Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics of Allopurinol, a Modified DNA Base

Jan 17, 2013 - ABSTRACT: The decay of electronically excited allopurinol riboside was studied through the fluorescence up-conversion technique and hig...
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Article pubs.acs.org/JPCA

Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics of Allopurinol, a Modified DNA Base Juan P. Villabona-Monsalve,† Rosa E. Islas,† William Rodríguez-Córdoba,†,§ Spiridoula Matsika,‡ and Jorge Peón*,† †

Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, México, 04510, D.F., México ‡ Department of Chemistry, Temple University, 13th and Norris Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122, United States ABSTRACT: The decay of electronically excited allopurinol riboside was studied through the fluorescence up-conversion technique and high level ab initio calculations. For the allopurinol system with a pyrazolic five-membered ring, we observed an ultrafast decay of the fluorescence signal in water (τ < 0.2 ps), similar to what has been observed for hypoxanthine and inosine (with an imidazolic five-membered ring). These results show that the S1 dynamics in this type of heterocyclic systems are general and dominated by the distortion in the pyrimidinic sixmembered ring with a negligible influence of the rest of the heterocycle. The measurements are consistent with the presence of a highly accessible conical intersection between the S1 (π−π*) excited state and S0, as calculated by MR-CIS/CASSCF computations. Our calculations show that the loss of planarity of the six-membered ring is responsible for direct access to the S1−S0 degeneracy region without requiring distortions in the rest of the molecule.

INTRODUCTION The existence of accessible excited to ground state conical intersections (CIs) results in ultrafast nonradiative decays in DNA bases and determines their remarkable photostability. This photochemical pathway actually also explains both the lifetimes (99%) was purchased from SigmaAldrich and from Berry & Associates Inc. Both samples were used without further purification. The compounds from the two different providers showed identical results. The compound was 899

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3107815 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 898−904

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


A planar structure was obtained for the minimum in the ground state of AL-keto-N1-H at the MP2/cc-pvdz level of theory. The minimum energy geometry was verified by calculating the vibrational frequencies. Vertical transitions were calculated at the optimized geometry of the ground state. Table 1 collects

The search for a minimum on the potential energy surface for S1 and the optimization on the crossing seam (MXS) for the S1−S0 CI were done at the multireference configuration interaction with single excitations (MR-CIS) level using a six averaged states SA-6-CASSSCF(12,9) wave function as reference. The cc-pvdz basis set was used in these calculations and no symmetry constraints were imposed since distortions from planarity took place. The accuracy of the reduced active space (12,9) in these calculations was tested by comparing the vertical excitation results with the ones from the (18,13) active space, ensuring that there is no switching in the ordering of states of interest. For these calculations the Columbus 5.9.2 package was used,41 using the analytic gradients for MR-CIS wave functions42 and algorithms for the MXS optimization that are available in this program.43 All the computations were done for AL-keto-N1-H in order to reduce the computational cost, given that this system simulates the substitution pattern on AL-R.

Table 1. Vertical Excitation Energies (in eV) Corrected at the Multireference Second Order Møller−Plesset (MRMP2) Level of Theory and Oscillator Strengths (Italics) π−π* statesa 1

2 A′ b

4.840, 0.097 H → L (62%)c 1 La



5.277, 0.055 H → L + 1 (33%) 1 Lb n−π* statesa

5.536, 0.030







The four averaged states complete active space self-consistent field (SA-4-CASSCF) level of theory and the 6-31G+(d) basis set were used. The first three A′ (π−π*) and the first three A″ (n−π*) excited states of allopurinol keto-N1-H were computed. bFor the nucleoside of allopurinol in aqueous solution the first absorption band maximum is λAbs = 251 nm (4.94 eV). cThe squares of the coefficients taken from the CASSCF wave functions are shown. a

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION From a previous study, it is known that the absorption spectrum of allopurinol in aqueous solution at pH 7 shows a maximum near 250 nm.37 In that paper, Shukla and Mishra also reported the fluorescence spectra of AL in aqueous solution at pH 7.2 with a maximum fluorescence intensity at about 335 nm. However, these spectral features are likely associated with the presence of more than one tautomer as mentioned previously.37 We report the absorption and fluorescence spectra of AL-R in neutral aqueous solution in Figure 1.

