
Chemical Research Services, Inc. 312-. 543-5333. 434 ... 100 and 200-channel digital-data acqui sition systems ... unit with real-time spectrum displa...
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Gc supplies and accessories, 48-p cat­ alog 600 lists hundreds of useful items. Chemical Research Services, Inc. 312543-5333 434 Xenon and mercury arc lamp sources, 11-p catalog describes sources from 75 to 1000 W. Sources include power sup­ plies and housings. Oriel Corp. of America. 203-348-4247 435 Morphine screening, 6-p folder de­ scribes radioimmunoassay test for mor­ phine (metabolic product of heroin) in urine. Materials and Technology Sys­ tems, Inc. 312-755-6750 436 Thyroid test, 24-p booklet discusses thyroid function determination via the Res-O-Mat ETR. test. Theory, stepby-step directions, result interpreta­ tions, accuracy records, and references are included. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. 314-231-8980 437 pH supplies, Bull. 7686, 40 p, includes information on pH meters and electroanalytical instrumentation. Glass and Fui tira pi I electrodes, Selection elec­ trodes, buffers, batteries, etc., are cov­ ered. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 714871-4848 438 Activated charcoal, T-591, contains technical information on high-purity activated charcoals for research and analytical procedures. Barnebey-Chcney.' (514-258-9501 ' 439 Balances, 24-p catalog includes all the company's balances, weights, and ac­ cessories: application information and prices are given. Ohaus Scale Corp. 201-377-9000 440 Shaker baths/incubators, 24 p, in­ cludes information on low-temperature baths/circulators, portable refrigerated, and standard high-temperature lab baths. Ilotpack Corp. 215-333-1700 441 Differential scanning calorimeter, Model DSC-2, IS p, illustrated, descrip­ tive with application examples. Pcrkin-Elmer Corp. 203-762-6972 442 Analytical services, Vol 2, Xo. 2 and 3, 4 ρ each, presents a table of analyti­ cal detection limits for 77 elements and describes use of induced electron emis­ sion spectroscopy (ESCA), respec­ tively. Vol 5, 2 p, gives price informa­ tion on ι lie company's services. Dow Chemical ESA. 517-636-8000 443

Materials and methods, 72 p, price list X, technical information for ion ex­ change, absorption, gel chromatography and electrophoresis, hollow-fiber tech­ niques, columns, and stable isotopes. Bio-Rad Laboratories. 415-234-4130 444


Analog-to-digital, 6 p, Bull. PDAS P, 100 and 200-channel digital-data acqui­ sition systems for conversion of analog data to printed digital and computer compatible forms. Esterline Angus. 317-244-7611 445 Lab incubators, 24-p catalog lists more than 50 types of incubators from walkin rooms to undercounter and benchmounted units. Hotpack Corp. 215333-1700 446 X-ray analyzer, 6 ρ explain Model 6200 modular data processor and analysis unit with real-time spectrum display system. Ortec, Inc. 615-482-4411 447 Microsyringes, 4 p, Series CG-130 allpurpose microsyringe, Series C and Se­ ries C-160 Pressure-Lok liquid microsyringe; pictured, described, and priced. Precision Sampling Corp. 504-924-1720 448 Labeled compounds, 4 p, data on preparation, packaging, and purity of compounds for biochemical research; includes references. The Radiochemi­ cal Centre, Amersham, Buckingham­ shire, England. Tel: Little Chalfont 4444 Optical filters, 16 p, detailed data and prices on over 1000 standard optical fil­ ters. Baird-Atomic. 617-276-6420 449 Color measurement, 24 p, full range of instruments, systems, and capabilities; includes specifications and ordering in­ formation on the color DB-G spectro­ photometer, AP-50 color difference analyzer, AP-52 color correction sys­ tem, and AP-54 color synthesizer. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 714-8714848 450 Lab glassware, 12 p, gives detailed size and price information on three lines of glassware: scintillation vials, pipets, and culture tubes. Demuth Glass Di­ vision. 304-295-9311 451 Stable isotopes, spring news edition features 22 newly listed 90% carbon-13 compounds, 12 new nmr shift reagents, 13 new nitrogen-15 compounds, and new deuterated nmr solvents. Bio-Rad Laboratories. 415-234-4130 452 Microtome knife lapping plates, 6-p illustrated folder describes this mechan­ ical process for knife sharpening. Shandon Southern Instruments, Inc. 412-741-8400 453

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