Ultrasonic relaxation in calcium nitrate hydrated melts - The Journal of

Ultrasonic relaxation in calcium nitrate hydrated melts. G. S. Darbari, M. R. Richelson, and S. Petrucci. J. Phys. Chem. , 1972, 76 (10), pp 1507–15...
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Acknowledgment. This work has been supported by a contract with the Office of Naval Research and grants from NATO and NSF. The authors gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with Dr. L. Jackopin, relating to the ultrasonic instrumentation. (6) E. Yeager and F. Hovorka, "Ultrasonics," in "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology," Vol. 14, Interscience, New York, N. Y., 1955, pp 407-422.



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Figure 1. Plot of CY/? us. frequency for various water concentrations of Ca(N08)2.xH20 at different temperatures. Present work: A, A, x = 3.73; 0, 0, 2 = 4.14. Reference 1 (Darbari and Petrucci): 0, z = 4.0

cm should have resonance frequencies in the range 5 X lo6 to 5 X 10' HZ and could give rise to anomalous absorption in this frequency range. Hydrolysis is unlikely as a possible explanation since small additions of concentrated nitric acid to the hydrate melts did not have any appreciable effect on the results. It is very unlikely that any appreciable sonochemical reaction was produced by the ultrasonic degassing. We know of no instance where substantial changes in chemical composition have been produced with ultrasonic treatment6 other than in high molecular weight polymers which are sensitive t o shear degradation and free radical chain reactions. If any trace amount of an impurity (e.g., nitrites) was produced by the ultrasonic treatment, it certainly would not be expected to decrease by a large amount the ultrasonic absorption associated with the major components. Furthermore, vacuum filtering without the ultrasonic treatment also lowered the observed absorption but not by as much as the ultrasonic degassing. The degassing of viscous liquids is very difficult. When the ultrasonically degassed melts were allowed to crystallize several times in air, the absorption coefficient was found to increase by an easily detectable amount a t the lower frequencies. It was also noticed that the melts became turbid. The relaxation frequencies corresponding to the present a / f z data cannot be evaluated accurately because of the lack of data at sufficiently high frequencies. An estimate has been made of the relaxation frequency for Ca(S03)2.3.73H20 a t 32" on the basis that the data can be fitted to a single relaxation. The value so obtained is 170 f 30 MHz. The validity of fitting these data to a single relaxation, however, is open to question. Brillouin scattering experiments are now underway in an attempt t o obtain absorption data at frequencies in the low gigahertz region.

Ultrasonic Relaxation i n Calcium Nitrate Hydrated Melts Publication costs borne completely by The Journal of Physical Chemistry

Sir: I n answer to the communication of Yeager, et al.,l we shall deal first with the reliability of Yeager's findings and the possible significance of them, and then we shall discuss the origin of the observed discrepancies. We have repeated the experiment of Yeager starting with Ca(l\;03)2.8H20, and concentrating to Ca(l\;O&. 3.62HP0 with simultaneously a high intensity 20-kHz ultrasonic field and vacuum for 5 hr. The melt was analyzed for Ca2f by cation exchange and for Not- by differential spectrophotometry a t 3100 A; there was a 0.5% (absolute) disagreement between the two independent analyses. Ultrasonic absorption data at 45" for this melt are shown in Figure 1. The dashed line shows Yeager's result for Ca(NOa)2.3.73Hz0at 42". This experiment reproduces in substance his findings. With the melt presumably so purified, we introduced bubbles into it by forcing NPfor 0.5 hr at room temperature. The liquid stood overnight in a closed container. It froze and was remelted in the same sealed vessel. Some opacity was observed. Without precautions to avoid bubbles, the melt was transferred to an ultrasonic cell, and the experiment was repeated at 45". The surprising result (Figure 1)is that, instead of obtaining a large absorption increase as claimed,' the same data were obtained as in the first experiment, within experimental error. Further trials of introducing gas into the melts were repeated by bubbling air for about 1 hr into it. The melt was now very turbid. Ultrasonic runs were repeated shortly thereafter, and again 4 days later at the same temperature, 45" (Figure 1); again, the same results were obtained. Because of the possible claim that bubble size distribution would affect the position of the claimed spurious relaxation, Xi2 n a s bubbled into the melt at about 55" through a 1-mm (1) S. Smedley, C. Hall, and E. Yeager, J. Phys. Chem., 76, 1506 (1972).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. IO, 1.978






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J , P H Y S C H E M . 7 3 , 9 2 1 (19691


C a ( N 0 3 1 2 3 . 8 1 H20 ( F I S H E R )



C a ( N O 3 l 2 4 0 0 H ~ O(FISHER1


co (NO312 4.08H20 ( A N A L A R I









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VoLuum ond Power UllrlllOnlCTreOlmbnl. Somple 8 After Bubbling N Z C r y r t o l l i i o t i c n a n d Re-melting.


