UHPLC Method

C&EN Webinars - Tips & Tricks for HPLC/UHPLC Method Development with Core-Shell Technology. Chem. Eng. News , 2012, 90 (47), p 49. DOI: 10.1021/cen-09...
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WEBINARS Tips & Tricks for HPLC/UHPLC Method Development with Core-Shell Technology Geting Ultimate Performance, Productivity, & Cost Savings from Your LC System

Date: November 29th, 2012 Time: USA 11:00 a.m. EDT / 10:00 a.m. CDT / 8:00 a.m. PDT / 16:00 GMT This webinar will begin with the theoretical and practical concepts that guide HPLC/UHPLC method development and then present a brief overview of the benefits of Core-Shell Technology for UHPLC, HPLC, and PREP LC methods. Thereafter, it will provide practical advice to chromatographers who are interested in developing new methods with core-shell columns or converting existing fully porous methods over to core-shell technology.

Key Learning Objectives: n

Review the fundamental factors that must be considered for thorough, logical LC method development


Column selection including media type (silica, hybrid, core-shell) and stationary phase (C18 vs. phenyl, etc.)


How to implement core-shell technology into new and existing methods to achieve significant performance, productivity, and cost benefits

Hosted by

Who Should Atend: • Lab Directors • Analytical and Preparative Chromatographers • LC Technology Enthusiasts

Speaker Jeff Layne, Ph.D., HPLC and UHPLC Product Manager, Phenomonex

Moderator Ann M. Thayer, Ph.D., Senior Correspondent, C&EN

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Register FREE at www.cen-online.org/webinars

Stronger bonds.

