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Do you care about your prospects in our increasingly competitive employment market? Join more than 12,000 chemical scientific and engineering professionals at the 213th ACS national meeting in San Francisco, April 13-17,1997! Participate in some of the activities below or those sponsored by more than 25 ACS technical divisions to help prepare yourself for a marketable career in the chemical sciences, network, or have a good time!

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8:00 AM-4:00 PM Kids & Chemistry Scientist Training (Office of Public Outreach). Learn exciting tech­ niques for sharing science with elementary school children and more about the new Kids & Chemistry program. To preregister, contact Cathi Buzalsky at [email protected] via e-mail or at 202/872-6016 via phone.

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1:00-5:00 PM Walking/Speakers Tour of San Francisco with a Discussion on the Chemistry of the Food and Beverages Industry* (San Francisco State University and the University of Texas of the Permian Basin SAACS Chapters). Take a relaxing stroll with a group of students around the unique historic parts of the City of San Francisco and learn some chemistry facts pertaining to the local food and beverage industry. Noon-3:00 PM ACS Regional Meeting Undergraduate Programs Training Session* Faculty Advisors, future ACS regional meeting pro­ gram chairs, and students are invited to the open training session for the Student Affiliates chapters developing and hosting undergraduate activities at the 1997 fall ACS regional meetings. Those interest­ ed in hosting future undergraduate regional meeting programs (particularly those in the spring and fall of 1998) should attend this workshop to gain insights into writing a proposal, planning, marketing, and implementing activities at their respective regional meetings. To preregister, contact the Student Affiliates program at [email protected] via e-mail or at 202/872-6166 via phone. 4:00-6:00 PM Undergraduate Hospitality Center Opens* An on-site undergraduate hospitality center also will be open 8:30 AM-5:00 PM. Sunday and Monday, and 8:30 AM-3:30 PM, Tuesday. Undergraduate stu­ dents can get answers to their questions about the meeting, pick up information brochures, meet new people, or just relax. 5:30-6:30 PM How To Use ACS Career Services To Your Advantage* (Department of Career Services). This workshop will explain to undergraduates how to use ACS Career Services programs effectively. Such programs include mock interview sessions, résumé review discussions, and the National Employment Clearing House. 6:30-7:00 PM Getting the Most out of the National Meeting* This is your opportunity to ask questions about the undergraduate program and any other activities available at the meeting.

i | ! ' 7:00-9:00 PM Student Kick-off Social· (SAACS chapters at San Francisco State University and the University of San Francisco). This is the major ice-breaker for undergraduates and mentors. Come to have fun and learn about the hot events of the meeting before everything starts. Food and refreshments will be served. **Saturday's activities are part of a special pre-meeting program for undergraduates.

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SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 1997


10:30 AM-No on Problem-solving/Leadership Development Interactive Session for Student Affiliates Chapters" This popular session involves undergraduate participants who identify obstacles that they have encountered in achieving the year-round goals and objectives of their Student Affiliates chapters, as well as the strategies for overcoming these barriers. In addition, the session will address chapter development, community service, and fundraising.

Noon-2:00 PM Demonstrations with Kitchen Chemicals Performed by Student Affiliates* Approximately 20 SAACS chapters will staff tables and demonstrate hands-on how they successfully perform their community service programs using ordinary materials you perhaps can find at the local grocery or hardware store. 1:00-7:00 PM Mock Interview Sessions for Undergraduates (Department of Career Services). Sessions give the student an opportunity to videotape a practice inter­ view and receive immediate feedback on how to improve interviewing skills. Bring a copy of your résumé. The process takes about 45 minutes. Twenty-two interview session slots have been reserved for undergraduates on Sunday. (Moscone Center/Adjacent to Meeting Registration Area) 1:00-7:00 PM Résumé Review and Career Assistance Begins (Department of Career Services). This program provides individual half-hour appointments with a career consultant for the purpose of reviewing your résumé and discussing your career options.

9:00 AM-5:00 PM Global Chemistry: Gaining a Competitive Edge with Work/Study Abroad Programs (Division of Chemical Education). Students, faculty, and industrial professionals will survey benefits of internship and study abroad programs. 9:00-10:30 AM SAACS Chapters Web Developers' Guide* Find out how to develop your own Web site and maximize your use of the internet to support your chapter programs. This interactive session will include a problem-solving activity to brainstorm ideas on successful Internet applications.