Sample C Aller Bubbling Air.




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Figure 1. Plot of vs. frequency, f,for Ca(NOa)2.3.62H20 st 45'. Melts treated as indicated.

capillary and a 10-pm pore size glass frit, each for 72 hr. Once again, the sound absorption was unaltered. Another argument against the thesis of the bubbles cmerges when the problem of reproducibility is considered, since it is unlikely that two melts would contain similar concentration and size distribution of bubbles. On the contrary, when two melts of exactly the same composition (within h0.02 mol of waterlmol of salt) werc recently prepared, we invariably obtained ultrasonic absorption results within experimental error. Also, temperature recycling of the melts should make the data, if thcy are influenced by bubbles, irreproduciblc, which is contrary to our observations. The argument presented by Yeager, et d . , l that the resonance frequency of pulsating bubbles of 1-pm cm) and 0.1-pm diameter is the cause of the excess sound absorption does not find substance if the shape of the sound absorption relaxation spectrum is considered. From the quotedl paper of Devinj2it is true that for a bubble of 1-pm radius Ro,the resonance frequency fiu = (3yP0/p)~'~/2.lrR~ = 6.6 AIHz, where y = C,/Cv, Le., the ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure and volume; here it is assumed to be 1.4; POis the static pressurc, about 1 X lo6 dyn cm-2; p is the density of the liquid. However, the viscous damping constant, Gvisc E (8nl7fi~/3yP,), is proportional to the viscosity of thc liquid. Therefore at 30", 7) = 2 P and 8visc E 66. Thc number of cycles required for the amplitude of motion to be reduced to exp( - n ) of its original value is the Q (quality factor) of the bubble system. Q may be defined as 8visc-1 = f M / A f , and in our case Af = 6.6 X loe X 66 = 440 MHz. Af = fi - f1, where f l and fz are the frequencies at which the sound absorption has been reduced to one half the value at fM. Such a large value of Af/2 = 220 MHz is not justified by the experimental data. From these results it appears that bubbles are not involved in the sound absorption differences and that The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, N o . 10,1978

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Figure 2. Plot of a f - 2 vs. frequency, f, for C a ( N 0 3 ) z . z H z 0 a t 45O, where z = 3.81, 4.00, and 4.08. For each composition, the same results were obtained whether the salt was simply melted or filtered (10-bm pore size) under a vacuum of 30 mm.

some other factor must be. Perhaps it is the strong ultrasonic field treatment sonoration is ltnovin to cause structural d e g r a d a t i ~ n . We ~ will not inquire as to other possible reasons for the discrepancies of the data. We have found that the application of vacuum alone to the molten salt did not have any measurable effect on the ultrasonic results. Salts from two different manufacturers were used (Figure 2 ) . Whether the salt was simply melted or filtered under house vacuum (30 mm) at 50" through a 10-pm pore size glass frit was inconsequential with respect to the absorption. The composition of the clear fluids used here was nominally Ca(N03)z.4H20,but known in each case to *0.01 mol of HzO/mol of salt. Examination of Figure 2 shows that fair reproducibility with our previous results can be obtained if the composition of the melt is Ca(IY03)z.3.8H20instead of the previously reported 4Hz0. The difference in the sound absorption of the two melts is due t o the great dependence of the viscosity upon their composition. An error of 0.5% absolute would change the molar composition by 0.1 mol of HzO/mol of Ca(N03),.4Hz0. Since in no way could we reproduce our 1969 data unless we adjusted the composition, we believc that a SYStematic chemical analysis error is the only cause of the discrepancy. Because the various physical treatments of our melts did not alter their ultrasonic characteristics, we conclude that the effect of any naturally OCcurring bubbles is nil and we feel that the bubble hypothesis should be rejected as irrelevant in this instance. (2) C. Devin, Jr., J . Acoust. Soc. Amer., 31, 1654 (1959). (3) G. S. Darbari and 5. Petrucci, J . Phys. Chem., 73,921 (1969). (4) B. Carlin, "Ultrasonics," 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, Kew York, N. Y . , 1960, Chapter X.