the transition energies as well the oscillator strengths for the first three π−π* (A′ states) and the first three n−π* (A″ states) excited states of AL-keto-N1-H. For AL-R, the maximum of the experimental absorption band in water is 4.94 eV (251 nm), whereas our calculation predicts two π−π* transitions at 4.84 eV (256 nm) and 5.28 eV (234 nm) for AL-keto-N1-H, which can be correlated with the first broad absorption band of AL-R. Finally, the first excited state corresponds to the 1La π−π* state with the main contribution to the CASSCF wave function coming from the H → L transition (see Table 1). The electronically excited state decay of AL-R was timeresolved by detecting the emission at 350 and 385 nm. The fluorescence decays are shown in Figure 2. The up-conversion signal shows a fast decay component which only expands the subpicosecond region. The trace was fitted to a single

Figure 1. Steady-state absorption spectrum of allopurinol riboside in water. Inset: fluorescence emission spectrum in water, obtained by exciting a low absorbance (≤0.05) aqueous solution of allopurinol riboside at λExcitation = 257 nm. The arrows indicate the π−π* vertical transitions computed at the multireference second order Møller− Plesset (MR-MP2) level of theory for allopurinol keto-N1-H.

The low energy absorption spectrum for AL-R shows a single broad band with a maximum at approximately 250 nm which is near a more intense band that spreads below 220 nm. As will be shown below, the band at 250 nm is due to the overlap of the lowest energy transitions. For AL-R, fluorescence emission is broad and consistent with a low quantum yield (ϕf ≤ 10−4 from comparisons with the spectrum of p-terphenyl), showing a maximum near 400 nm. For the computation of vertical transitions, we studied the keto-N1-H tautomer of allopurinol (AL-keto-N1-H) in order to reduce the computational cost. This tautomer has a substitution pattern analogous to that of AL-R since the N1 atom is substituted either by the ribose moiety or by a hydrogen atom.

Figure 2. Fluorescence up-conversion measurements of allopurinol riboside in aqueous solution (pH 7) at λEmission = 350 nm and λExcitation = 257 nm. Left inset: λEmission = 350 nm and λExcitation = 266 nm. Right inset: λEmission = 385 nm and λExcitation = 266 nm. The solid lines are nonlinear least-squares fits to single exponential decays convoluted with the instrument response function (Gaussian with fwhm ∼ 550 fs). 900

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3107815 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 898−904

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


We calculated an initial anisotropy value of 0.05 < r(0) < 0.15, which strongly supports the initial generation of a superposition of states. The small value of anisotropy at t = 0 proves that the effective transition dipole moment for the initial photon absorption differs from that of the emissive state. As mentioned, the same situation has been observed for GUA and its derivatives, where an ultrafast internal conversion takes place from 1Lb (π−π*) to 1La (π−π*), where the emissive state 1La differs substantially from the initially generated excited state, and as consequence small (∼0.2) values of r(0) have been observed.3,27,44 Further, our SA-6-CASSCF(12,9)/cc-pvdz level calculations on allopurinol keto-N1-H predict that the transition dipole moments for the two lowest π−π* vertical transitions form angles of 75.22° (S0 to first π−π* state) and −29.84° (S0 to second π−π* state) with respect to the axis passing through the C8 and C9 atoms (see Chart 1 for atom numbering). Since these transition dipole moments are not collinear, it is expected for the t = 0 anisotropy to differ significantly from the 0.4 value due to excitation into a superposition of the lowest optical transitions, consistent with the experimental value of 0.05 < r(0) < 0.15. To gain more information of the ultrafast events in AL-R, the S1−S0 CI was evaluated for AL-keto-N1-H at the MR-CIS level of theory by using a SA-6-CASSCF(12,9) wave function as reference. The active space of 12 electrons in 9 active molecular orbitals (12,9) was considered adequate to describe the low lying π−π* and n−π* energies from comparisons with larger active spaces (e.g., 18 electrons in 13 orbitals) at the ground state minimum which produced nearly the same energies and the same state ordering. First of all, we looked for a minimum in the potential energy surface (PES) of S1. Using the optimization algorithm, a planar stationary point (S1 planar in Table 2) with imaginary

