Ultrasonic absorption in aqueous alkali metal sulfate solutions - The

Thomas J. Gilligan III, and Gordon Atkinson. J. Phys. Chem. .... ACS Editors' Choice: Air Quality in Puerto Rico in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria â...
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J. Phys. Chem. 1980, 84, 208-213

Ultrasonic Absorption in Aqueous Alkali Metal Sulfate Solutions Thomas J. Gilligan, 111, and Gordon Atkinson Department of Chemistry, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 730 19 (Received March 23, 1977, Revised Manuscript Received July 30, 1979)

The ultrasonic absorption of the five alkali metal sulfates was measured in water in the frequency range from 25 to 520 MHz. Only one relaxation was found for each salt and in all systems it was in the region of 100-400 MHz. The amplitude of the absorption increased with increasing concentration while the relaxation frequency decreased or remained constant. Decreasing the temperature also increased the amplitude and decreased relaxation frequency. These results were analyzed in terms of a three-state mechanism of association where the two reaction steps are coupled. The three-state mechanism yielded forward rate constants at 0.5 M and 25 " C for the formation of the inner-sphere complex of 1.0 X lo9 s-l for all salts except for potassium sulfate where it was 2.0 X lo9 s-l. This mechanism successfully explained the decrease in the relaxation frequency of sodium sulfate with increasing concentration. The volume change for the reactions can be calculated and they exhibit a temperature and concentration dependence similar to the absorption amplitude.

Introduction The alkali metal ions are extremely important constituents of the seal and of biofluidsa2 In the past the characteristic kinetics of reaction of these ions in aqueous solution were considered immeasurably fast. With the advent of relaxation methods Eigen and Maass3t4were able to investigate the kinetics of association of these simple metal ions with the complex multidentate ligands NTA3-, EDTA4-, and DGLTA4-. In addition, other kinetic studies4s5have been carried out on the interaction of alkali metal ions with other large molecules, particularly in methanol where association is very extensive. However, no systematic studies have been carried out on the kinetics of association of alkali metal ions with simple anions. We were particularly interested in the association with sulfate because of the importance of sulfate association in seawater and the extensive studies made of sulfate association with +2 and + 3 cation^.^-^ The problems with the study of alkali metal ion-sulfate kinetics in water are twofold. First, the association constants are very small" as are the important thermodynamic parameters AH and AV. Secondly, the rates are expected to be very fast.1° For these reasons we decided to use ultrasonic absorption. Preliminary results showed measurable effects although it was clear very early that we could expect an unpleasant combination of very short relaxation times and very low absorption amplitudes. Eigen and Maass3 used the following mechanism to treat the results of their alkali metal work: kl


M+(aq) + X"-(aq) E[M+-X"-](aq) eM+X"-(aq) I k-1 I1 k-2 I11 State I represents the separated aqueous ions, state I1 an outer-sphere complex, and state I11 an inner-sphere complex. The fact that only one relaxation was observed for these systems makes eq 1the most appropriate scheme. The characteristic water substitution rates3 for the alkali metal ions are all on the order of IO9s-l, so slow relaxations are not to be expected in these systems. The four-state model of Eigen, Diebler, and Tamrns,l2seems overly complex for the alkali metal ion reactions. The first step is the diffusion-controlled approach of the aquo ions and the second is the slower formation of the inner-sphere complex. Inner-sphere complexes of LiSO, and NaS04 have been observed by IR spectrophotometry in fairly concentrated s o l u t i o n ~ . ~Other ~ J ~ Raman studies15have indicated that 0022-3654/80/2084-0208$01 .OO/O

sodium sulfate forms only an outer-sphere complex. However, the Raman studies were done a t lower concentrations than either the IR or our ultrasonic studies. Therefore, the concentration of inner-sphere complexes was probably too small to detect.

