type packing. Goodloe packing - ACS Publications - American

revised 8-page manual containing data based on studies ... Creep-rupture data are available for ... BIN-FLO. units in bins, chutes, hoppers, etc., res...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE type packing. Goodloe packing is de­ signed for maximum contacting effective­ ness, has capacity close to that of con­ ventional bubble trays. Stedman column packing is designed for use in contacting liquids with gases and vapors as in absorption and vacuum distillation. Dipt. IEC, Packed Column Corp., 30 Church St., New York 7, Ν. Υ. 50

currendy available from die manufac­ turer, who has made a thorough study of die basic properties which give liquid lidiium metal advantages in heat trans­ fer. Dept. IEC, Lithium Corp. of America, Inc., Minneapolis 2, Minn. 53

Organic Chemicals. Increased oil production dirough use of effective corrosion inhibitors at low concentrations Corrosion Proofing D a t a . How to cost is discussed in new booklet. Appli­ select the best corrosion proofing meth­ cation of polar cationic chemicals in ods and products is ou dined in a primary and secondary oil production is revised 8-page manual containing data covered. The relationship between cor­ based on studies of die manufacture of rosion and microorganisms is explained sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, other and odier sections report on bactericides corrosive acids, organic chemicals, and and algaecides. Dept. IEC, Chemical volatile alkalies. Dept. IEC, Corrosion Division, Armour and Co., 1335 West Engineering Dept., Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., 31st St., Chicago, III. 54 3 Penn Center, Philadelphia 2, Pa. 51 Sodium Dispersions. New edition of diis bulletin is 50% larger dian the Croloy. Current technical data sheets earlier one, covering the technology of on Croloy strengdi at high temperatures. preparing and using sodium dispersions. Creep-rupture data are available for Key points include: reactions diat can three conditions of heat treatment and utilize sodium dispersions; design and test temperatures of 1050°, 1200°, and operating instructions for laboratory, 1350° F. Dept. IEC, ASL 288, Tubular pilot, and plant-scale equipment; com­ Products Div., Babcox & Wilcox Co., plete procedures for several typical Beaver Falls, Pa. 52 reactions involving die dispersions; equipment layout for continuous prep­ Lithium M e t a l for Heat Transfer. aration of dispersions. Dept. IEC, U. S. A brochure on lithium in heat transfer is

No. 5

Industrial Chemicab Co., 99 Perk Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 55

INSTRUMENTS Controls Digest. A digest of specifica­ tions of instruments and controls is offered in a new 12-page condensed catalog. Publication 57-687-297, Dept. IEC, The Hays Corp., Michigan City, Ind.

56 Mass Spectrometer. General and detailed information is available in a recent bulletin. Applications, principles of mass spectrometry, accessories, and full specifications are given. Dept. IEC, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 300 North Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif.

57 pH Electrodes. Electrodes for labora­ tory and portable pH meters are featured in a new 8-page bulletin made up in a unique, simplified chart form, com­ pletely indexed and illustrated—designed to guide users in selecting correct pH meters. Revision is one of a five-bulletin package which also includes information on die Zeromatic, pocket pH, and odier Beckman pH meters. Bull. 86-5, Dept.

of the






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