Two Modifications of Scalers for Rate Studies

of adsorption rates and equilibrium con- stants. The development of the pipping scaler was stimulated by some experimental work in which it was necess...
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oluthn 0.6Jf in NHiOH and 0.0208.11 In hydrazine was prepared and successive aliquots were analyzed on the same day. -\b shown in Table 11, there was a decrease in hydrazine molarity. The decrease observed was probably due to the autoxidation of hydrazine in the alkaline solution from which the aliquots w r e taken. This decomsition ion of hydrazine in alkaline solution has been reported by *Iudrieth ( 1 ) . As shown in ’Table 111, satisfactory results were obtained when successive aliluots were taken from solutions of hydrazine alone prepared directly in the acid sup-

porting electrolyte of acet,one and 0.05*%’ HYS04or solutions to which hydrazine was was added after the ”,OH neutralized. The work described illustrates some of the analytical possibilities of the data reported. I-ndoubtedly, the five compounds giving distinct waves in the supporting electrolyte can be determined individually by the described method when other interfering components are absent. The feasibility of determining hydrazine in mixtures with ammonia under certain conditions has also been demonstrated.


(1) Audrieth, L. F., Ogg, B. A , , “The Chemistry of Hydrazine,” p. 139, Wiley, New York, 1951. ( 2 ) Budke, C. C., Banerjee, I). K., Miller, F. I)., AXAL. CHEM.36, 523 (1964). ( 3 ) Yamamura, S. S., Sikes, J. H., ANAL. CHEM.35, 1958 (1963). 1). K. BANERJEE G. C. RIECHMANN C. C. BUDKE

Research Division U.P.I. Chemicals Co. Division of National Distillers & Chemical Corp. Cincinnati 37, Ohio

Two Modifications of Scalers for Rate Studies T. S. Hodgson and B. E. Gordon,’ Martinez Research Laboratory, Shell Oil Co., Martinez, Calif.

if not most, radiochemists iM AiY\:elop special instrumental approaches to research problems which are applicable only to a particular experiment. Occasionally a development is made which seems to have considerably wider applicability than the particular problem for which it was designed. This report concerns two such modifications which are within the reach of even the most modest radiochemistry laboratory. The first involves the use of a single scaler-printer to drive a bank of Geiger counters which follow slowly changing count rates. The second concerns the use of a scaler as a high speed ratemeter to follow more rapidly changing count rates. The development of a Geiger tube selector was initiated by a problem in surface chemistry which xas being studied by the use of tagged additives requiring the use of a Tracerlab SC-18h Superscaler and SC-SF Printing Timer to permit the automatic determinat,ion of adsorption rates and equilibrium constants;. ‘Thc development of the pipping scaler was stimulated by some experimental work in which it was necessary to determine time z‘s. concentration curves having a duration of a sccond or less. Conventional ratemeters lag behind a ralidly changing signal by an amount proportional to the time constant. Thus, even very short time constants (-