BOOK REVIEWS compounds of barium and their individual properties, requires almost half of t,he volumc. I n addition t o these major divisions, there are smaller sections on the elertrorhemical behavior of harium, alloys of barium with antimony, hismuth, raleium, and strontium, and a concluding section on the preparation and propertics oi oxide cathodes. The usual Omclin t,horoughness is evident from an inspection of the properties discussed and the many tables and figures. The importance oi barium sulfate in particular recognized, with 36 pages being devoted to the description of this compound, its crystallographic, mechanical, thermal, optical, electric, and magnetic properties along with reactions, solubility, and properties of the solutions. For location ai a sperific bit oi information, this handbook han ill be extremely helpful. The major drmvhaek is the long time lag between the publieat,ion of the original literature and the puhliention of this aollect,ion of dntn. DOXALD A. TARE Colleye qf W0081~7 Woosler, Ohio
Tmatise on Anolyticd Chemistry. PaH 1, Theory a n d Practice. Volume 3 Edited By I. .If. Koltho& University of Minnesota, Minneapulis, Philip J . Elt:ing, Universit,~ of Michigan, Ann Arhrr, with the assistance of Emesl U. Sandell, University of Minnesota. Intersciuncr Publishers, Inc., Xew York S!l(jS. xvii 141 pp. Figs. and tnldes. 17 X 24 cm. 615.25.
For review of other volomra of this treatise. see THIS JOURSAL.37. 108 [1%0,1'38, AX42, A844 [1961j, 39,' A Y ~ , A132, AGO4 [S!)G2]. This, the third volume of Pnrt I, contains the seven chapt,ers conipletiq Section C: S~~paration:Principles and Technics. The remainder of Pnrt I is erpeetcd to consist 01 five msjor sections camp~isingsome X i chapters. As noted in cxrlivr volumes the several chapters nro written hy various contributors and cach will hc recognized as well qunlifird in his field of specialization. The chapter on Liquid-Liquid Ext,raction (57 pages) is written l,p H. Irving and It. J. P. \