tunable UV

Microelectrodes and miniature glass ... sensing bulb) and miniature reference electrode (1.5-mm ... (415) 969-1070. CIRCLE 41 ON READER SERVICE CARD...
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Lens and source arrangement of the ES200 ultra-high vacuum electron spectrometer is shown. The system operates at pres­ sures down to 1 χ 10"10 torr, with high resolution and sensi­ tivity. An accessory X-ray monochromator and multiplechannel collector system offers both wide- and narrow-line X-ray sources. Standard accessories can be used for introducing, heating, cooling, or ion-etching the sample, and special devices may be fitted for evaporating, cleaving, or performing other operations on the sample in situ. Prices range from $85,000 to $100,000, FOB New York. ΑΕΙ Scientific Apparatus, Inc. 914-592-4620 442


UV! If your experiment has been limited for lack of a tunable UV laser, here is the research tool

Portable, expanded-scale H-5 pH meter for quality control applications offers expansions of any 2.8 pH units to full scale on the 6-in. meter. Expanded scale accuracy is ± 0 . 0 1 pH unit. The instrument can also be used with the company's selective ion electrodes: fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide, and sodium. $320. Beckman Instruments. 714-871-4848 443 Microelectrodes and miniature glass electrodes for pH, sodium, and potas­ sium are available for sensing in vol­ ume as small as 30 nl. The miniature glass pH electrode (1.7-mm diameter sensing bulb) and miniature reference electrode (1.5-mm diameter probe) sell for $22.50 each. Microelectrodes for pH, sodium, and potassium sell for $38.50 each. Microelectrodes, Inc. 603-6680692 444 High-energy pulsed gas lasers with vari­ ous output levels and the option of gas fillings including C02, HF, and CO are available. Accessories for single wave­ length or single-mode operation as well as a grating wavelength selector are optionally available. Each model con­ sists of a head, control unit, and op­ tional power supply. Applications are in plasma research and spectroscopy. Prices range from $6000 to $10,000. Lumonics Research Ltd. 613-225-1606


Model 6141 high-sensitivity light-spot galvanometer for finding precise null in dc bridge and potentiometer circuits has its own precision zero adjustment and 6-position sensitivity control. $1030. Special Instruments & Machin­ ery Co. 914-779-8981 446 Sampling system for detecting arsenic and selenium by AA spectroscopy is for use with company's atomic absorption instruments equipped with a suitable hollow cathode lamp and a three-slot burner head (not the Model 290/290B). Detection limits for As and Se are 0.001 ^ g / m l and 0.0015 ^ g / m l , respectively. $275. Perkin-Elmer. 203-762-6972 447 AccuLab infrared spectrophotometers feature manual or automatic scan, push-button controls for power, standby, and scan modes and three scanning speeds from 3 to 30 min. Prices range from about $3000 to $6000. Four models cover the 4000 to 600 cnr 1 range and offer choices of one- and two-slit programs. AccuLab VI covers the range of 4000 to 250 cm"1 and features the AccuSet energy meter for precise presetting of slit and gain and fully automatic scan. Resolution is better than 3 cm"' at 1000 cm" 1 and better than 5 cm"1 at 3000 cnr 1 . Per­ centage transmittance readings are ac­ curate to within ± 2 % . Beckman In­ struments. 714-871-4848 448

you've been waiting for. With this Chromatix System, you not only get tunable UV from 265 to 340 nm, but you also get a tunable dye laser covering the visible range from 530 to 680 nm. Write or call for more information.

...for t h e control of light: 1145 Terra Bella Avenue Mountain View, California 94040 (415)969-1070




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