Experimental Section Materials. Lithium sulfate monohydrate, anhydrous sodium sulfate, and anhydrous potassium sulfate were Fisher Certified ACS reagents and were used as received. Cesium sulfate was Fisher reagent grade and was used as received. Rubidium sulfate was prepared from silver sulfate and rubidium chloride and purified. Stock solutions of all the salts were prepared volumetrically by using deionized water. Apparatus. The send-receive pulse technique was used for all ultrasonic measurements. In this technique, measurement of pulse attenuation as a function of path length yields the ultrasonic absorption coefficient. A Matec 6600 pulse modulator and receiver with different plug-in units furnished the basic electronics. The plug-in units used were Model 760 (10-90 MHz), Model 765 (90-300 MHz), and Model 770 (300-700 MHz). The output signal from the appropriate plug-in is gated into a Matec 1235 A pulse amplitude monitor. This device, basically a peak-reading voltmeter, provides a direct reading of the amplitude of the selected pulse in decibels. The frequency is measured by beating the pulse with a Hewlett-Packard 608D or 612A signal generator, and then measuring the signal generator frequency a t zero beat frequency by means of a HewlettPackard 5237C frequency counter. Two cells were employed. The medium frequency cell uses a matched pair of 5-MHz X-cut quartz transducers and has an effective range of 15-205 MHz in water. The high frequency cell employs 30-MHz X-cut crystals permanently bonded t~ quartz delay rods and has an effective range of 90-520 MHz in water. For the high frequency cell, a new path-length measuring device was developed. We used a Hewlett-Packard displacement transducer that develops a voltage directly proportional to distance. This device enables us to semiautomate the high frequency measurements since we can automatically process signals related to pulse amplitude, path length, and frequency by using a computing calculator. The medium frequency technique has been described in the literature16 and a description of the high frequency technique will be submitted for pub1ication.l' 0 1980 American Chemical Society

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 84, No. 2, 1980 :209

Ultrasonic Absorption of Alkali Metal Sulfates

The temperature of the jacketed cells was controlled to i0.05 "(2 with a Lauda TK 30-D temperature bath and monitored with a Yellow Springs Instrument 425 C telethermometer. Treatment of Data, The data obtained are based on the equation 1, = 1 0 e - 2 4 - ~ ~ )

(2) where 1, is the intensity of sound wave at xo, I z the intensity of sound wave a t x , and a the absorption coefficient. By measuring a as a function of frequency, f , we generate our blasic (ai,fi)data set. For a single chemical relaxation, the theoretical function is

where Kz is the overall association constant (available from equilibrium data), KI the outer-sphere association constant, KII the inner-sphere association constant, and [A] the activity of species A. We shall calculate KI from the Eigen-Fuoss equation.2°,21KII can then be evaluated. Using the rate equations for the formation of (Na.S04)- and (NaS04)- and the mass balance conditions, we can obtain expressions for the relaxation times by using standard techniques (see ref 18). The Eigen-Fuoss equationz1for KI is

(3) where f , is the relaxation frequency, A the relaxation amplitude, and B the high frequency background. In dilute solutions exhibiting only one relaxation, B is very close to the pure solvent absorption value. In the case of the concentrated alkali metal sulfate solutions examined here, we assume that the measured (alp) should really be considered as the sum of the observed relaxation plus the high frequency relaxation







= 1 + Cf/fJ2 1 + (f/f,')* and B is the pure solvent absorption. AE is the change in the pure solvent absorption caused by the presence of solute. Then we shall treat our data by


A + B' (5) 1 + (f/fJ2 The amplitude of the relaxation, A , and the relaxation frequency, f,, are related to the relaxation time and thermodynamic properties of the process occurring




= 2nf,


where p :is the density of solution, u the sound velocity in solution, AV thLe molar volume change of reaction, AH the molar enthalpy change of reaction, a pthe expansibility of solution, and C, the specific heat of solution

and the equation for k-l isz0J2

where b = ZMZxe2/(aDkT) ZMis the charge of the M ion, Zx the charge of the X ion, DM the diffusion coefficient of the M ion, Llx the diffusion coefficient of the X ion, D the dielectric constant of medium, and a the mean distance of closest approach. The diffusion coefficients can be obtained from the literature23 or calculated from the known conductance^^^ by using the Stokes-Einstein equation. Because of the high concentrations used in this work, we have used the Pitzer equation for the activity coef'ficients

(1.3) where f', BMXY, and CMxY are explicit functions of ionic strength and parameters that depend on the particular electrolyte. The original paper25should be consulted for details. The combination of these equations gives the following expression for the coupled relaxation times:

where where vi is the stoichiometric coefficient of reactant i and Ci the molar concentration of reactant i. For further details, see ref 18. The expressiion for the relaxation time in terms of individual irate constants can be derived from a consideration of the three-state model given above.lg We shall not assume that the two steps are decoupled but shall assume that the activity coefficients are not changing appreciably with concentration in the range of interest, 0.30-1.0 M. Since the activity coefficients show a broad minimum with concentration in the range, this latter assumption should be quite g00d.I~ Using sodiurn sulfate as an example, we can write Na+(aq) + S04*-(aq) Then

kl k-i


[Na.S04]-r [NaS04]- (9) k-2


h2K,' KI' KX - K1' k2( Kz - K,'


