under one roof...your best source for basic chemicals

AMMONIA, ANHYDROUS. & AQUA-Available from three industry-oriented plants. AMMONIUM NITRATE-ln pelleted form. Typical anal- ysis: 96% NH4NO3, min. AMMO...
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AMMONIA, ANHYDROUS & A Q U A - A v a i l a b l e from three industry-oriented plants.

METHANOL-99.85% pure. Shipped in barge, tank car, tank trucks. NITROGEN TETROXIDELow-cost oxidizer for c h e m i c a l s , l i q u i d rocket propellants. Easy to handle and store.

AMMONIUM N I T R A T E - l n pelleted form. Typical analysis: 9 6 % NH4NO3, min. AMMONIUM NITRATE S 0 L U T I 0 N S - N F S - 8 3 and NFS-50, water s o l u t i o n s containing 8 3 % and 5 0 % NH4NO3 respectively. AMMONIUM SULFATEFor diverse uses including fireproofing, fertilizers, leather tanning. ETHYLENE OXIDE-Chemical i n t e r m e d i a t e , f u n g i cide, fumigant, rocket propellant.

POLYETHYLENE GLYCOLS —Six forms available: PEG 200, 300, 400, 600, 1000, 1450. Tank car or combination shipments, tank wagon and drums.

ETHYLENE GLYCOL-Also Di- and Triethylene glycol. Humectants, plasticizers, chemical manufacture among scores of uses. ETHANOLAMINES-Mono-, Di and T r i e t h a n o l a m i n e . TEA available in 9 8 % and commercial grades. FORMALDEHYDE-Availab l e a s 3 7 % Inhibited, 3 7 % Low-Methanol, 4 5 % LowM e t h a n o l . 5 0 % LowMethanol.

U.F. CONCENTRATE-85Highly concentrated solut i o n of f o r m a l d e h y d e ( 6 0 % ) and urea ( 2 5 % ) . Economical, easy to handle in making resins and adhesives.

SODIUM NITRATE-Three grades—coarse, m e d i u m , fine—to meet process requirements. 99.5% pure. UREA —Available as crystals or pellets from two p l a n t s and many stock points.

For specs and /oca/ offices, see Chem. Materials Catalog, page 272A; Chem. Week Buyer's Guide, page 27.

under one roof...your best source for basic chemicals Allied Chemical



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