Trends in Chemical Consulting

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Newsletter. "Millipore Bioforum" contains articles on producing pharmaceutical-grade antisense DNA, a fluorescent DNA hybridization assay, and characterizing G-proteins in cell membranes with a multichannel immunoassay processor. Information on lab techniques and new products is provided. 17 pp. Millipore 427

Microwave Digestion Bombs In two sizes, 23 ml and 45 ml. Rapid microwave heating can now be used to speed the treatment of inorganic, organic and biological samples in strong acid or alkali media using Parr Microwave Digestion Bombs. These bombs have a microwave-transparent outer body which encloses an inner Teflon sample holder, allowing microwave energy to be used to develop high internal temperatures and pressures without overheating the outer wall. Samples can be dissolved with heating times of one minute or less with complete safety when the bombs are used as directed. Call or write for Bulletin 4700 for complete technical details.

Fluorescence analysis. "Filters for Fluorescence" contains information on fluorescence spectroscopy and filters for flow cytometers, fluorescence microscopy, and other imaging applications. High-performance longpass barrier filters, dichroic beamsplitters, and multiband filters are described. Performance curves of various singledye cube sets and a glossary are also included. 24 pp. Omega Optical 428

Catalogs Biomedical products. Catalog lists immunobiologicals, radiochemicals, organic compounds, diagnostic instruments and reagents, and other products such as amino acid reagents, animal feeds, bioactive peptides, buffers, deuterated compounds, growth factors, HIV products, pheromones, molecular biology reagents, stains, dyes, and indicators. 1947 pp. ICN 429 Biochemistry. "1992-1994 Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals" includes more than 1800 products for cell biology, biochemistry, neuroscience, molecular biology, immunology, and diagnostics research. Structures, application notes, spectral information, and references are included. 400 pp. Molecular Probes 430 Laboratory equipment. Catalog features fume hoods that are designed to comply with OSHA regulations; Unilab, a self-contained, modular, environmentally controlled work area; furniture; plumbing supplies; electrical fixtures; emergency showers and other safety equipment; and storage cabinets. 52 pp. HEMCO 431 Spectroscopy. Catalog supplement contains products for hydrocarbon testing, solid and liquid sampling, and internal reflection. Also included are IR and FT-IR demountable and variable-path cells; crystal transmission optics; and UV-vis spectrophotometer cells, deuterium lamps, and accessories. 19 pp. International Crystal Laboratories 432

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Trends in Chemical Consulting


estructuring in the chemical industry has created a wealth of opportunities for consultants. Companies are now more willing to seek outside help than in the past as they recognize the value of experienced specialists. But what constitutes the efficient use of a consultant? And is consulting for you? Trends in Chemical Consulting explores these issues through contributions from chemical consultants, those who have used the services of a consultant, and participants in cooperative arrangements. Presentations focus on those considerations specific to consulting relationships between scientific professionals. Chemists, chemical engineers, and other scientific professionals in support areas to the chemical industry will find this an indispensible resource of information on chemical consulting. Contents • Consulting to the Chemical Industry · Industrial Expectations for Consultants and Consulting Services · Understanding, Selecting, Managing, and Compensating Consultants · An Academic Perspective on Consulting · University-Industrial Relationships · Accessing Federal Laboratories Know-How • What Consulting Practices Look Like · Defining and Marketing Your Consulting Specialty · Opportunities for Retired Chemists · Using Consultants to Interpret Regulatory Initiatives · Major Chemical Company Retirees as Consultants and Market Developers · Robotic Servicing on the Space Station Freedom · Consultation in Sensory Evaluation · Chemical Information Consultants Charles S. Sodano and David M. Sturmer, Editors 174 pages (1991) Paperbound ISBN 0-8412-2106-5 $29.95

Trends m Cheiïiical


Order from: American Chemical Society, Distribution Office, Dept. 11 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington. DC 20036


or CALL TOLL FREE (in Washington, D.C. 872-4363) and use your credit card! ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 64, NO. 17, S E P T E M B E R 1 , 1992 · 8 4 7 A