COMMUNICATIONS TO THE EDITOR Finally, Figurc 2 reveals an onset of a relaxation, probably of viscoelastic nature, at high (>lo0 nIHz) frequencies with the disappearance of the B contribution to the sound absorption as used in the equation 4 - 2 = [A/1 (f/fr)2] B. Because of the proximity of the relaxation that we observed to the one a t higher frequencies, it cannot be excluded that a mathematical description of both relaxations, as belonging to a continuous broad distribution of relaxation times, could be achieved provided data encompassing the requisite frequency range to cover all of the relaxation regions up to the pseudo-glass absorption were available.




Figure 1. Oscilloscope trace of drift velocity of electrons in 10 M NaOH glassy ice a t 77°K y-irradiated to 0.18 Mrad a t an applied field of 4 kV/cm. The vertical scale is 0.2 V/division G. S. DARBARI and the horizontal scale is 20 psec/division. The light pulse M. R. RICHELSON occurs where the base line trace begins. The base line trace S. PETRUCCI* was obtained with the light shutter closed.

NOVEMBER 1, 1971

Temperature Dependence of the Drift Mobility of Electrons in Glassy 10 M Sodium Hydroxide Ice Publication


assisted by the Air Force Ofice of Scientific Research

Sir: The problem of electron transport and scattering mechanisms and the full interpretation of photoconductivity data in disordered systems requires a knowledge of the electron mobility. Recent measurements of electron drift mobilities in amorphous silicon1 and in liquid hydrocarbon^^,^ show that the drift mobilities are temperature activated and suggest that transport involves transient trapping. In contrast, a recent measurement of the Hall mobility of electrons in glassy 10 M NaOH ice indicates that lattice phonon scattering dominates the transport process and suggests that the electron motion in this matrix can be treated in terms of a band modeL4 Here we report drift mobility measurements on electrons in glassy 10 M NaOH ice which confirm the applicability of a band model to this system. Also, the temperature dependence of the mobility in the high-field region shows that ionic species scattering as well as lattice phonon scattering occurs. Glassy 10 A4 NaOH ice at 77°K efficiently traps electrons generated by y i r r a d i a t i ~ n . ~These trapped electrons can be detrapped optically to produce photoconductivity.6 The drift mobility is measured with a time-of-flight method,’ using a high gain FET 148 B operational amplifier with a rise time of less than 20 psec. A light flash produces mobile electrons near one electrode by optical detrapping of some of the trapped electrons produiecd by y irradiation. These electrons drift under an applied field to the positive electrode and the time dependence of this current is observed on an oscilloscope. The cryostat used for measurements of the temperature dependence above 77°K has been

described.6 The variation of temperature below 77°K was achieved by transferring cold helium gas from a storage dewar to the experimental double dewar. The temperature inside the experimental dewar is varied by controlling the rate of gas transfer. After a xenon light flash, the scope signal rises to a maximum within the response time of the amplifier, is constant while the mobile electrons move across the sample, and decreases when they reach the opposite electrode. A typical oscillogram is shown in Figure 1. The time from the light flash to the break point for the decrease is taken as the transit time of mobile electrons. The transit time is determined most accurately by plotting the data on a log time scale. The drift mobility is calculated from p~ = L2/Vt,where V is the applied voltage, t is the transit time, and L is the sample thickness (1 mm). Figure 2 presents the temperature dependence of the drift mobility at 4 kV/cm for a y-irradiation dose of 0.18 Mrad. All data in Figure 2 were taken on a. single sample and the error in the relative drift mobility is shown by error bars which are approximately the size of the filled circles. Other samples give a similar temperature dependence and the reproducibility of the drift mobility at a given temperature is &lo%. At the field and dose used the electrons are somewhat above thermal energies and are described as ((hot,” as shown by photocurrents which are somewhat superohmic.6 The drift mobility signals are too small to carry out a complete temperature dependence study at low fields, but even in the ((hot” electron region the temperature (1) P. G. LeComber and W. E. Spear, Phys. Rev. Lett., 25, 509 (1970). (2) R. M. Minday, L. D. Schmidt, and H, T. Davis, J. Chem. Phys., 55,3112 (1971). (3) W. A. Schmidt and A. 0. Allen, ibid., 52,4788 (1970). (4) I. Eisele and L. Kevan, ibid., 5 5 , 5407 (1971). (5) L. Kevan, Actions Chim. Bwl. Radiat., 13,57 (1969). (6) I. Eisele and L. Kevan, J.Chem. Phys., 53, 1867 (1970). (7) (a) R . G. Kepler, Phys. Rev., 119, 1226 (1960); (b) W. F. Spear and J. -Mort, Proc. Phys. Soc., 81, 130 (1963).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, X o . 10,1978