Trends in Chemical Consulting - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 31, 2012 - Anal. Chem. , 1992, 64 (22), pp 1091A–1091A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00046a734. Publication Date: November 1992. Copyright © 1992 American ...
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dated software package t h a t auto­ m a t e s LC, GC, IC, SFC, and CE instruments. Sample scheduling, group reports, calibration capabili­ ties, and automatic data file valida­ tion for compliance with GLP stan­ dards are described. 8 pp. Dionex 417 Atomic spectroscopy. Vol. 1, No. 2 of "The Spectroscopist" newsletter includes technical updates on TJA products and articles covering topics such as analysis of lanthanum oxide, determination of refractory elements in ores, and multielement AA spec­ trometry. 21 pp. Thermo Jarrell Ash 418 GC. "Sample Handling in GC" de­ scribes a range of methods and auto­ matic samplers for extracting analytes directly into the gas phase at ambient or elevated temperatures. The brochure includes information on the HS 40 headspace sampler and

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ESCA. Brochure highlights features of the Escalab 220i, which combines high-resolution XPS imaging, highperformance XPS, and multitechnique capability in a single instru­ ment. Discussion of the microfocused X-ray monochromator and the Eclipse data system is also included. 8 pp. Fisons Instruments 420 PCR. CE Application Note 2, "Capil­ l a r y Gel E l e c t r o p h o r e s i s of PCR Products: Easy Sample Preparation Method," details a dialysis technique designed for use before injection. Salts are removed by membrane dial­ ysis, thereby increasing the signal of amplified products. 4 pp. J&W Scien­ tific 421

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Trends in Chemical Consulting estructuring in the chemical industry has created a wealth of opportunities . . " * * · · . i>. l l f for consultants. Companies are now more willing to seek outside help than in the past as they recognize the value of experienced specialists. But what constitutes the efficient use of a consultant? And is consulting for you? Trends in Chemical Consulting explores these issues through contributions from chemical consultants, those who have used the services of a consultant, and partici­ &0ΨΙ pants in cooperative arrangements. Presen­ m tations focus on those considerations specific to consulting relationships between scientific professionals. Chemists, chemical engineers, and other scientific professionals in support areas to the chemical industry will find this an indispensible resource of infor­ mation on chemical consulting. Contents • Consulting to the Chemical Industry · Industrial Expectations for Consul­ tants and Consulting Services · Understanding, Selecting, Managing, and Compensating Consultants · An Academic Perspective on Consulting · Uni­ versity-Industrial Relationships · Accessing Federal Laboratories Know-How • What Consulting Practices Look Like · Defining and Marketing Your Con­ sulting Specialty · Opportunities for Retired Chemists · Using Consultants to Interpret Regulatory Initiatives · Major Chemical Company Retirees as Con­ sultants and Market Developers · Robotic Servicing on the Space Station Freedom · Consultation in Sensory Evaluation · Chemical Information Consultants Charles S. Sodano and David M. Stunner, Editors 174 pages (1991) Paperbound ISBN 0-8412-2106-5 $29.95

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ware, gauze, and reshapers. Infor­ mation on the properties of plati­ num, platinum alloys, and iridium as well as the use and care of platinum l a b w a r e is included. 23 pp. E n ­ gelhard 422 SRMs. NIST S t a n d a r d Reference Materials Catalog 1992-93 lists all SRMs and RMs in three major cate­ gories: chemical composition, physi­ cal properties, and engineering ma­ terials. Certified materials include metals, ores, glass, plastics, food, and e n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d clinical s t a n ­ dards. 162 pp. NIST 423 E l e c t r o p h o r e s i s . I n s t r u m e n t s for vertical, horizontal, pulsed field, and 2D electrophoresis and products for blotting, densitometry, dialysis, elu­ tion, fluorometry, gel drying, and se­ quencing are listed in the 1992-1993 catalog. Hoefer 424 I R and U V - v i s . Catalog 592 covers accessories for IR and U V - v i s spec­ trophotometers, including cells for FT-IR and dispersive instruments, polished crystals, specular reflec­ tance units, and gas cells. 30 pp. Mc­ Carthy Scientific 425

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