Transport of atmospheric sea salt in coastal zone

conducted on Padre Island,. Tex., and Barbados, W.I. These sites are under the influ- ence of diurnal sea breezes and yearly trade winds, respec- tive...
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Transport of Atmospheric Sea Salt in Coast: S. A. Hsu' and Thomas Whelan Ill Coastal Studies Institute. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. 71 .


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Tex., and Barbados, W.I. These sites are under the influence of diurnal sea breezes and yearly trade winds, respectively. A model is developed to explain the distribution of aerosols. The model is sumorted by independent measurewindward beach in Hawaii h: v 1ments below 20 m above1Duce and Woodcock ( I ) and Hoffman and Duce (2).

portant subject for investigation in recent years. Sea salt aerosols are a significant source of condensation nuclei (3). The quantity and quality of sea salt particles deposited on land may also he important in determining the physical and chemical characteristics of coastal soils and plants (4, 5). Evaporation of droplets of seawater ejected into the atmosphere when huhhles burst a t the sea surface in the surf and whitecap zunes adds a net positive space charge to the air (6). A t least two types of atmospheric sea salt particles exist which can affect the coastal zone: Surf-produced sea spray generated by breaking waves and aerosols generated in the open ocean by bursting huhhles (1, 7). Airhorne sea salts range in size from about 0.5 M (8) t o 100 IL (9). Toba (10) concluded, from theoretical considerations, that oceanic aerosol mass concentration generally decreased exponentially with height and that below 1 km the concentration was independent of particle size. Simpsun (11) reported an increase in Na concentration above the trade wind inversion during periods of diurnal change in temperature and humidity.

volumes of 1.5-2.3 m" were obtained tor individual determinations of Na and Mg by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The Mg concentration was determined in each sample as an internal check for Na inasmuch as the M g D a ratio in worldwide air samples is the least fractionated of the major atmospheric cations with respect to seawater. T h e average fractionation or E value EM^ = [(Mg/Na).,,/ (Mg/Na)seamaterj- 1) for Mg was +0.065. However, Ehlg ranged from +0.98 during an offshore wind period to -0.30 during a persistent onshore wind period (13). All positive Ehlg values occurred during periods of offshore winds, a fact which suggests that a terrestrial source of Mg was introduced into the sample. The most negative Ehlg value occurred during persistent onshore winds above 5 mls. Two aerosol samplers set a t 1.55 m above the beach were run simultaneously for several 3- to 6-h periods to measure the overall analytical precision of the method. A difference of 8.1% in Na concentrations was observed between duplicate samples when the aerosol concentrations were above 100 fig Na/m3. There was less than 2% difference between duplicate samples which had concentrations less than 100 pg Nalm3

The Mod, The generation or aerosols aepends upon many meteorological and oceanographic factors (14). Among those in the coastal region are wind speed, direction, duration, and fetch (which govern the sea state and whitecap distrihution), and subaqueous bathymetry (which controls the breaking wave condition in the surf zone) (Figure 2). Therefore, aerosols occur neither as point sources (for whitecaps) nor as line sources (for surf zone) from an atmo-

Ihpen'rnental Methods

Two field experiments were conducted, the first on Padre Island National Seashore near Corpus Christi, Tex., during September 1972 and the second a t Barbados, W.I., during August 1973. The sampling apparatus a t Padre Island was located a t the high tide mark. Breaking waves were observed from 10-150 m offshore, and sea state, wind speed, and wind direction were variable. The sampling apparatus a t Barbados was located on the northeastern coast a t Conset Bay. Breaking waves vere filtered from the mainland by a fringing reef approximately 200 m offshore. Sea state, wind speed, and wind direction were relatively constant. Three air samplers, 1.55, 3.1, and 4.6 m high, were placed approximately 3 m apart on the beach and parallel to the high tide mark (Figure 1).Air samples containing gases and particles of all sizes were collected by a method similar to that described by Tsunogai e t al. (12). Air was drawn through 250 ml of double-distilled water in GreenhurgSmith glass samplers by vacuum pumps operated from a gasoline generator placed 100 m downwind from the Sampling site. Flow rates were calibrated in the lahoratory and set with a purge meter a t 12 l./min, ur 0.75 m3/h. Total air