10:30 AM-Noon Minority Representation in Industry and Higher Education* (Committee on Minority Affairs). This is a must session for all undergraduates seeking to gain a more positive understanding of the cultural and racial diversity issues affecting the everyday aspects of our lives and our profession. Three ACS student scholars and representatives from industry, government, and academe will discuss obstacles that minorities face in industry and higher education and the retention of minority students in science. This session also will address the values of role models, mentoring, precollege programs, and affirmative action in promoting diversity in the chemistry profession.

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1:00-7:00 PM National Employment Clearing House Opens (Department of Career Services). Registration begins. Interviews with prospective employers run from Monday through Wednesday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. and Thursday. 8:00 AM-Noon. (Prescheduled interviews only—All other NECH areas close at 5:30 PM Wednesday). The NECH closes at 5:30 PM each day except on Thursday (Noon). Sign up for an interview with a prospective employer, perhaps for an internship, co-op opportunity, or future employment after graduation. To preregister (highly advised), contact the Department of Career Services at 202/872-6209 or e-mail [email protected]. (Moscone Center. Hall C) 1:30-3:30 PM I've Got My Degree: What Do I Do Next? (Younger Chemists Committee). An informal discussion about career options and preparation to help you make the transition to the chemical workplace.

2:00-3:30 PM Student Survival Guide: Learning How To Learn Chemistry Diane Bunce, The Catholic University of America* An international scholar on chemical education will share important teaching and learning styles in chemistry. This program also is a valuable resource for students interested in teaching careers or looking for advice on how to be an effective teaching assis­ tant while still in school. 3:30-4:30 PM Graduate School Preparation Seminar* Morton Hoffman, Boston University, will discuss everything you ever wanted to know about graduate schools in the chemical sciences: how to get in, how to stay in, and how to get out. 4:30-6:00 PM Corporation Associates' Careers in Industry Panel Discussion: Working in Industry Today* A panel of industrial professionals will discuss important career issues relating to the workplace and the current job market. Undergraduates will gain insights on how to prepare themselves to meet the challenges of an increasingly global and technological job market. 5:00-6:00 PM Younger Chemists Committee Reception Network with people who are very much in touch with your concerns and questions about becoming a chemistry professional. 6:00-8:00 PM ACS Presidential Event Sponsored by ACS Industry Relations This special event will highlight the ACS Heroes of Chemistry program, honoring industrial chemists who have developed applications or products for commercial use in the field of environmental chemistry. 8:00-9:00 PM The Fourth Annual Student Affiliates Awards Program* (ACS Corporation Associates). Members of the ACS leadership will preside over the fourth annual Student Affiliates Awards Program. This special event will honor Student Affiliates chapters that have been recognized as outstanding, commendable, and honorable mention for their work and accomplishments during the past year. All ACS members and affiliates are invited.

HIOHMUJWIIL14. IQQ7 10:00 AM-Noon (section I) and 1:30-3:30 PM (section II) Undergraduate Research Poster Sessions* (Division of Chemical Education). More than 500 students from more than 200 schools are expected to participate in the 1997 spring ACS undergraduate research poster sessions. Eighteen technical research areas will be featured. This is an opportuni­ ty for mentors and students to learn from some of the most dynamic presentations by students from around the country. (Moscone Center, Halls A/B) 11:00 A M - 2 : 3 0 P M Graduate School Fair* Representatives from approximately 60 graduate schools will be available to provide undergraduate students with graduate school information. School representatives will staff tables with program brochures, career materials, and special gifts you can take with you. This is your chance to receive any needed personalized attention and direction about shaping your professional career goals. (Moscone Center, Halls A/B)


I 4:30-6:00 PM Eminent Scientist Speaker: Mary Good (Undersecretary, U.S. ! Department of Commerce) and ACS ! Corporation Associates Reception for Undergraduates. | From Yell County, Arkansas, to the White House Lawn: Science & Technology Backgrounds Can Get You Anywhere!* ! This event will provide undergraduates an opportu­ nity to interact with chemistry professionals repre­ ! senting a variety of industries and other students and ! mentors at the meeting. An elaborate display of food | and refreshments will be served. Mary Good's talk is expected to begin around 5:00 PM.




