"Thieving" test samples from every tank car of white oil we ship is Humble's way of assuring you that it's on spec. We load our white oil into specially lined tank cars to prevent contamination. And to keep moisture out, we don't load at all if the humidity is high. Just before we close the hatch, we thieve samples from the top, middle and bottom of the car and 2 C&EN DEC. 14, 1970
run them through our whole Want a quart sample for your battery of quality control tests. own tests? Just tell us what you At various steps in manufacneed. We make 50 grades. Write ture, we also make tests for taste, Humble Oil & Refining Company, color, odor, viscosity, UV absorp- Rm. 2455, Humble Building, tion. Plus special tests that may Houston, Texas 77002. be required by your end use. Why all the testing? Because we didn't get to be one of the nation's major suppliers of white oils by taking short cuts. Where you get all the extras.