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grams, and product development. The institute will sponsor the National ... all Research and Development and all. Instrument Product Engineering ... T...
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NEWS analytical methods. These activities were formerly undertaken by the par­ ent organization, McCrone Associates, which will continue to operate sepa­ rately in the areas of private contract research, applied research, test pro­ grams, and product development. The institute will sponsor the National Mi­ croscopy Symposia and will offer courses of instruction in the use of the microscope. Inquiries may be directed to McCrone Research Institute, Inc., 449 East 31st St., Chicago 16, 111. The Milton Roy Co. has broken ground for an 8000 square foot addi­ tion to its present 18,000 square foot plant in Pinellas Park, St. Petersburg, Florida. The new facilities will house the Research and Development Divi­ sion. The expansion of the present building is necessitated by the consoli­ dation and location in St. Petersburg of all Research and Development and all Instrument Product Engineering activi­ ties formerly conducted in Bethlehem and Philadelphia, Pa. and St. Peters­ burg, Florida. The recent transfer of the operations of the Serfass Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Milton Roy Co., is part of this unification. The Nalge Co., Inc., manufacturer of plastic laboratory apparatus, is ex­ panding its Rochester, N. Y., plant to provide warehousing space and a gen­ eral plant rearrangement. Nuclear-Chicago Corp. of Des Plaines, Illinois, and Texas Nuclear Corp. of Austin, Texas, have approved a basis for an exchange of shares. Nu­ clear-Chicago Corp. manufactures in­ strumentation for the detection, count­ ing, and control of radiation and radio­ isotopes. Texas Nuclear Corp. manu­ factures a neutron generator and re­ lated equipment. Texas Nuclear Corp. will continue operations in Austin, Texas, under its own name, as a sub­ sidiary or division of Nuclear-Chicago Corporation. The Perkin-Elmer Corp., was listed for trading today on the New York Stock Exchange. The company has been assigned the ticker symbol PKN. The listing opened to trading on the "big board" 1,247,148 shares of PerkinElmer common stock. Physics Research Laboratories, P. O. Box 555, Hempstead, Ν. Υ., now has available on a commercial basis, a primary standards electrical and cali­ bration facility, using standards and in­ struments verified and tested by the National Bureau of Standards.

Ridgefield Instrument Group, divi­ sion of Schlumberger Corp., has estab­ lished an analytical center at Ridge­ field, Conn. It will use three radiofrequency spectroscopy techniques— spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), wide-line NMR, and electronspin resonance (ESR). It will do this work on a one-time or long-term con­ tract basis. Sperling Laboratories Division of Foster D. Snell, Inc., has moved its fa­ cilities from Arlington, Va., to Snellowned premises at 1500 Guilford Ave., Baltimore, Md. The Sperling Division is devoted to pharmacology and toxi­ cology and is actively engaged in stud­ ies of new drugs and toxicological test­ ing for industry and government. A major activity at the present time is work connected with the Food Addi­ tives Amendment and the New Hazard­ ous Substances Labeling Law. Technicon Controls, Inc., Chauncey, Ν. Υ., manufacturer of industrial and medical analytical equipment, has established an international sales or­ ganization with branch offices in Aus­ tralia, Argentina, Canada, England, and France. Other offices are located in Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, South Africa, Tu­ nisia, Sweden, and Switzerland. Tracerlab, Inc., Waltham, Mass., has a contract to supply medical radio­ isotope instrumentation for the new medical center at Brazilia, the newlyconstructed capitol of Brazil. Tracerlab will equip the new facility with medical research and diagnostic equip­ ment for the utilization of radioisotope tracer techniques.

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Unitron Instrument Co. is the new name of the company formerly called Unitron, Instrument Division of United Scientific Co. The company has moved to new and larger facilities at 66 Needham St., Newton Highlands 61, Mass. It will operate two sales divisions—microscope and telescope. Weston Instruments Division, Daystrom, Inc., Newark, N. J., has es­ tablished eight factory-authorized in­ strument modification centers across the nation to expedite delivery of non­ standard instruments and to modify standard equipment per customer re­ quirements. The new modification centers are located in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Atlanta, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Chicago. Factory modification centers have been in operation at Union, N. J., Los An­ geles, and San Francisco. Circle No. 187 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 3 , N O . 2 , FEBRUARY 1 9 6 1
