Turba-Film Evaporation Process Achieves Amazing Results! - C&EN

Nov 5, 2010 - The Turba-Film® Continuous Evaporator employs a totally different concept of evaporation. Makes heretofore extremely difficult evaporat...
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Turba-Film Evaporation Process Achieves Amazing Results! Turbulent thin film principle evaporates Time-atTemperature sensitive m a t e r i a l s . . . in seconds. T h e T u r b a - Film® C o n t i n u o u s Evaporator employs a totally different concept o f evapora­ tion. M a k e s h e r e t o f o r e ex­ t r e m e l y difficult e v a p o r a t i n g processes simple and rapid. A c t u a l l y e v a p o r a t e s m o s t sub­ s t a n c e s i n a few s e c o n d s ! Here's how the patented TurbaFilm Evaporator w o r k s . The sub­ stance to be evaporated is fed into the evaporating section. Here it is whirled against the wall by controlled-speed rotor blades. This forms a thin turbulent film, centrifugally held to the wall, which spins in a gravity flow through the cham­ ber and out . . . completing the process. The vapors rise into the s e p a r a t i n g section where rotor blades beat out any entrained drop­ lets a n d force them back through the evaporating section. So thorough is this Turba-Film process that no substance requires re-circulation . . . the desired con­ centration is achieved in one pass! So fast is the Turba-Film Evap­ orator action that proper heating is done in seconds. Eliminates hydro­ static head. No localized overheat­ ing. Eliminates vapor binding on heat transfer surface. Maintains high over-all heat transfer coeffi­ cient of from 100 to 500 ! Colors, flavors, potency, odor, nutritional a n d other valuable prop­ erties are retained to a much higher degree. Particularly important for Time-at-Temperature sensitive ma­ terials such as: pharmaceutical " m y c i n s , " vitamins, malt extracts, juice concentrates, etc.


Because such a small quantity is in process at any given time, the Rodney H u n t Turba-Film Evapor­ a t o r p e r m i t s quick c h a n g e - o v e r from one product to another. Makes cleaning and maintenance easy with m i n i m u m p r o c e s s hold-up. Allows constant quality control. The turbulent thin film principle permits concentration t o very much higher viscosities a n d solids con­ tent than is practical w i t h conven­ tional equipment. The Turba-Film Evaporator will satisfactorily con­ centrate heavy viscous materials in excess of 20,000 centipoises. Turba-Film processing has also proved strikingly effective for deoderizing, stripping and for evapora­ t i o n of w a t e r or s o l v e n t s f r o m solutions of organic compounds. When distilling, the residues are discharged continuously and are not subjected to re-circulation and "cooking." Where only the vapors were wanted, Turba-Film has dis­ tilled up to 9 9 % of t h e material! The Turba-Film Evaporator (Luwa Process, Switzerland) is particularly important for applica­ tions which are difficult or uneco­ nomical to process conventionally. Please consider our complete en­ gineering staff at your disposal for consultation on any possibleTurbaFilm application. We h a v e the facil­ ities for making test runs in our pilot plant: or we c a n provide a portable laboratory u n i t for u s e in your own plant. Models available i n ranges from 40 to 2500 lbs./hr. of water evapor­ ation. Stainless steel construction. Mail this coupon for free color brochure explaining t h e Turba-Film Evaporator in detail.



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