
Both models offer an easy-reading angled index and pointer, and smart gray-and-black corrosion-resistant finish. Nickel-silver or stainless steel scoo...
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TROEMNER High capacity (up to 6 kg.) is made compatible with high sensitivity in two new all-around bulk-weighing balances by TROEMNER. MODEL 195-B (illustrated) has a sensitivity of .1 g., capacity of 3 kg. (7 lbs.), tare capacity of % lb., beam g r a d u a t e d to 1 0 0 g., 5 0 g., or 8 oz.; 8 " removable nickelp l a t e d pan. Price $ 9 5 ; without beam, $ 7 5 . MODEL 2-89B has . 2 - g . sensitivity, 6-kg. capacity, 1-lb. tare capacity, beam g r a d ­ uated to 5 0 0 g., 100 g., or 1 6 oz.; 9 " pan. Price $ 1 1 0 ; without b e a m , $ 9 0 .

Both models offer an easy-reading angled index and pointer, and smart gray-and-black corrosion-resistant finish. Nickel-silver or stainless steel scoops for bulk weighing of dry chemicals are optional accessories. THESE NEW BALANCES will find constant use in the busy industrial or research laboratory. They are part of the complete Troemner line of quality balances and weights of every class, for every need. See your laboratory supply dealer, or drop us a card for Bulletin C.

HENRY TROEMNER, INC. 2 2 n d & Master Streets Philadelphia 2 1 , Pa. Circle No. 34 A on Readers' Service Card, page 97 A 34 A



NEWS 1er, ISA Director of Technical Pro­ grams, 313 6th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

X-Ray Diffraction School Scheduled The 29th session of the Norelco XRay Diffraction School will be held at the Y.M.C.A., 20 So. 2nd Ave., Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ., during the week of February 17 to 21. Ses­ sions from Monday through Thursday will be devoted to classroom and labo­ ratory work, while on Friday guest speakers will discuss methods in cur­ rent use of actual problems. Subjects to be covered are x-ray diffraction, diffractometry, spectrography, new high and low temperature camera tech­ niques, electron microscopy, and elec­ tron diffraction. Registration is limited to 125 for the first four days, and the limit will be extended to 150 on the final day. Fur­ ther information may be obtained from Instruments Division, Philips Elec­ tronics, Inc., 750 So. Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ.

Radiation Spectroscopy Clinic Planned A radiation spectroscopy clinic planned to coincide with the 1958 Nu­ clear Congress and Atomfair will be sponsored by Radiation Instrument De­ velopment Laboratory at the company's development center in Chicago, March 17 to 21. The program will cover analyzer operation, analysis techniques, maintenance, and a review of latest in­ strumentation. Further information may be obtained from Radiation In­ strument Development Laboratory, Inc., 5737 So. Halstead St., Chicago 21, 111.

Microscopy Symposium in Chicago Seven topics are planned for the 1958 Microscopy Symposium to be spon­ sored by Walter C. McCrone Associates in Chicago's Del Prado Hotel, June 9 to 12. Divided into eight half-day ses­ sions, the program is designed to be informal and spontaneous. Each ses­ sion is to be stimulated and guided by a chairman and panel of experts. Topics to be covered are instrumen­ tation, electron microscopy, x-ray mi­ croscopy and autoradiography, medicalbiological fiber and plastics, forensic microscopy, and structural materials. Further information may be obtained from Walter C. McCrone Associates, 500 East 33rd St., Chicago 16, 111.

ACS Symposia Announced The program of technical papers for the Symposium on Electroanalytical Techniques at the San Francisco na­ tional ACS meeting in April has been tentatively arranged. The symposium, sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry, will honor J. J. Lingane of Harvard University, winner of the 1957 Fisher Award. About 35 papers are scheduled on such topics as voltammetry at solid electrodes, a.c. polarography, deriva­ tive chronopotentiometry, polarized electrode systems, and others. The title of Lingane's Fisher Award Address is tentatively given as "96493 Cou­ lombs." Additional information concerning the symposium may be obtained from its chairman, Robert L. Pecsok, De­ partment of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles 24, Calif. The spring meeting of the Division of Analytical Chemistry, to be held April 13 to 18, will also feature a sym­ posium honoring Beckman Award Win­ ner Maurice F. Hassler and symposia on Radiochemical Analysis and Litera­ ture and Automation in Analytical Chemistry. General sessions will also be held. The detailed program for the Divi­ sion of Analytical Chemistry will ap­ pear in the March issue.

Microchemistry Symposium Plans Near Completion Plans are nearing completion for the Symposium on Microchemistry to be held at Birmingham University, Eng­ land, on Aug. 20 to 27. The meeting is being organized by the Midlands Section and Microchemistry Group of the Society for Analytical Chemistry, under patronage of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Plenary lectures are to be given by Fritz Feigl, Brazil; Hans Lieb, Austria; A. A. Benedetti-Pichler, United States; and R. Belcher, United Kingdom. In addition, regular technical sessions will cover topics such as emission spec­ troscopy, flame photometry, inorganic microanalysis, and others. Papers will be subject to discussion after presenta­ tion. Plans also call for an apparatus exhibit, demonstrations of new tech­ niques, plant visits, and a ladies' pro­ gram. Programs and further information may be obtained from W. T. Elwell, I. C. I. (Metals Division) Ltd., P.O. Box 216, Research Dept., Kynock Works, Witton, Birmingham 6, Eng­ land.