Figure 1. Aerosol samplers at

three elevations along a Padre Island

beach Volume 10,Number 3. March 1976 281

spheric diffusion viewpoint. The best approach to estimating the aerosol concentration may be t o assume a distributed area source which simply treats the offshore and nearshore area contributions as coming from a continuous distribution of infinitesimal sources. Because the coastline constitutes a discontinuity in terms of the roughness of the underlying surface, as well as of heat and moisture, the wind must readjust as it passes such areas. The flow does not immediately adapt itself at all levels to the local surface roughness but does so only in the layer adjacent to the surface. The height of the layer in which the influence of the new roughness is felt, the socalled internal boundary layer (Figure 2), increases with distance downwind from the point of change in roughness (15).Measurements of this boundary layer have been made by Hsu ( 1 6 ) on a beach and by Panofsky and Peterson (17) on a narrow peninsula surrounded by bays of varying widths. The thickness of the internal boundary layer is greater under the influence of a sea breeze, owing t o stronger solar radiation ( 1 8 ) ,than under synoptic onshore winds (e.g., gradient winds). Thus, over land influenced by onshore wind, such as a beach-dune complex, mixing depths are considerably reduced but highly variable and thus act as a sink. Irregular terrain such as a nearshore cliff or dunes will act as another source or sink, but which condition prevails depends upon where the separation of airflow occurs (19). Turbulent vortices commonly induced by obstacles should be taken into account. In addition, gravitational settling should be considered as a possible aerosol sink. For areas where there is no internal boundary layer effect, there are many area source formulas for modeling urban air pollution, but a simple and effective one has recently been developed by Gifford and Hanna (20). Given the equation where x is the volume concentration of a pollutant emitted from an area source of strength Q, and U is the average wind speed, according to their model the parameter C is given by

C = (~/T)"*X'-~[U -(b)]-' ~

= 5 m to 133 for X = 50 m, assuming a = 0.080 and b = 0.881 (21). These values indicate that on the open ocean whitecaps would be observable within an upwind distance of 5-50 m. This assumption is reasonable because for fully developed seas whitecaps are distributed in such a way that the most common distance between two caps ranges from 10-100 m (24). Substituting values of x, U , and C into Equation 1, Q E 0.1 wg/m2/s. The validity of Q may be examined from another viewpoint. Since the production of atmospheric sea salts from the ocean surface must equal the input from both precipitation and dry fallout, one can follow the data provided by Eriksson (25) for calculating the input of sea salt into the ocean. If Q is a reasonable number, then the annual input should equal the production as calculated from Q. Given Q = 0.1 pg/m2/s and the area of the ocean surface is 3.6 X l O I 4 m2, then the annual production of sea salts is 1.1 X 1015 g/yr. If the fallout rate [from data provided by Eriksson (25) from two trade wind stations (6 m/s)] is 5.5 X 1g/cm2/s or 540 X lo6 tonsiyr, and assuming t h a t sea salts are equally removed by dry fallout and precipitation, then the removal rate of sea salts from the atmosphere to the oceans is 1.8 X 1015 g/yr. Thus, Q appears t o be a valid number on the basis of the geochemical balance of the world's oceans. We now examine the estimation of vertical distribution of aerosols in the coastal zone. First, because atmospheric stability in the coastal area plays an important role in the vertical structure of horizontal winds, for a given beach (18) where the roughness parameter is known (26), the power law relationship with stability characteristics (21) is adapted:

U/U1= (Z/Zl)P

where U1 is the wind speed a t some reference level 21. The exponent, P , depends on the stability class. Substituting Equation 3 into Equation 1,

x 40









Figure 2. Schematic representation of point and line sources for sea salt and the effect of the internal boundary layer (see text for explanation)


Environmental Science & Technology



1 1


= CQ/[~'~(z/zi)~]


where X is the distance from a receptor point to the upwind edge of the area source. The constants a and b are defined by the vertical atmospheric diffusion length, oz = axb.Values of a and b for different atmospheric dispersion conditions can be found in various texts and handbooks (21 ). For Equation 1 to be useful, it must be verified by available data. Chesselet e t al. (22) have measured sea salt aerosols over the open ocean where x = 2.0 wg/m3 and U = 5 m/s. The value of C may be calculated by Equation 2. For the neutral stability condition, which is prevalent in most oceanic regions (23), the value of C ranges from 100 for X















X h I

I 140


Figure 3. Model verification by available data obtained on open coasts in Texas and Hawaii and a protected coast on Barbados. Note that the tower top in Duce and Woodcock ( I ) was 24 m above sea level and that of Hoffman and Duce (2) was 20 m above sea level. 0 Hawaii ( 1, 2); A Texas, 1972;

Barbados, 1973

As discussed previously, the internal boundary layer, gravitational settling, and terrain-induced vortices will act as a source or as a sink, depending upon the aerodynamic roughness over the area in question. Equation 4 should be modified as follows:

