NEW PRODUCTS, continued tively high forepressures with low ... Kruger Instruments. The Kruger spec- ... filters, according to Kruger. With the single ...
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NEW PRODUCTS, continued

tively high forepressures with low heat input. Its boiling point at 0.5 mm. of mercury is 180° C. and its open flash point is about 380° F. 18 Spectrophotometer

An instrument for measuring the light absorbance or transmittance of solutions has recently been designed by Harold Kruger Instruments. The Kruger spec­ trophotometer employs a wedge inter­ ference filter for the monochromator. This provides a band width that is narrower than is obtainable with grat­ ing instruments or absorption type light filters, according to Kruger.

With the single wedge filter, light of any wave length is obtained by using the appropriate portion of the filter. To provide sufficient light to operate the meter, a band of several wave lengths is passed to the photocell. Wave length range of the instrument is 420 to 680 ιημ and at 550 ηΐμ band width is 15 ταμ. Operation is simple, as there are no knobs to turn or switches to manipulate after setting zero absorbance with a blank and there are no loose filters to interchange. Test tubes are used as cells. Procedure for performing a test is the normal routine for a spectro­ photometer with a single sample holder. The monochromator is set to the desired

wave length. The instrument is turned on and adjusted to 100% transmittance with the knob while a blank solution is in the sample holder. A tube of the test solution is then placed in the sample holder and transmittance is indicated by a meter on top of the aluminum 19 instrument case. Hood

A lightweight, portable, controlled atmosphere hood providing a dry, ster­ ile, dust-free area is being produced by P. M. Lennard Co., Inc. The hood is constructed of chemical resistant plastic reinforced with glass fiber.


TUBING The unit's filter system allows the user to select purification trains to control dust, bacteria, and moisture either individually or together. Lead sheeting can be inserted between the hood's laminated layers to shield against gamma radiation from radioactive ma­ terials. Special attachments, such as ultra­ violet lamps for sterilization, filter con­ trols, vacuum pumps, and neoprene gloves, can be readily added. Hood dimensions: 36 inches long, 20 inches dee]), 24 inches high. 20

FeCI 3 HoO. CH3(CH,)leCOOH

H20 CH 3 OH


Constant Temperature Rooms

HANDLES THE TOUGHEST CHEMICALS WITH EASE Imagine a clear glass t u b i n g so flexible you can tie it in knots and you have a pretty accurate picture of T Y G O N laboratory tubing. For, in many properties, T Y G O N is virtually the same as glass. T a k e chemical resistance, for instance: T Y G O N , like glass, resists both acids and alkalies plus oils, greases, water, and some solvents. Against some chemicals T Y G O N ' s resistance is better, against other it is not quite so good. In general, the resistance of both materials is excellent. T Y G O N also is clear, smooth-surfaced, non-contaminating, and long lasting. Y o u get full, safe transmission of the most sensitive solutions for long periods of time. And, T Y G O N is fully flexible. I t goes from anywhere to anywhere with no trouble — cuts down tremendously o n "set-up" time. T Y G O N is an effective, economical means of handling the toughest chemicals with ease. Your laboratory supply dealer h a s T Y G O N in stock. Remember: IF I T ' S B R A N D E D . . . I T ' S



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Labline, Inc., is marketing a line of con­ stant temperature rooms with tempera­ ture ranges from 40° to 140° F. The rooms have aluminum shelves, circulat­ ing blowers, dual adjustable thermo­ stats, fluorescent lights, and safety locks. Walls are aluminum. Room depths vary from 2 to 8 feet. The units are 4 feet wide and 7 feet high inside. 21 Serological Baths

Temperature control closer than ±0.4° C. is possible with a series of serological baths developed by Fisher Scientific Co. Heating elements and stirrers have been eliminated from base and walls. Instead, heating elements are placed beneath the stainless steel tank. The baths employ a sealed thermoswitch and an aluminum block that conducts some of the heat from the For further information, see coupon on page 43 A ANALYTICAL