Understanding Anisotropy, Transport, and Ion Associations Inside

polymers. (a) Chemical structure of Nafion. x:y represents the ratio of ..... Where γ is the nuclei gyromagnetic ratio, g is gradient strength, δ is...
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Chapter 15

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Understanding Anisotropy, Transport, and Ion Associations Inside Ionic Polymers Jianbo Hou, Jing Li, Kyle G. Wilmsmeyer, Zhiyang Zhang, and Louis A. Madsen* Department of Chemistry and Macromolecules Interfaces and Institute, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 *E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Anisotropy, transport and ion associations critically determine the performance of many ionic polymer-based materials and devices, from fuel cells to batteries to ionic transducers. Our group is pursuing a range of NMR studies combined with other structural and morphological information to understand these complex materials. We observe uniformly aligned hydrophilic channels in different perfluorosulfonate ionomers and aromatic-based multi-block copolymers, quantified by 2H NMR spectroscopy and pulsed-field-gradient NMR diffusometry. Nafion 112 exhibits biaxial alignment with its principal and secondary axes along two orthogonal in-plane directions. Both Nafion 212 (NRE212) and block copolymers show uniaxial alignment with the symmetry axis perpendicular to the membrane plane. Our further discovery of the linear coupling between diffusion anisotropy and oritentational order parameter for mechanically stretched Nafion 117 membranes strongly indicates that channel dimensions, domain structure, and defect character are unperturbed by the macroscopic mechanical deformation. When combining ionic liquids (ILs) with ionic polymers, ion associations result in up to 4X faster cation than anion diffusion at lower hydration levels and 3X slower cation diffusion at higher hydration levels. Conversely, we use ILs as probes to map local structures in ionic polymers. Ion diffusion coefficients exhibit strong dependencies on diffusion time, signifying the presence of sub-micron domain boundaries. Finally, we will discuss © 2011 American Chemical Society In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

application of electrophoretic NMR, which renders a promising opportunity to study ion transport and associations under electrochemical cell conditions.

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Introduction Ionic polymers manifest themselves as promising candidates for a series of functional materials and devices, from fuel cells to water reverse osmosis membranes to artificial muscle actuators (1–5). Many of these useful ionic polymer membranes consist of hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties that will nanophase separate to form interconnected hydrophilic channels that allow ion conduction and water transport (6–9). As illustrated in figure 1, structural features such as orientation, size and connectivity of ionic domains and channels within the polymer network will strongly impact water and ion transport (10–15). Understanding the role of these key factors in the transport process will give insightful guidance on and direct targeted design of new materials. Our group has endeavored to understand anisotropy, transport and ion associations inside ionic polymers by combining various NMR methods (15–20). In general, our strategy relies on probing multi-scale (~10 nm – 10 μm) structural features (domain sizes, periodicity, confinement, defects) in soft materials by tracking the position and reorientation of diffusing species, such as H2O and ions (16, 17, 21). Sample modulations, such as hydration level, molecular weight variation and mechanical deformation strongly impact these structural characteristics (15, 18, 22–25). Through systematic NMR studies on different samples, as well as combining NMR with other techniques like X-ray scattering and TEM (24, 26, 27), it is our goal to bridge the gap between microscopic and macroscopic worlds to obtain a better understanding of these complex materials. Herein, we summarize our recent work on relevant topics using pulsed-field-gradient NMR diffusometry and 2H NMR spectroscopy. Diffusion and anisotropy measurements yield quantitative information regarding structural anisotropy and motions of ions and molecules inside ionic polymers. 2H NMR spectroscopy further provides useful information on the orientational ordering inherited by the probe molecules (D2O, CD3OD) through quadrupolar splitting. The combination of these measurements allow quantitative assessment of average alignment and alignment mode of hydrophilic channels inside the polymer. When combining ionic liquids with ionic polymers, ion associations due to strong ionic interactions (molecular packing, electrostatic interactions) will be modulated by variation of hydration levels. The presence of these ionic aggregates results in up to 4X faster cation than anion diffusion inside the ionic polymer at lower hydration levels and 3X slower cation diffusion at higher hydration levels (28) Further implementation of electrophoretic NMR (ENMR), which measures ion motions in the presence of an electric field, unfolds a promising prospect for studying and understanding ion transport and ion associations (29–31).

