™™_Jthe problems of the insecticide chemist just begin when he finds a good insecticide. Then he must feed a tiny droplet to each bug... or spread...
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Purgeport for Pump

CD CO Have we told you about two newly available materials in the field of synthetic nitrogen chemistry? They're Pyrrole and N-Methyl Pyrrole. Both are highly reactive and have application in organic synthesis. We could set down here some physical characteristics, but instead we invite you to write for our latest technical bulletins. In them, we point out such salient facts as molecular weight, solubility, boiling point and many other interesting data designed to help you


determine whether you

may have applications. If you desire, we'll send sample quantities, too— no charge, of course. Should one of these chemicals seem to meet your needs, we'd be delighted to get together to discuss possibilities and problems.

I n n o v a t i o n in p u m p design is t h e a d d i t i o n of a direct connection t o the p u m p c h a m b e r . O r i g i n a l i n t e n t was to service p u m p i n g c h a m b e r . H o w e v e r , with a d d i t i o n of P u r g e p o r t it is now possible to see m a t e ­ rial being p u m p e d . Dept. I EC, Jaeco Pump Co., Villanova, Pa. 10

Portable Pumps L a t e s t a d d i t i o n t o c o m p a n y ' s line of p l a s t i c sealless p u m p s is t h e T o t e - A - P u m p . I t is p o r t a b l e a n d

ULTRASONICS to work ^ ^ Î ^ ? S for a shinier shine and a longer protection a major polish manufacturer now homogenizes their polish ultrasonically. The better their blend the better their polish, they found... and the smaller the particles the better the blend. The Dispersonic gave them the smaller particles at a fraction of *>. κ. Λ A the first cost and power of %>, conventional equipment. . . and paid for itself in o n e year by low­ ered mainte­ nance costs.


Portable struction





can be used to p u m p corrosive a n d abrasive materials. Vanton Model X B 1 2 0 h a s a c a p a c i t y of 20 gallons per m i n u t e a n d costs a b o u t $225. L a r g e r models, to 40 g.p.m., cost a b o u t $650. Dept. IEC, Vanton Pump Λ· Equipment Co.. Hillside, N. J. 11

..in Insecticides ., ,. , .. _____ ™™_Jthe problems of the insecticide chemist just begin when he finds a good insecticide. Then he must feed a tiny droplet to each b u g . . . or spread a thin layer on the bug or plant. The micron-sized drops from Sonic h o m o g e n i z e r s will get m o r e bugs "plastered" with more droplets from the same amount of insecticide than ever before. Sonic Homogenizers develop and use all the energy right in the liquids with only 1/6 to 1/10 the power, and at a fraction of the first cost, of conventional equipment . . . maintenance-negligible.


The Dispersonic . . . abrasive emulsions

Pulverizing Mill A v e r t i c a l h a m m e r mill w i t h a n integral air classifier for e x t r e m e l y


•i •xvi*r;


Other Models MINISONIC . . . for small batches SANISONIC . . . meets sanitary requirements AUTOSONIC . . . continuous supply RAPISONIC . . . production homogenizer

Sonic homogenizers can give you a superior emulsion, too. Send for technical bulletin



Particle size is controlled b y selector b a r adjustment, f e e d rate, and air flow

Circle No. 7 on Readers' Service Card

102 A



146 Selleck Street, Stamford, Conn. Circle No. 2 on Readers' Service Card