+ 2)



+ 1)

The y* identity, y* = y+yz-/y-, is obtained by treating the M2S04 solution as a mixture of (2M+,S042-)and (Mt,MS04-). In this case ?'+2(M')Tz-(so42-) = y+3(Mzso4) ?+(M+)?-(Mso4-) = 7+2(Mzso4) When K z is known, the rate constants for the two-stlep model can be calculated once an a value for the outttr-

The Joutnal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 84, No. 2, 1980


Gilligan and Atkinson

TABLE I: Relaxation Parameters for Na,SO, in WateF concn, M temp, a C


0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 0.30 0.50



25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 15,O 15.0 15.0 15.0 5.5 5.5

_ l _ l _ _ l _ _


fr, MHz


4.3 8.4 13.3 22.7 8.7 15.9 21.9 34.7 17.3 29.6

313 221 221 217 293 221 153 155 233 169

1.8 4.3 7.4 9.8 0.7 4.3 12.3 18.1 -- 0.7 6.8

Average standard deviations are as follows: A , 1-2;

f r , i8 MHz; R’, il. _-_o-,L-










f (MHz)

FQure 1. The excess absorption, a’lf X 10’’ Np s2 cm-’, as a function of the log of the frequency for sodium sulfate at 25 O C and varying concentration.





’250’C 15 O Q C

5 5 ’ ~

301 241

cell and show excellent agreement in their overlap with the medium frequency cell data. The relaxation parameters are illustrated for the 25 “ C data. The data are fitted to A , f,, and B’by using a nonlinear least-squares analysis programmed for a HP 9800 calculator. In no case did (ou’lf2)reach a constant value at high frequencies. However, with the exception of the 5.5 “C results, (ou’lf2)did reach a constant low frequency value. Table I lists the relaxation parameters for the Na2S04 solutions studied. Before we do a quantitative calculation, it is enlightening to examine the results qualitatively by assuming that the two steps are decoupled. In this case, the relaxation time is simply 7-1



0‘ ,









f IMHz)

Figure 2. The excess absorption, a ’ / f X loi7Np s2 cm-I, as a function of the log of the frequency for 0.50 M sodium sulfate at varying temperatures. The values from a three-parameter fit at 25 O C are A , the amplitude, f,, the relaxation frequency, and B’,the residual absorption due to higher frequency relaxation and solute-solvent interactions.

sphere complex is known or assumed. The KI; are known at 25 “ C but must be estimated at lower temperatures.

Results and Discussion42 The excess ultrasonic absorption for different concentrations of Na2S04is shown in Figure 1. The precision of the individual data points is very good for all solutions memured with the largest deviation of any individual point from a derived single relaxation line being 1%. With the low amplitude relaxations in these systems, such precision is necessary for meaningful data treatment. As can be seen from Figure 1, the excess absorption does increase with increasing salt concentration. Below 0.10 M Na2S04,it is difficult to detect a relaxation in this frequency range. Increasing the concentration increases the absorption amplitude and results in either a decreased or unchanged relaxation frequency. This lowering of the relaxation frequency with increasing ion concentration makes it clear that we are not dealing with a simple bimolecular process. The individual data points represent the average of at least three separate determinations of cy a t a given frequency in a given experimental rim, and, in most cases, the average of different experimental runs. Figure 2 shows the temperature dependence of a 0.50 M Na2S04solution. For all of the solutions measured, lowering the temperature increased the absorption amplitude and decreased the relaxation frequency. The shaded symbols are data taken with the high frequency


k2K17+(CNaf + cS042-) +k4 1 + KIY+(CNa++ C S O1 ~ ~


As the Na2S04 concentration is increased, the term [K17+(CNa+ + CSo,z-)] becomes >> 1. and 7-l k2 + k-2 (16) 3