252 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 1. Structural features on different length scales (a-c) inside ionic polymers. (a) Chemical structure of Nafion. x:y represents the ratio of hydrophilic to hydrophobic part. The short side chain is smaller than 1 nm. (b) Ion clusters aggregate and form ion channels that are a few nms in size. (c) Submicron hydrophilic domain bundles (blue part) are distributed within the scaffold of polymer matrix. (d) Distribution of ionic domains impacts proton transport inside ionic polymer membranes for fuel cell applications.

Experimental Methods Membrane Preparation Nafion 112, Nafion 117 (extruded) and Nafion 212 (NRE212) (dispersioncast) membranes, all with equivalent weight of 1100 (grams of dry membrane per mole of sulfonate group), were obtained from E.I. DuPont (Wilmington, Delaware) in acid form. Deuterium oxide was obtained from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. (Andover, Massachusetts) at 99.9% purity. The multi-block copolymers named as BPSH-BPS (A: B) were obtained from Prof. James E. McGrath’s group and the synthetic procedures have been reported elsewhere (1). Similar to Nafion, these multi-block copolymers contain two parts, with A and B representing the block masses of hydrophilic and hydrophobic segments individually, and are coupled with the linkage group of decafluorobiphenyl 253 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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(DFBP). For the materials presented in this work, the block masses are equal (A = B). As reported (1), all these block copolymers were redissolved in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP, Fisher), followed by solution casting onto a clean glass substrate. The prepared films were then cast under an infrared lamp with temperature controlled between 45-55 oC for 2 days. Membranes were further dried in a vacuum oven at 110 oC for a whole day to remove the residual solvent. For acidification, the membranes were boiled in 0.5 M sulfuric acid for 2h, then rinsed and boiled in deionized water. Dry membrane thicknesses were 30-40 μm. Depending on membrane type and uptake, this value increased to 60-100 μm upon water swelling. Ionic Liquid and Water Uptake Determination Water and ion transport in the following four ionic liquids (ILs) were studied: 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate ([C2mim][TfO]), 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate ([C4mim][TfO]), 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C2mim][BF4]) and 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C4mim][BF4]). All these ILs were purchased from Solvent Innovation GMBH (Cologne, Germany) with purity >99%. ILs were dried in vacuum at 70oC for 48h to remove residual water prior to diffusion measurements, and diffusion coefficients and NMR spectra were checked for stability over time to verify that water absorption was insignificant. Extruded Nafion 117 (N117) membranes were cut into pieces of 5 mm x 5 mm in size, stacked together to a total mass of ~60 mg and dried in a vacuum oven for 12h at room temperature to determine the dry membrane mass (massdry). The membranes were then soaked with IL-D2O mixtures at different temperatures to achieve different uptakes. The wet membranes were blotted to remove any free surface liquid (ILs and water) and transferred to a sealed Teflon cell to equilibrate for later diffusion measurement. All diffusion measurements were performed at 25oC after sample equilibration. To vary water content, we allowed the samples to dry in open air while the mass of IL plus the mass of the membranes (massIL) remained constant due to its negligible vapor pressure. Masses of wet membranes (masswet) including water and IL were determined gravimetrically after the NMR experiments. IL uptake and water mole ratio (χwater) were calculated respectively using equations (1) and (2):

Diffusion Measured by Pulsed-Field-Gradient NMR We applied the robust and simple pulsed-gradient stimulated echo (PGSTE) sequence for all diffusion measurements. We measured 1H and 19F diffusion for 254 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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water and ILs using a Bruker Avance III WB 400 MHz (9.4 T) NMR equipped with a Micro5 triple-axis-gradient microimaging probe and 8 mm double resonance (1H/ 2H) RF coil. The triple axis gradients each having a maximum value of 300 G/cm allowed for measurement of diffusion along three orthogonal directions relative to membranes, denoted as X, Y (in-plane) and Z (through plane) (18). Verification of orientations of the membrane stacks in the magnetic field was via using a Y-Z image slice collected with a RARE pulse sequence (Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement) (32). The PGSTE sequence used a π/2 pulse time of 32 µs, gradient pulse durations δ ranging from 1 – 5 ms, diffusion times Δ ranging from 10 – 600 ms and 16 gradient steps with appropriate selection of maximum gradient strength to result in 50% - 90% of NMR signal attenuation. Due to differences in signal intensity, the number of scans varied from 4 to 512 to produce sufficient signal-to-noise ratio for each data point. All parameters for the gradient have been calibrated and optimized as reported earlier (15, 18). 2H