exponential decay to the baseline, convoluted with the Gaussian IRF (fwhm = 550 fs). Due to the time scales, the exact time constant of the decay could not be determined; however, an upper limit was established from an analysis of the convoluted signal, indicating a fluorescent state lifetime of τ < 0.2 ps. This ultrafast emission decay is identical to that of the HPX chromophore, which implies that the change of the five-membered ring from imidazolic to pyrazolic does not affect the ultrafast dynamics of that present in HPX or INS.30−32 In fact, AL-R, INS, and HPX are among the compounds with the shortest S1 lifetimes together with adenosine and the keto-N9-H tautomer of adenine.12 The deactivation times for these systems are, overall, shorter than those of GUA and its riboside and nucleotide which show biexponential behavior with time constants up to 890 fs.29 This comparison points to a more direct access to the S1−S0 CI when the amino group (present in GUA) is removed. Most importantly, our results demonstrate that, as long as the six-membered ring is of the type in HPX or AL-R in the neutral molecules, the CI region is promptly accessed without any involvement or indirect effect of the five-membered ring (AL-R versus HPX and INS). The results from Figure 2 also show that there is no significant effect on the ultrafast fluorescence decay of AL-R upon changes in the excitation energy from 257 to 266 nm (350 nm detection). Finally, the fluorescence up-conversion decay at 385 nm again shows a single exponential decay with τ < 0.2 ps exhibiting that the full spectrum decays in this time scale and that no spectral evolution (like red shifting) can be detected within our time resolution. It should be pointed out that, considering our theoretical results, both excitation energies (257 and 266 nm) are likely to generate a population of molecules in a superposition of the lowest energy excited states. Considering the time-resolved results, and the similarity to the GUA, HPX, and INS systems, we assume an ultrafast nonradiative transfer of the population to the S1 (π−π*) excited state (1La) from the originally formed state: a process that cannot be resolved by current experiments. Additionally, time-resolved-fluorescence anisotropy was obtained by using parallel and perpendicular relative polarizations of the pump beam with respect to the detection axis (vertical, at the up-conversion crystal from the ooe type I phase matching). The corresponding traces are shown in Figure 3.

Table 2. Energies (in eV) for S0 and S1 (π−π*) States of Allopurinol keto-N1-H at Different Geometries Computed at the Multireference Configuration Interaction with Single Excitations (MR-CIS) Level of Theory with a Six Averaged States Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field (SA-6CASSCF) Wave Function as Reference S0 min S1 planar S1−S0 CI MXS


S1 (π−π*)a

0 0.78 3.92

5.45 ( La, H → L (64%)) 4.74 (1La, H → L (67%)) 3.92 1

a Numbers in parentheses indicate the contribution of the configuration state function (CSF) with the single excitation H → L to the SA-CASSCF wave function.

frequencies on the PES of S1 was found. At this geometry, the S0−S1 energy gap is already reduced by 1.49 eV, compared with the S0−S1 energy gap at the S0 minimum (vertical transition). We were not able to locate a minimum on the PES of S1 at the MR-CIS/SA-6-CASSSCF/cc-pvdz level of theory, indicating, in accordance with our experiments, that the S1 state in AL does not possess an accessible minimum energy geometry in the S1 surface. We started the S1−S0 CI search from a geometry which is in the gradient path from the Franck−Condon geometry, given that previous computations have shown that the probability of crossing between the S1 and S0 PES is maximized for this kind of structures on related purine systems.6,25,26,45 The optimiza-

Figure 3. Fluorescence anisotropy up-conversion measurement of allopurinol riboside in aqueous solution with λEmission = 350 nm and λExcitation = 257 nm. Circles, parallel detection; squares, perpendicular detection. The inset shows the anisotropy values calculated directly from the parallel and perpendicular traces. 901

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3107815 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 898−904

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


the five-membered ring, and the calculations by Delchev et al. were made considering the exact substitution pattern as in the relevant tautomers of allopurinol riboside, hypoxanthine, and inosine. For 4-pyrimidinone a highly accessible S1−S0 CI was computed, where the loss of planarity guides the relaxation of the excited state from the Franck−Condon region to the S1−S0 CI. The geometry at the S1−S0 CI reported for 4-pyrimidinone is nonplanar: d(C6−N1−C2−N3) = −71.468°, d(C4−N3− C2−N1) = 74.613°, and d(C4−N3−N1−C2) = −110.909°. These values for the dihedral angles are comparable with those reported in Figure 4 for the MXS of the S1−S0 CI of allopurinol keto-N1-H.

