turner ASSOCIATES - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 17, 2012 - turner ASSOCIATES. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (12), pp 134A–134A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60192a851. Publication Date: November 1962. ACS Legacy ...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Chromatography Supplies. Litera­ ture is available on gas chromatographs, dual temperature column conditioners, liquid scintillation counting systems for radioactive measurement of effluent components, and electrometer and high voltage supplies. Electronic Instru­ ments for Research, Inc., 4135 Hayward Ave., Baltimore, Md. 601 X-Ray of Glass. An 8-page folder titled "X-ray Study of Glass," reprint discusses techniques and results ob­ tained with x-ray methods at Pitts­ burgh Plate Glass Co., Barberton, Ohio. Philips Electronic Instruments, 750 South Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ. 602

CHROMATOGRAPHIC C O L U M N S . . . . .Proteins, Porphyrins, etc. ON STREAM CLARITY RECORDINGS. .Water, Beverages, etc. AIR A N D W A T E R P O L L U T I O N Dispersion and mixing studies PLUS AUTOMATICALLY with "ROBOT" Limit Controller CONTROL LIMITS




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Specificity — W i d e s t range o f w a v e l e n g t h s available in a n y filter i n s t r u m e n t d e v e l o p e d . Range — Used over e x t r e m e c o n c e n t r a t i o n ranges — e q u i p p e d w i t h range multipliers in a p p r o x i m a t e s t e p s o f 1 , 3 , 1 0 , a n d 3 0 . W i d e r range available. Rugged — S t a b l e — D o u b l e b e a m designed — p e r m i t s use o n portable g e n e r a t o r s . Economical — Simple — N o expensive c o n t a m i n a t i n g " t a g " necessary—simple t o use. N o t Limited to Flowing Samples — I m m e d i a t e l y interchange­ able accessories available f o r : Individual Liquid Samples π Paper Chromatograms/Electrophoresis Strips π Micro-Samples — to 0 . 2 5 ml π Radiation Dosimeters π Temperature Stabilized Samples — Lumines­ cence. FOR FULL DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION write to



Chart Sample. A two-sided wall chart of the Periodic Tables is pictured in a single sheet. On one side appears the Periodic Table of the Elements and on the other side is a Tabic of Periodic Properties of the Elements. Ε. Η. Sargent & Co., Dept, PC, 4647 West Foster Ave., Chicago 30, 111. 603 Infrared



A single sheet titled "On the Observa­ tion of Molecular Interactions in Oriented Monolayers by Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy—A New Technique," de­ scribes a method useful in the study of many problems of surface chemistry, such as adsorption, adhesion, and the conformation of polymers at surfaces. Bell Telephone Laboratories, 463 West St., New York 14, Ν. Υ. 604 Fission Product Monitor. A single sheet describes an instrument for check­ ing radioactivity in water, air, food, and other media, as well as for deter­ mining radiation levels in industrial and laboratory areas. Nuclide Corp., 234 East College Ave., State College, Pa. 605 Liquid Helium Level Indicator. Ex­ planatory, illustrated literature is avail­ able on a probe-type level indicator for rapid and accurate measurement of levels in research vessels, cryostats, and storage vessels. Sulfrian Cryogenics, Inc., 1290 Central Ave., Hillside, N. J. 606 Auto-Serum Pipets. A simple sheet describes and pictures a manually op­ erated instrument that will measure a preset volume completely automati­ cally. The instrument has a polyethyl­ ene pipet which simplifies washing and eliminates breaking. Clinical Special­ ties Co., 11221 Petit St., Granada Hills, Calif. 607