Treasury Department - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 22, 2012 - Treasury Department. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (10), pp 38A–38A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60254a732. Publication Date: August 1967. ACS Legacy ...
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There have always been good reasons for setting up the Payroll Savings Plan in your company. Now Freedom Shares offer the best reason ever. The reasons for setting up the Payroll Savings Plan for U.S. Savings Bonds were always sound — security for our country and system­ atic savings for your employees. Today these reasons are sounder than ever. The stakes are higher and so, too, is the incentive to set up and join the Plan.

A brand new U.S. Savings Note called "Freedom Share" is avail­ able from the Treasury Department. It's a companion note to the popular Series Ε Savings Bond, and available only in combination with Ε Bonds through a regular plan like Payroll Savings.

When your employees purchase Ε Bonds they have the option to buy Freedom Shares, too, on an approximate one-for-one basis. Freedom Shares earn 4 . 7 4 % when held to maturity of 41/2 years and must be held for at least one year. They are available in four de­ nominations ranging from $25 to $100, and only one deduction is necessary to apply toward the Bond/Freedom Share " p a c k a g e . " But before you or your employees can take advantage of these shares, you must first set up a Payroll Savings Plan in your plant. The plan can be easily handled under your normal payroll pro­ cedures. For a do-it-yourself kit containing all you will need to set up this employee benefit plan, mail the coupon below. Treasury Department, U. S. Savings Bonds Division Washington, D. C. 20226

Dear Sirs: Please send me a do-it-yourself kit containing all I will need to set up a Payroll Savings Plan in my plant. Name. Position Company Number of Employees Add ress City

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In your p l a n t . . . promote the PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN for U.S. Savings Bonds

The U. S. Government does not pay for this advertisement.

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