielectric constant. Anions whose hydrides have or greater may be stable i or at low temperatures immediately in solve The stability of Ti and W? might also be related to the base strength of R-since the very strongly ba anions (CsHs)Fe(C0)2-,* e o (C0)2DPM-, and Co( )zDPE- do not give stable TI species. ment. We gratefully acknowledge support of this work through grants from the National Science Foundue Research Foundation. (NO.GP-17554) and the

NO. TICO(C0)4,3899l; 'TIC0(Ccp)3P~-0B36FK4C1)3, 66-7; TICO(CO)3P(0C61-1[5)3,55046-65-6; TICQ(CO)3P(O CE$2)3CC2H5, 55871-6'2-0; T1630(C8)3g(C6B5)3, 55871-53-1; TI[co(CO)3P~-OC'6H4Cl~3]3, 5587 1-64-2; ~l[cO(C0)3P(BC6I-I[)3]3, 55871-65-3; Tl[Co(CO)3P(QC6H5)($CHz)2]3, 55871-66-4; Tl[Co(C0)3P(OCH3)3]3, 55871-67-5; TI[co(C0)3P(G6~4T;)3]3, 55925-55-8: TI[Co(C0)3P(C6R5)3]3, 55871-68-6; TI[Co(CO)3AS(C6H5)3]3, 55871-69-7; T1[CO(CCb)3$b(CsM5)3]3,55871-70-0; TI[CO(CO)~DPI\/H]~, 5587 1-7 1-1; Tl[Co(CgB)3P(n-C4H9)~~3, 5 5 8 7 1 7 2 2 ; TI [ Co ( C 0 )3 P ( 0C H 2 ) 3 C C2 H 51 3, 5 5 8 7 1- 7 3 3 ; T ~ [ C O ( G O ) ~ $ ( Q C ] ~ ~ ~ C $3,Z5587 B ~ I )1-74-4; ~] T1[CO(d'0)3P(kPcH2CH=CI1[2)3]3, 55871-75-5; -];1[630(60)3P(0C2P5)3]3,55871".76-6; TI[ Co(C0)3(DPE)] 3, 5587 1-77-'7; [@o(C8)2DPE]2 , 18757-99-8; [CO(CO)~DPIV~]?,-CH~CI~, black-green, 5587 1-79-9; [CO(CO)zDPM]2, yellow, 55871-78-8; [B~o(C0)2DPM]z, orange, ~



W. Hieber and U. Teller, Z . Anorg. Allg. Chem., 249, 48 (1942). D. P. Schussler, Mi. R. Robinson, and W. F. Edgell, Xnorg. Chem.. 13, 153 (1974). R. I,. Cooper, E. 0. Fisher, and W . Semmlinger, J . Orgaiiomef.Chem., 9, 333 (1967). R. B. King, Inorg. Chem., 9, 1936 (1970). British Patent 827,374 (1960); Chem. Abstr., 55, 3612g (1961). H. J. Haupt and F. Neurnan, J . Organornet. Chem., 33, C56 (1971). A. T. T. .Hsieh and M . T. Mays, J. Organomel. Chem., 38, 243 (1972). J. M. Burlitch and T. W. Theyson, J . Chem. Soc., Dnllon Trans., 828 ,i1978) ~ . I~.


D. M. Adams, "Metal-Ligand and Related Vibrations", St. Martin's Press, New 'fork, N.Y., 1968, p 54. W. F. Edgell, J. Lyford IV, A. Barbetta, and C. S. Jose, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,83, 6403 (1971). R. B. Fetersen, J. J. Stezowski, C. Wan, J. M, Burlitch, and R. E. Hughes, J . A m . Chem. SOC., 93, 3S32 (1971). S. W. Ulmer, P. M. Skarstad, J. M.Burlitch, and R. E. I-lughes, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,95, 4469 (1973). W. F. Edgell, W. R. Robinson, A. Barbetta, and D. P. Schussler, unreported observations.

Tl(1) Derivatives Containing Fe, Cr, and V R. F. Bryan and A. R. Manning, Chem. Commun., 1316 (1968). J. K. Stalick and J. A. Ibers, J . Organomet. Chem., 22, 213 (1970) L. M. Bower and M. H. B. Stiddard, J . Chem. SOC.A , 706 (1968). D. J. Patmore and W. A. G. Graham, Inorg. Chem., 6, 981 (1967). D. J. Patmore and W. A. G. Graham, Inorg. Chem., 7, 771 (1968). T. Avel and E. L. Amma, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 90, 5941 (1968). (20) W. Hieber and E. Lindner, Chem. Ber., 94, 1417 (1961).

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19)

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 14, No. 10, 1975 2365 (21) H. Behrens and W. Aquila, Z . Anorg. Allg. Chem., 356, 8 (1967). (22) C. Pegot and M. Poilblanc, C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., Ser. C,268, 955 (1969). (23) W. D. Horrocks, Jr., and R. C. Taylor, Inorg. Chem., 2, 723 (1963). (24) W. Hieber and W. Hubell, Ber. Busenges. Phys. Chem., 57,235 (1953). (25) S. E. Pedersen, W. R. Robinson, and D. P. Schussler, J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 805 (1974).

Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

On the Stability of Tlnallium(1) Transition Metal Carbonyls. Derivatives Containing Iron, Chromium, and Vanadium S. ERIK PEDERSEN and WlLLIAM R. ROBINSON* Received January 23, 1975


The stability of TI(1) derivatives of transition metal carbonyl anions, TIR, has been shown to depend on at least two factors: (1) the percent covalent character of the TI-M bond and (2) the size of R. Only those compounds with weak covalency in the TI-M bond are stable in solvents in which they are not dissociated except when R is bulky. In the absence of steric effects the base strength of R can be used as a guide to the stability of the TIR derivatives. With weakly basic anions, TI(1) derivatives are stable as associated species and may be isolated at room temperature. TI(1) derivatives of more strongly basic anions are not stable and attempts to prepare these compounds in noncoordinating solvents result in the formation of thallium metal and TlR3 derivatives. A series of metathetical reactions of TIN03 with the relatively weakly basic anions Fe(CO)3NO- and RFe(C0)4- ( R = C H K N , C(=O)C6Hs, Sn(C6H5)3, and CN) produce stable TI(I) compounds. TICr(CO)3(CsH5) can be isolated by the same method but is only stable in the solid state. The reaction of elemental thallium with V(CO)6 gives the TI(1) derivative of the weakly basic V(CO)6- anion. All of these TI(1) derivatives contain a weak TI-M bond in solvents in which they are not dissociated. Although this bond is weak, some of the TIR derivatives undergo substitution reactions with Lewis bases. The products of the substitution reactions are either TI(1) or TI(II1) derivatives depending on factors 1 and 2 above. Thus P(OC6H4CI)3 and P(C6H5)3 react with TIFe(CO)3NO to give TI(1) and TI(II1) derivatives, respectively. TIFe(CO)&n(C6H5)3 reacts with Lewis bases in solvents of low dielectric constant to give derivatives of the type T1Fe(C0)3YdSn(C6Hs)3. The stability of these complexes is attributed to the large size of the (C6H5)3SnFe(C0)3Lanion which prevents the formation of the corresponding TI(II1) derivatives.

Introduction The reactions of TlCo(C8)4 with a variety of Lewis bases in noncoordinating solvents have been shown to proceed with formation of either TlCo(C0)3L or Tl[Co(C0)3L]3 and thallium metal.1 Thallium(1) compounds were formed with Lewis bases which give substituted cobalt carbonyl anions of relatively low basicity while with ligands giving more strongly basic anions, thallium(II1) derivatives and thallium metal formed. These substitution reactions suggested that a PKa of about 5 for the hydridocarbonyl is the upper limit of the base strength which is consistent with the formation of stable thallium(1) derivatives of the corresponding metal carbonyl anions. It has been reported2 that thallium(1) derivatives of other strongly basic anions disproportionate readily to the thallium(II1) derivatives and thallium metal. However, no stable thallium derivatives of weakly basic anions other than those of Co(CO)3L- noted above have been reported. We set out to determine if thallium(1) derivatives of weakly basic transition metal carbonyl anions were stable in general and have prepared such derivatives containing vanadium, chromium, and iron. From the results of this work it is apparent that the stability of these thallium(1) compounds is related to the base strength of the metal carbonyl anion as well as to the size of this anion. A note describing portions of this work has appeared.3 Experimental Section All operations were conducted under nitrogen using Schlenk-type equipment with deoxygenated solvents. Tetrahydrofuran was distilled from lithium aluminum hydride and stored over molecular sieves. All spectra were recorded on a Beckman IR-12 spectrophotometer. The spectra were calibrated in the carbonyl region using polystyrene and Hg[Co(CO)4]2 in heptane. The C O frequencies of this solution were

taken from Adams.4 Melting points were determined in sealed capillary tubes under a nitrogen atmosphere. The compounds prepared, melting points, yields, and analyses are reported in Table I. Molecular weights were determined under nitrogen by vapor pressure osmometry in benzene. Fe(C0)5, Na2Fe(C0)4.1.5digIyme, and Na(diglyme)2V(CO)6 were obtained from Alfa Inorganics, Beverly, Mass. Preparation of TIFe(CO)3NO. Fe(C0)5 (10.4 mmol) and 10.0 mmol of KNOz dissolved in 10 ml of methanol were stirred for 18 hr at 35-40O.5 After cooling to room temperature, 10.0 mmol of TIN03 in 25 ml of water was added and the solvent (CH3OH H2O) was removed in vacuo. The remaining solid was extracted with four 20 ml portions of benzene and the resulting solution was reduced in volume to ca. 10 ml. Heptane (60 mi) was carefully placed on top of the benzene solution and the two layers were allowed to diffuse together giving red crystals. Preparation of n[Fe(C0)2P(C6H5)3NS],. A solution of 1.45 mmol of TIFe(CO)3NO and 1.45 mmol of P(C6H5)3 in 20 ml of dichloromethane was stirred at 20' for 8 hr. The solution was filtered and concentrated to ca. 5 ml. A layer of 50 ml of hexane was added and the two layers were allowed to diffuse together producing black crystals. By this method the product was TI[Fe(C0)2P(CsHs)3N0]3*2CH2C12. Preparation of TIFe(CO)2P(OC6H4CI)3NO. Equimolar quantities of TIFe(CO)3NO and P(OC6H4C1)3 were dissolved in toluene and stirred for several hours at 0'. After filtration, the solvent was removed in vacuo and the residue was dissolved in a minimum of dichloromethane. A large excess of hexane was added and when the two layers had diffused together golden yellow needles were recovered by filtration. Preparation of TICr(C0)3C5H5. NaCr(CO)X5Hs (5.00 mmol) in 30 ml of tetrahydrohran was filtered onto 5.00 mmol of TIN03 in 30 ml of water producing an orange solution. The tetrahydrofuran was removed in vacuo with the precipitation of a yellow solid. The water was syringed off and the product was washed with three 20 ml portions of water and dried in vacuo. Preparation of TI[Cr(CO)3CsH5]3. Method 1. A solution of 2.50 mmol of [Cr(C0)3C5H5]2 dissolved in 20 ml of benzene and a 3 g
