Try a strongly acidic, reactive diazotizing agent in your R&D work

Nov 7, 2010 - Try a strongly acidic, reactive diazotizing agent in your R&D work. Chem. Eng. News , 1980, 58 (49), p 70. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v058n049.p07...
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Try a strongly acidic,

reactive diazotizing agent in your R& D work· Ο II

HO-S-0-N = 0 Tiy DuPont nitrosylsulfuric acid. Whether you're developing or i m p r o v i n g products, D u Pont nitro­ sylsulfuric acid (MSA) is a useful reagent for diazotizing amines with­ out evolving nitrous acid fumes. NSA is a convenient, storage-stable, ready-to-use source of nitrosonium ion (MO + ). Consider it in your R & D work.

Use your imagination. You can use NSA stoichiometrically to reduce pollution problems that result f r o m nitrous acid fumes. You can have greater selection of concentration because there is no s o d i u m nitrite salt build-up problem. You can add it directly to diazotization batches and interrupt the re­ action without losing the batch. In fact, its the preferred diazotizing agent for weakly basic amines like negatively substituted anilines and aminoanthraquinones. You can evaluate it as a nitrosating agent in select reactions.

Apply for a sample. Currently used in m a k i n g dyes, drugs and c h e m i c a l intermediates, D u Pont MSA is supplied as a 4 0 percent solution in 87 percent sul­ furic acid (on an MSA-free basis), ready to use and stable at r o o m temperature. To get safety a n d handling infor­ m a t i o n and apply for a sample of D u Pont MSA, write o n your c o m ­ pany letterhead to Dr. B. C. Lawes, D u Pont Company, R o o m X80011, W i l m i n g t o n , D E 19898.


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