ized, vacuum tube, magnetic, and hy- brid design groups. Kepco, Inc. (Cat. B601). ... infrared; illustrated. Wilkens-. Anderson Co. L-44. Capillary Ch...
0 downloads 0 Views 147KB Size

Plating Solutions,

9th L-37

High Voltage Power Supply. Tenpage brochure describes Models 546 and 526, which give 500 to 4600 volts and 500 to 2600 volts, respectively; both have 10 ma. current rating. Wil­ liam B. Johnson &. Associates, Inc. L-38 Power Supplies. Catalog describes ac­ tive standard models of voltage regu­ lated power supplies in the transistor­ ized, vacuum tube, magnetic, and hy­ brid design groups. Kepco, Inc. (Cat. B601). L-39 High School Science Catalog. Illus­ trated 72-page catalog features chemis­ try, biology, and chemical reagent items that are recommended for high school laboratories;· prices included. Ε. Η. Sargent & Co. (Science Catalog 1960). L-40

SPECTROPHOTOMETER 3500 - 7500 A for all problems of absorption measurements, with


Laboratory Recorder. Four-page illustrated folder describes and gives specifications for the Model SR unit and accessories. E. H. Sargent & Co. (Bull.SR-A). L-41 Periodical Catalog. Eight-page issue shows a YSI laboratory recorder, the Coleman nitrogen analyzer, and various other items. Scientific Products (S/P Review, April 1960). L-42 Metallurgy Chart. Printed on heavy Krome-Kote, the 8V2 by 11 inch chart shows steel characteristics in carbon range to 0.9% and temperatures to 2900° F. Tempil Corp. (Basic Guide to Ferrous Metallurgy). L-43 IR Spectrophotometer. Six-page bul­ letin describes and gives specifications for the Unicam SP.600 spectrophotom­ eter for measurements in the visible and near infrared; illustrated. WilkensAnderson Co. L-44 Capillary Chromatograph. Eightpage brochure describes in a detailed manner the various components of the system, accompanying the discussion with photographs and illustrative charts; includes references. JarrellAsh Co. L-4S New Company Periodical. Six-page paper has feature article on the termi­ nology for gas chromatography recom­ mended by IUPAC's special commit­ tee of the Analytical Section; also de­ scribes some of the company's products. F & M Scientific Corp. (Facts & Methods, Vol. 1, No. 1). L-46 Safety Glass Shield. Bulletin de­ scribes full visibility safety shields made of laminated glass; includes


Automatic stabilised power supply, indépendant of sector variations.

S'PFFO O n e gas photoelectric cell only 8-positions glass cell-holder for measurements in range.

neeiiRHL'ii Galvanometer with double graduated scale in optical densities, and percent transmission. Reading 1 % . Band width 6 0 A°.

Type JJ





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Distributors in all countries of the world Circle No. SI on Readers' Service Card VOL. 32, NO. 7, JUNE 1960