So at high salt concentration, 7 becomes independent of Concentration. This is seen for Na2S04at 25 “C at concentrations greater than 0.30 and at 15 “ C for concentrations greater than 0.50. Although it is useful in explaining the above observation, eq 19 cannot be used in quantitatively interpreting our data since it is based on the assumption that kl’,k-l >> k&-> This is unlikely in our case. The effect of changes in concentration and temperature on B’can be related to two effects. As the concentration increases, the amplitude of the high frequency relaxation included in B’ will increase. A t the same time, the increased concentration of ions will affect the water absorption. This second effect can be roughly correlated with whether the ions are “structure making” or “structure breaking”.27-29“Structure makers” will increase AB with increasing concentration while “structure breakers” will decrease it. In order to compare our results with other results on alkali metal i0ns~3~ we extended the ultrasonic measurements to all t,he alkali metal sulfates.l Figure 3 shows our results at 25 O C and 0.50 M for all the salts. As in Eigen’s work, the amplitude of the sodium salt is substantially greater than the others under the same conditions. The relative amplitude for the other four ions depends on the anion.31 EDTA4NTA3Na SO:-

- -

Na >> K > Li Rb Cs Na >> Cs K > Li > Rb >> K Rb Cs Li (this work)

- - -

Table I1 gives the fitted relaxation parameters for the five salts. The results show one interesting difference from those reported by Eigen and Maass. They found relaxation

The Journal of Physical Chemistty, Vol. 84, No. 2, 1980 211

Ultrasonic: Absorption of Alkali Metal Sulfates


TABLE 11: Rlelaxation Parameters for Alkali Metal Sulfates in WateP salt Li,SO, Li,SO, K2S04

Rb,SO, cs, SO , Li,SO, Li,SO, K2S04

concn, M


0.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50



f,, MHZ


25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5

3.6 7.5 5.0 7.2 4.1 9.1 15.8 14.8 12.6 10.1

397 330 299 356 509 142 128 178 191 219

2.0 4.3 1.6 -1.5 -0.3 5.3 10.5 2.0 1.0 - 1.1

Rb ,S 0 , cs, EIO a Average st;mdard deviations are as follows: A, f,, c 8 M H z ; B ’ , tl.


V Na O








i 2;









f (MHz)

times that decreased monotonically from Li+ to Cs+ for every anion. At 5.5 O C , we find this same decrease in relaxation timie with increase in ionic radius. 5.5 “C order Li+ > Na+ > Kf > Rb+ > Cs+ However, at 25 “ C , Li+ has gone from the slowest to one of the fastest and we find the order to be Na+ > K+ > Rb’ > Lif > CS’ Unfortunately, as the relaxation frequency approaches the upper limit of‘ our measurement range, we become less confident in our fitting parameters. One can speculate that this is due to the very strong hydration of the Li+ ion. This diminishes the extent of inner-sphere complexation so that the bulk of the absorption results from the much faster outer-sphere process. The multidentate ligands used in the Eigen and Maass work could have reversed this effect. At 5.5 “C, the differences caused by difference in hydration of the cations if3diminished since the entire solvent is much more structured. This permits the Li+ to behave in a more “normal” fashion. The B’values for the K+, Rbf, and Cs+ salts are close to zero. This ici consistent with our qualitative correlation of B’ with the structural effects of these ions and the contribution of the fast step amplitude to the measured amplitude. A11 three of these cations are classed as “structure breakers” while SO-: is classed as a “structure maker”. The opposing cation-anion effects on the solvent tend to cancel each other leaving only a small amplitude due to the fast step. Li+ is a “structure maker” so we would expect EIlarger B’ value in its case. To calculate the rate constants, we will use the equations given in the Treatment of Data section. First, an a value

Figure 3. Experimental data for all the alkali sulfates at 25 0.50 M are plotted in terms of d / f 2 X 10’’ Np s2 cm-‘.



must be chosen. This is the “distance of closest approach” in the outer-sphere complex. This is then used to calculate K,’ and k-l. We have assumed k-l is independent of ionic strength so increases in K1’ are reflected by increases in h [ . The K z values were obtained from the l i t e r a t ~ r e . ~ ~ i ~ ~ - ~ ~ Table I11 contains the most important results. The concentration dependence of the rate constants for Na29O4 reveals the same unusual behavior seen in the relaxation frequencies. In Table I1 we saw the relaxation frequency decrease with increasing concentration. Normally, no dependence on concentration would be expected since this is a unimolecular process. However, in this system the coupling between kl’ and k z is closest at the lowest concentration. This results in a higher hz than would be expected if no coupling existed. As the concentration increases, hl’ increases. This tends to decouple the two steps. At 1.00 M k{ and k2 differ by a factor of 10, so the two steps are essentially decoupled. Calculation of kz for 1.00 M NaZSO4by using the rapid preequilibrium methlod and a K z of 5.2 (ref 11) gives 5.1 X lo8 s-l instead of the 5.2 X lo8 s-l given by the extended calculation. Only a t 0.30 M do the two methods give appreciably different results. When a K z of 6.6 is used (ref 35) the results me slightly altered (see Table 111). Since the value for kz depends on the value of a assumed, we varied a for the 0.5 M Na2S04calculations a t 25 “C. With K,’ at a minimum near a = 5 A and kT1increasing with increasing a, k2 is smaller at both 4 and 6 A than it is at 5 A. If one were to suppose that a did vary with concentration, the size would be inversely related to the

