TRS-80 simulation of a vacuum system synthesis - ACS Publications

Sep 1, 1982 - TRS-80 simulation of a vacuum system synthesis. David M. Whisnant. J. Chem. Educ. , 1982, 59 (9), p 779. DOI: 10.1021/ed059p779.1...
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the student to see what happens to the chromatogram when the various parameters are changed. Second, the data are disnlaved in tabular form. The comouter disolavs the caoacitv " factor, retention time, and haseliie width forkach ~ o i u t ae t each of the snecified conditions. This allows the student to calculate theiesolution of the components and determine the effect of variation of the ahove parameters on resolution. The program is written in BASIC, specifically, Level I1 BASIC for the TRS-80 Microcornouter. The maximum number of solutes which can be handled hy the program is limited hv the available memorv. The TRS-80 Microcomputer with ~ K R A M can handle u p t o four solutes. More can be handled with larger memory. The program can he easily modified to handle more solutes. This can be accomplished by changing two lines in the program. A descrintion of the exnerimental orocedure and a TRS-80 compatible cassette tape are available from the author. Send $10 check or monev order made out to Chemistrv. Deoartment . the author of t