Turnbull's blue and Prussian blue

Chem., 336, 96 (1965), and the experiments of Duncan and Wig- ley may be in part erroneous. The electronicspectrumof KFe[Fe(CN)G] also pro- vides evid...
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Lee D. Hansen. William M. Litchman, and Guido H. Daub' University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106


Textbook Errors, 86


Turnbull's Blue and Prussian Blue: ~~e(lll)[h(ll)(~~)~


M o s t textbooks1 correctly state that Turnbull's blue (KFe[Fe(CN)6], prepared from an Fe(I1) salt and [Fe(III)(CN)6]3-) and prussian blue (KFelFe(CNL1. vre~ared from an Fe(II1) salt .and . -., . . ~, [ F ~ ( I I ) ( c N ) ~ ] ~are - ) identical in all re~pects;~ however, it is commonly reported that the oxidation states of the iron atoms in I