black neoprene compound for support- ing flasks, evaporating dishes, stirrers, vibrators, and the like. According to the company, the heat-resistant s...
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NEW PRODUCTS the packaged plug-in type; magnet coil and power supply unit are protected by a thermal fuse device, savs Blue M. Manufactured in three standard sizes, Magni-Whirl oil baths are the doublewall type and are constructed of stainless steel. They are available complete with drain, neon pilot lights, and a 12 inch thermometer graduated in 1 °C. subdivisions. 3

vibrators, and the like. According to the company, the heat-resistant supports incorporate the following features: They are resistant to acid and alkaline solutions; the base will not skid on wet or dry surfaces, and is shock resistant; and the 5 inch diameter is beveled to hold either a 250 or 500 ml. flask. 4

Neoprene Supports for Flasks

New additions to its family of MiniLab apparatus are announced by Ace Glass Inc. The company is introducing spherical joint equipment and a complete line of adapters. A modified automatic reflux still head is also featured.

Palo Laboratory Supplies, Inc. is offering a laboratory accessory made of black neoprene compound for supporting flasks, evaporating dishes, stirrers,

These items will supplement present Mini-Lab apparatus. 5

Line of Miniature Laboratory Equipment Expanded

Compact Pyromillivoltmeter Arthur F. Smith Co. announces the development of a new indicating pyromillivoltmeter, which features a large dial t h a t is dual-calibrated (0 to 750°F. and 0 to 4 0 0 ° C ) . The instrument, said to be an accurate precalibrated thermocouple pyrometer, is suitable for either portable or panel use. I t is supplied complete with a 5 foot iron-constantan thermocouple. The thin sensing disc has an external resistance of 10 ohms. Provision is made for zero setting of the meter to compensate for variation in operating temperatures. The pyrometer is also compensated for magnetic mounting. According to the company, the entire instrument is compact, weighing only 14 ounces. 6

Résorber Units for Purification of A i r and Gas

Glass clear

Chemically inert



Easy t o handle

Tygon Tubing, Formulation R-3603, is the o r i g i n a l t r a n s p a r e n t p l a s t i c t u b i n g specifically d e v e l o p e d to h a n d l e v i r t u a l l y every l a b o r a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t . Flexible a s s t r i n g , T y g o n m a k e s t o u g h l a b . set-ups e a s y . I t s glass-clear t r a n s p a r e n c y p e r m i t s b e t t e r process controL N o w i n s t a n d a r d u s e a m o n g l a b o r a t o r i e s all over t h e w o r l d , versatile T y g o n T u b i n g i s a v a i l a b l e i n m o r e t h a n 6 0 sizes.

From l a b o r a t o r y supply






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The Type 44 résorber series of gas and air purifiers can be used in laboratories for investigating adsorption problems in gaseous or liquid phases, announces the manufacturer, BamebeyCheney Co. Examples of liquid phase problems include chromatography, dechlorination, decolorizing, hydrochloric acid purification, elimination of organic contaminants, product purification and solvent recovery. Among the gaseous problems which can be analyzed using this unit are air and gas purification, catalysis, differential adsorption, high vacuum techniques, and odor removal. 7

Microbalance Combines and Portability


A new type of laboratory microbalance is announced by the Cahn Instrument Co. Designated the Cahn Electrobalance, it is said to be so unaffected by shock, vibration, and temperature change that it can be