TABLE HI: Rate Constants and Equilibrium Constants for Selected Alkali Sulfatesa temp, 1 0 - 9 ( 1 / ~ ) , cation

concn, M



0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

25 25 25 25 25 25 15 5.5 25 25 25 25


Nit Nil Nitb NaC NEI Na Li K Rb



1.97 1.39 1.39 1.36 1.29 1.39 1.39 1.06 2.49 1.88 2.24 3.20



K x , M-’

5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.79b 5.93c 5.35 5.20 5.53 5.53 5.53 5.53

1.63 2.25 2.75 3.38 2.35 2.41 2.17 2.03 2.71 2.18 2.36 2.46

6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 5.2 5.2 4.9 4.6 5.9 7.1 4.0 4.0

10-9k,, M-’ s - ] 2.50 1.21 0.99, 0.76, 0.97, 0.81, 0.99, 0.77,

1.39 1.79 1.08 1.00

10-9k_,, i0-9k1’,





0.82, 0.62, 0.70, 0.79, 0.80, 0.70, 0.79, 0.61, 1.18 0.79, 1.55 1.59

4.16 5.74 7.01 8.62 3.60 8.58 4.32 3.07 5.83 7.00 7.67 8.00

2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 1.53 3.56 1.99 1.51 2.15 3.21 3.25 3.25

a In the derived parameters (k,, k - 2 )more significant figures are reported than the actual analysis warrants. This is t o aid other scientists who may want t o use this data. For general use, both k , and k., should be rounded off to one significant figure. It should be noted that in some cases *KI(calculated) is larger than K x (experimental), This is illogical and simplly an artifact of the combination of experimental and calculational techniques used. It does not effect the values of the important derived rate constants or A V s within experimental error. ci = 4 A . a = 6 A.


The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 84, Na





Na,Na SO,

No. 2, 1980

+ NaHS04

$ Na




Figure 4. Possible additional steps for the ionic association of sodium sulfate are shown: The indicates an outer-sphere complex, while the inner-sphere complex is represented as a contact pair. The charges on the ions have been omitted for simplicity.


concentration. The effect of this on the NaZSO4results would be to give a smaller hz at lower concentrations while leaving the high concentration values largely unchanged. This would bring the results more in line with the more aesthetically pleasing concentration-independent rate constant. To examine the effect of temperature on k 2 , we evaluated the results for 0.50 M Na2S04at 15.0 and 5.5 " C by using a = 5 A. The values for K , at these temperatures were obtained by using the AH, value of +1.1kcal/mol reported by Austin and Maira3, The calculated hz at 15.0 "C is very slightly larger than the value at 25 "C while the 5.5 "C value is appreciably less. We would expect the decrease of hz from 25 to 5.5 " C to hold true for all the alkali metal sulfates since the relaxation frequencies decrease for all and all should have positive AH* values. As the temperature decreases, k-l also decreases due primarily to the decrease in the diffusion coefficients. The two parameter fit results were used to evaluate the rate constants for 0.50 M Li2S04. The K , used was 4.5 (ref 33). The use of the other K , value in the literature (5.9 in ref 35) altered the results somewhat. The results are given in Table 111. The initial K , values used for RbZSO4 and Cs2S04are from Reardon (ref 35). However, it was necessary to use a K , somewhat larger than Reardon's value since Reardon's value of K z was the same as our KI. For KzS04two different K , values were used. The value of 9.1 (ref 11) gives hz = 2.02 X lo9 s-l while the 7.1 value (ref 34) yields h, = 1.79 X lo9 s-l, Reardon's work indicates that the smaller value of K2 is a better choice. The results for Rb2S04and CszS04are very similar to those for LizS04 since only the h-l values differ appreciably. This effect is due to the larger diffusion coefficients of Rb' and Cs'. Treatment of these systems by using the simple threestate model has greatly facilitated the understanding and analysis of the data, Figure 4 gives a more detailed picture of the Na2S04system as an example. However, pursuing this more detailed mechanism in our calculations does not seem fruitful. In essence we have one measured relaxation time and one measured equilibrium constant for each salt at each concentration and temperature. In addition, thermodynamic data are lacking for the secondary equilibria shown in Figure 4. In all of these systems we are dealing with electrolytes that are very largely dissociated. In addition, most of the kinetic processes are close to diffusion control. Therefore, we do not believe more elaborate kinetic analysis is fruitful at this time. Given the experimental concentrations, the assumptions made, and the small size of the association constants, the value of kz at 0.50 M for Li, Na, Rb, and Cs is the same, 1 X lo9 5-l. Potassium is higher a t 2 x lo9 s-l. Since all but the K+ system have similar K , values, this is not a surprising