tion locates the minimum energy point on the hyperline of CIs between two states (seam), the so-called minimum on the crossing seam (MXS). Figure 4 shows the geometry for the MXS found with the geometry optimization by direct inversion of the iterative

CONCLUSIONS We have studied the ultrafast dynamics of the modified DNA base AL-R in aqueous solution and found that even though the five-membered ring is modified when compared with previously studied systems (HPX, INS, and GUA), an ultrafast decay of the S1 (π−π*) excited state was observed (τ < 0.2 ps). Similar to related heterocyclic systems, the ultrafast decay of the S1 (π−π*) excited state is due to an efficient nonradiative process mediated by highly accessible S1−S0 CIs in the relaxation path from the Franck−Condon region. The loss of planarity at the six-membered heterocycle guides the deactivation path of the initially generated S1 (π−π*) excited state, reaching the S1−S0 MXS with a geometry similar to that of HPX, as found herein at the MR-CIS/SA-6-CASSCF level of theory. Since the fivemembered ring continues being planar at the S1−S0 MXS, we conclude that, in general, the ultrafast dynamics of the S1 excited state in these fused heterocyclic systems is dominated by the out-of-plane movements of N1, C2, and N3 as shown in Figure 4 with no involvement of the pyrazolic (AL-R) or iminic (HPX, INS, etc.) ring.

Figure 4. Ground state minimum (top) and MXS S1−S0 CI (bottom) geometries for allopurinol keto-N1-H.

subspace (GDIIS) algorithm as implemented in the Columbus 5.9.2 package.41 The MXS geometry is highly distorted from planarity. The main change, compared with the S0 minimum (Franck−Condon transition), is observed at the six-membered ring which is nonplanar at the MXS as shown by the dihedral angles in Figure 4. On the other hand, the five-membered ring remains planar at the MXS as in the S0 minimum geometry. The geometry for the MXS found for AL-keto-N1-H is similar to those reported for GUA-keto-N9-H4,10,46,47 and HPX-keto-N9-H.32 The nonplanarity in the six-membered ring may be described by the dihedral angles d(C6−N1−C2−N3), d(C4−N3−C2−N1), and d(C4−N3−N1−C2) in order to compare it with the geometry of the S1−S0 CIs found in other similar heterocyclic systems. For instance, some of the values reported for GUA-keto-N9-H are d(C6−N1−C2−N3) = −73.605°,4 d(C4−N3−C2−N1) = 69° and 72.5°,46 d(C4− N3−N1−C2) = 106.6°,47 and d(C4−N3−N1−C2) = 157°,10 while for HPX-keto-N9-H d(C6N1C2N3) = 75.634° was predicted.32 Table 2 summarizes our excited state calculations for the S1 (π−π*) state of AL-keto-N1-H in terms of the S1 and S0 energies. As mentioned, from the Franck−Condon region of the S1 excited state the system relaxes to a saddle point with a planar geometry where the S1−S0 energy gap is significantly reduced. This aforementioned S1 planar geometry (see Table 2) can be thought of as representative of a transitional region between the Franck−Condon region and the region where the S1 and S0 excited states become nearly degenerate. The S1−S0 CI is best represented by the geometry at the S1−S0 MXS. This mechanism explains the ultrafast decay of S1 and the low fluorescence quantum yield of S1 by UV excitation. In support of our suggestion that the five-membered ring does not play an important role in the ultrafast dynamics of neutral allopurinol and the analogous systems, we would like to mention a previous theoretical study of the S1 (π−π*) excited state deactivation of 4-pyrimidinone at the CASPT2/CASSCF level by Delchev et al.48 The 4-pyrimidinone structure corresponds to the six-membered ring of allopurinol without


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Present Address

§ Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For financial support we thank CONACyT Grant178541 and PAPIIT-UNAM Grant IN 204211. S.M. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation under Grant CHE 1213614.


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dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3107815 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 898−904