A bonded strain gage pressure trans- mitter, the Teledyne, has ... ance strain gages arranged in a bridged circuit. ... liquid to be obtained atthe ti...
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NEW PRODUCTS of the lead-filled parts provides 2-inch lead shielding, and each is machined at the edges to match adjacent parts. Accessory parts include a steel sup­ porting stand, a sample holder which fastens to the stand, and Geiger tube adapters for use with and without the shielding parts. Individual parts can be obtained singly or in groups for special purposes. Additional parts can be added subsequently as required. Average background of scintillation well counters in the assembly is re­ duced to 3 counts per second. Endwindow counters perform at a back­

ground rate of approximately 1.5 counts per second, according to the company. 7 Pressure Transmitter A bonded strain gage pressure trans­ mitter, the Teledyne, has been devel­ oped by Taber Instrument Corp. for accurate transmission of pressure infor­ mation from a remote or hazardous loca­ tion to a central control station which may be several thousand feet distant. Combined with potentiometer type re­ corders, controllers, and valve systems,

the instrument can be used to control chemical processes. The Teledyne consists of a corrosion resistant, stainless steel pressure cham­ ber that responds to dynamic pressures, such as vibration, pulsation, and surges. The pressure is asserted on a thin stain­ less steel diaphragm which actuates a light weight piston in contact with the electrical sensing element.


The latter consists of a precision metal ring which acts as an elastic member to which are bonded four electrical resist­ ance strain gages arranged in a bridged circuit. Two gages are bonded to the external surface of the ring and two to the internal surface. Electrical un­ balance produced as a result of increas­ ing pressure is proportional to the in­ crease of pressure. The electrical bridge circuit is compensated for changes in sensitivity from temperature variations. 8

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Falling Ball Viscometer

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. . .

* U · S . " N e w ROALOX MILL JARS are n o w made of a re­ markable ceramic body, closely related to B u r u n d u m — the popular, high-density g r i n d i n g medium. T h i s improved ceramic body wears two to three times more slowly than conventional porcelain, contains substantially less silica, reducing silica contamination to a negligible point. A n d greatly increased mechanical strength lessens breakage hazard, c u t t i n g replacement costs still further. A suggestion — invest in a N e w Roalox Mill Jar . . . r u n it alongside conventional porcelain jars. You'll be amazed at the longer, elective g r i n d i n g life the Roalox Mill Jar provides! 267-D-l,

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A simplified, portable falling ball viscometer that can be used to deter­ mine liquid viscosities up to 40,000 centipoises is being produced by National Instrument Co. The device is 5Va inches high, weighs less than 11 ounces, and is suitable for labora­ tory or field use. The apparatus con­ sists of a precision / bore glass tube fitted into a metal housing with viewing win­ dows at each end. A built-in ther­ mometer permits temperature of the liquid to be obtained at the time its viscosity is measured. Three balls are supplied. To use the viscometer, the tube is filled with test liquid and a ball is in­ serted. The end cap is replaced and the


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