TRONA - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Nov 6, 2010 - Eng. News , 1967, 45 (51), Outside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v045n051.obc ... Copyright © 1967 American Chemical Society. ACS Chem...
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TRONA® borates are at work in outer and inner space Glass filament being wound to form the first stage rocket motor case of U.S. Navy's Polaris A-3 missile. The Aerojet-General Corporation uses about two million miles of glass filament in each motor case.

Our Curious Chemists report exciting new uses for fiber glass, and boron filaments... made with TRONA boron products. Rocket Motor Casings. The amazing versatility of TRONA® boron products are helping blaze new technological trails. Fiber glass, made from TRONA boric acid, is being used for the motor casing of some of our most advanced solid-propellant missiles and rockets. And TRONA ammonium perchlorate is the oxidant for all solid propellant rocket fuels. Apollo Space Suits. Fire-proof textilegrade fiber glass, now used for draperies, awnings and fine fabrics, may soon be fabricated into space suits for our moonbound Apollo Astronauts. High Strength Fibers. The same properties

of boric acid that make glass fibers strong, flexible and dimensionally stable enhance other glass and ceramic products as well. Borax and boric acid speed melting and refining, reduce thermal expansion, add brilliance and clarity. And high strength boron filaments made from boron trichloride are making news in supersonic aircraft applications. Ceramics to Cosmetics. American Potash & Chemical Corporation is one of the nation's leading producers of boron chemicals. Our TRONA boron products are essential ingredients in hundreds of widely diversified products. To learn more about TRONA boron

chemicals, write or phone for our Boron Brochure. American Potash & Chemical Corporation, 99 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016; 3000 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles, California 90054.

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