Gilligan and Atkinson

result. However, it is surprising that KzS04with a larger K , than Na2S04should give a smaller absorption amplitude. The only explanation, if one accepts the K , values, is that the AV for the K+ association is much smaller than for the Na+ association. The excess absorption values, A , can be used to calculate the values of AV, the change in volume on ion association. Experimentally we obtain A?,' the volume change for the slower relaxation. AVI is not available except for a maximum possible value. The formation of the outer-sphere complex should have a small AV since, presumably, no water is released in the process. Therefore, the contribution of the relaxation to AVz, the volume change for the second step, will be small. If AVI were zero or 711 > AV, which seems eminently sensible when we think about the formation of inner-sphere complexes vs. outer-sphere complexes. Table IV gives the 4 V values calculated with and without coupling as well as showing the effect of different AVI values on the AV1 and AV, values. It is interesting to note that for 0.50 M Na2S04 at 5.5 "C, AV2 = -9.6 cm3/mol if AV1 is 0 and -8.5 cm3/mol AV, is -7 cm3/mol. At the lower temperature the coupling is more pronounced, These results would give a Avo for the overall reaction of (AV, AV,) = -8.5 cm3/mol. This can be compared with the much larger value of -15.8 cm3/mol obtained by Kester and Pytkowicz3' for 0.50 M NaZSO4at 2 "C. Their value was obtained from the pressure dependence of the equilibrium constant deter-


The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 84,

Ultrasonic Absorption of Alkali Metal Sulfates

TABLE IW: R.eaction Volumes for Selected

to Dr. Frank Garland for his experimental and theoretical help.

A l k a l i Sulfates



concn, temp, M “C





em3/ mol

cm3/ mol

cm3/ mol

ern3/ mol

0 -7.2 0 -7.0 0 -10.0 0 -5.2 0 -6.0

t0.7 - 0.5 t 1.7 -0.1 + 0.5 -1.5 t 0.6 -0.2 t 0.5 -0.2

- 5.0 -4.2 - 9.6




-4.4 -4.4




-6.6 -6.6










-5.3 -5.3 -3.8 -3.8 -4.4 -4.4


Outer sphere.

No. 2, 1980 213

-8.5 -10.6 - 9.6 - 3.6 -


- 2.5

- 2.1

Inner sphere.

mined with a specific ion electrode. One should note that the Kester and Pytkowicz AVO for Na2S04is even larger than that determined by other w o r k e r ~for~ MgS04. ~~~~ This seems improbable. Fisher has measured the pressure dependence of the conductance of aqueous Na2S04solutions. His recent recalculation^^^ gave him a AVO of -8.25 cm3/mol for N,a+-SO?- ion pair formation. This is in very good agreement with our results. miller^^^ has predicted that AV” will increase with decreasing temperature. This is observed in our work. Thus a substantial amount of the increased sound absorption a t lower temperatures is due to an increase in AVO and not to changes in density, velocity, and degree of association. These last three effects would only increase amplitude by about 15% as one goes from 25 to 5.5 OC. In conclusion we have shown that alkali metal ion association with sulfate proceeds at nearly a diffusion-controlled rate. The association process is best described as the fast formation of an outer-sphere complex followed by rapid conversion to inner-sphere complexes. As the concentration of the solution decreases the rates of the two steps approach each other. The low degree of association gives low amplitude sound absorption with most of the amplitude being attributable to the outer-sphere to inner-sphere conversion. The combination of low amplitudes and coupled fast steps will make it very difficult to gain additional information about these systems by use of this technique. At higher concentrations it does appear possible to treat the two steps as largely decoupled and thereby derive very useful kinetic information.

Acknowledgment. The authors acknowledge the generous support of the Office of Naval Research, Ocean Science and Technology Division, under Contract N00014-’75-C0875. They also express their appreciation

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