i 8:00-10:30 PM SCI-Mix Interdivisional Poster Session, including the Successful Student Affiliates Chapter Activities Poster Session* This interaction is a major highlight of the entire j national meeting. It will include more than 200 poster presentations from more than 15 ACS techni­ j cal divisions. Use this opportunity to see how chem­ I istry interfaces with other technical disciplines and ! science areas. It is also an opportunity to see and learn about the innovative and creative activities per­ formed by 39 Student Affiliates chapters from around ! the country. The presentations will highlight exem­ ! plary community service, fundraising. networking, j administrative, and career development Student ! Affiliate chapter programs. I


! I 9:30 AM-Noon Undergraduate Symposium: Environmental | Concerns* j Environment and risk assessment experts will dis­ j cuss the following topics: Eric Weber, EPA, "A Pesticide Spill in the Sacramento River: A Case ! Study"; Myrto Petreas, State of California, Department of Toxic Substances Control. "Assessing j Chemical Contamination in the San Francisco ι Estuary"; David Kohler. Chevron Research & j Technology, "Reformulation of Gasoline in California: S Noble Goals, Struggling for Consensus and a Snapshot of Reality"; and Leonard Gray, Lawrence ! Livermore National Laboratory, "The Next Nuclear ! Challenge: How Do We Dispose of the Excess | Nuclear Materials?". Several student environmental j project posters will be available for viewing at 9:30 AM. Featured talks will begin at 10:00 AM.


Noon-1:00 PM Help Plan Future ACS National Meetings* I Undergraduate students are encouraged to make a ! difference by meeting with the ACS Task Force on \ Undergraduate Programming at National Meetings to ! evaluate the undergraduate events in San Francisco. j j 1:00-4:00 PM Careers for Chemists: A World Outside the Lab (Department of Career Services). A diverse panel of professionals will share with you their perspectives l on the various job responsibilities of chemists today. 2:30-4:30 PM ! How To Jump-start Your Career* (Department of Career Services). The workshop will provide undergraduate students an opportunity to assess their own values system and communication styles, which are important insights for career devel­ opment. The workshop also focuses on skills to develop strategies in building effective relationships with supervisors and co-workers and in achieving personal career goals and objectives. Information on job market trends, career patterns, and organizational dynamics focusing on politics, process, and structure





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toft» ""•«KSSu. •"•W^*^ will be present­ ed. To preregister, con­ tact the SA program at [email protected] via email or 202/872-6166 via phone. *Sponsored or co-sponsored by the Society Committee on Education Task Force on National Meeting Programming for Undergraduates (Jeanne Russell, University of Texas of the Permian Basin, program chair: Reginald P. T. Tomkins. New Jersey Institute of Technology, general chair)

MCMOH fflflMIMHON Housing and meeting registration information is pub­ lished in this issue of Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN). The full meeting registration fee for undergraduates is $25 and the one-day fee is $5. Tentatively, the on-site meeting registration center will be located at the San Francisco convention cen­ ter and will open on Saturday, 3:00-6:00 PM.

m mm& NMKJUMI m m ON mflowui The Student Affiliates (SA) program Web site enhances services to undergraduates, SA chapters, and faculty advisors and other mentors. The SAACS site also includes comprehensive, updated informa­ tion on the undergraduate activities at the San Francisco meeting. To find this information, access the ACS Home page, http://www.acs.org. and click onto Student Affiliates under ACS Programs.

Questions? Please direct your inquiries to the SA program at 800/227-5558 (press 0 for the operator) during reg­ ular business hours. 8:30 AM-5:00 PM EST, or email us at [email protected].

(MDUMKJIOOlfM ÎXJIIM0J! JtKlflMTIOII Graduate chemistry programs may want to send representatives to the ACS Graduate School Fair. It will be held in the ACS Exposition area of the Moscone Center in San Francisco on Monday, April 14,1997, 11:00 AM-2:30 PM. To preregister. contact Marie Wiggins at 202/872-6168 by phone or [email protected] via e-mail. Registration cutoff: March 15,1997, or when the maximum number of registrations (60) have been received, whichever comes first.