(5) where S represents source (positive) and sink (negative). For a given location on the beach, the values of C, Q, U1, and 2 1 can be estimated from known meteorological and oceanographic conditions. Therefore, the vertical distribution from a given region (such as a beach face) toward the open ocean is =

*s + BZ-114


where B = CQZ11/4/U1from Equation 5 , in which 1/4 is substituted for P to represent neutral stability conditions of an average day and night (21). Figure 3, in which data from Texas, Hawaii, and Barbados are incorporated, accurately supports Equation 6. Note that the concentration downwind from a pollution source should also depend on the obliqueness of the wind. However, a recent numerical experiment by Calder (27) shows that although the concentrations increase as the wind more closely parallels the direction of a line source, the increase is only slight and, for many practical purposes, may be disregarded.

Remarks It should be noted that the study presented here is preliminary. However, it is felt that the model is useful as a first approximation. Certainly much more data are needed to improve the model. Particularly, similar experiments deploying three vertical levels and three onshore stations, extending landward, should be conducted under several meteorological and oceanographic conditions. Atmospheric systems such as migratory storms, monsoons, and other localized coastal winds should be studied because they can induce variable offshore whitecapping and surf zone breaking conditions. Structures of the internal boundary layer and the effect of terrain on the airflow in the coastal zone under various wind systems should also be studied in more detail.

Acknowledgment Comments by Hans Dolezalek of the Office of Naval Research and the journal’s reviewers are appreciated.

Literature Cited (1) Duce, R. A., Woodcock, A. H., Tellus, 23,427-35 (1971). (2) Hoffman, G. L., Duce, R. A,, J . Geophys. Res., 77, 5161-9 (1972). (3) Dinger, J . E., Howell, H. B., Wajciechowski, T. A., J . Atmos. Sci., 27,791-7 (1970). (4) El Swaify, S. A., Swindale, L. D., Uehara, G., “Salinity Tolerances of Certain Tropical Soils and Relationship between Sodium Ion Activities and Soil Physical Properties”, 49 pp, Hawaii Inst. Geophys., Univ. of Hawaii, HG-68-12, 1968. (5) James, N. P., J . Sediment. Petrology, 42,817-36 (1972). (6) Blanchard, D. C., J . Atmos. Sei., 23, 507-15 (1966). (7) Junge, C. E., J . Geophys. Res., 77,5183-5200 (1972). (8) Durbin, W. G., White, G. D., Tellus, 13,260-75 (1961). (9) Junge, C. E., Jaenicke, R., Aerosol Sei., 2,305-14 (1971). (10) Toha, Y., Tellus, 17, 131-45 (1965). (11) Simpson, H. J . , J . Geophys. Res., 77,5266-77 (1972). (12) Tsunogai, S., Saito, O., Yamada, K., Nakaya, S., ibid., p p 5283-92. (13) Whelan, T . 111, Contributions in Marine Science (Univ. of Texas at Austin), 19,3-11 (1975). (14) Roll, H. U., “Physics of the Marine Atmosphere”, 426 pp, Academic Press, N.Y., 1965. (15) Blom, J., Wartena, L., J . Atmos. Sei., 26,255-65 (1969). (16) Hsu, S. A,, J . Geophys. Res., 76,2880-5 (1971). (17) Panofsky, H. A,, Peterson, E. L., Quart. J . Roy. Meteor. SOC., 98,845-54 (1972). (18) Hsu, S . A,, Mon. Weather Reu., 101,187-94 (1973). (19) Scorer, R. S., “Natural Aerodynamics”, 312 pp, Pergamon Press, N.Y., 1958. (20) Gifford, F. A., Hanna, S. R., Atmos. Enuiron., 7,131-6 (1973). (21) Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Research Triangle Park, N.C., “User’s Guide for the Climatological Dispersion Model”, 131 pp, 1973. (22) Chesselet, R., Morelli, J., Burt-Menrad, P., J . Geophys Res., 77,5116-31 (1972). (23) Hsu, S. A,, Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 6,509-14 (1974a). (24) Neumann, G., Pierson, W. J., Jr., “Principles of Physical Oceanography”, 545 pp, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1966. (25) Eriksson, E., Tellus, 11,375-403 (1959). (26) Hsu, S. A,, Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 6,505-7 (1974b). (27) Calder, K. L., Atmos. Enuiron., 7,863-8 (1973).

Received for review March 28, 1975. Accepted October 9, 1975. Work supported by Geography Programs, Office of Naval Research, under Contract N00014-69-A-0211-0003,Project N R 388 002.

Volume 10, Number 3, March 1976