NMR Spectroscopy

2H NMR experiments were performed additionally to observe orientational ordering in ionic polymers. This method can assist in determining the alignment modes of materials with anisotropic structures (14–16). Single pulse experiments (π/2 = 20 µs) were performed with repetition time of 0.5 s and number of scans ranging from 256-1024, depending on D2O uptake. The studied materials were soaked in D2O (99.9%, Cambridge Isotope Labs) with the measured uptake ranging from 6 - 20 wt %. Custom-built Teflon cells with special configurations allowed orientation of membrane stacks either vertically or horizontally with respect to the magnetic field. These cells were placed inside the above described imaging probe and rf coil. Relevant detailed procedures are summarized in our previous report (15). Deuterium quadrupole splittings ΔνQ were obtained by fitting each spectrum with two Lorentzian peaks using NutsPro software (Acorn NMR Inc., Livermore, CA).

Results and Discussion Diffusion Anisotropy and Channels Alignment in Ionic Polymers Figure 2a. compares diffusion anisotropy among Nafion 112, NRE212 and BPSH-BPS(10k-10k) multi-block copolymer at a similar water uptake. In general, both Nafion112 and NRE212 show relatively weak diffusion anisotropy as we observe only slightly faster diffusion in plane. In contrast, for the BPSH-BPS(10k10k) block copolymer, we observe equal in-plane diffusion (Dx = Dy) which is much faster than through plane diffusion Dz. This results in substantially larger diffusion anisotropy as compared with Nafion membranes. We further orient the block copolymer membranes in three orthogonal directions along the magnetic field for 2H NMR studies, as shown in Figure 2b. Experimental results suggest uniaxial alignment in the block copolymer membranes. We observe maximum peak splittings when the membrane plane is perpendicular to the magnetic field and half maximum peak splittings when membrane plane is parallel to the magnetic 255 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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field. This behavior is a result of the P2(cosθ) dependence of the quadrupole splitting, as described in our previous report (14, 15). Both diffusion anisotropy and 2H NMR results well correlate with the image of lamellar structure revealed by the TEM as shown in Figure 3a. (KD is the microtoming direction and A is the membrane plane normal)

Figure 2. (a) Comparison of diffusion anisotropy for Nafion 112, NRE 212 and BPSH-BPS(10k:10k) block copolymer at a similar water uptake. Both Nafion 112 and NRE212 show weak diffusion anisotropy. In contrast, the block copolymer exhibits large diffusion anisotropy where diffusion in plane is 3X faster than through plane. (b) eExample 2H NMR spectra for the block copolymer. Membranes are oriented in three orthogonal directions along the magnetic field B0. Peak splittings show the maximum and half maximum values when membrane plane is perpendicular and parallel to B0, respectively.

256 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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For Nafion112, in-plane diffusion Dx > Dy and Dy is close to through plane diffusion Dz. With regard to NRE212, diffusion along two in-plane directions is similar (Dx ≈ Dy) and faster than diffusion through plane, Dz. These results, in correlation with 2H NMR measurements (spectra not shown), confirm the biaxial and uniaxial aligned channels inside Nafion 112 and NRE212, respectively. Nafion112 (Figure 3b) exhibits biaxial alignment with its principal axis along the in-plane direction (x direction) and the secondary axis along the other orthogonal in-plane direction (y direction). In contrast, NRE212 (Figure 3c, side view) shows uniaxial alignment. To account for the faster diffusion in plane, the symmetry axis, which represents the average alignment of domain bundle assemblies (blue features), is perpendicular to the membrane plane. Figure 3d is the top view of Figure 3c, where the local domain bundle axes have an average alignment (symmetry) axis coinciding with the membrane plane normal, but the bundle axes are randomly distributed within the plane.

Figure 3. (a) TEM image of BPSH-BPS (10k-10k) multiblock copolymer. “KD” is along the microtoming direction and “A” indicates the air-membrane plane interface normal. (b)Biaxially aligned ion channels (blue cylinders) in (extruded) Nafion112. The principal and the secondary axes are along x and y directions, respectively. (c) Side view of uniaxially aligned domain assemblies inside NRE 212. (d) Top view of figure (c). X-Y plane is perpendicular to the symmetry axis direction which represents the average alignment axis of domain bundles.

257 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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We have further investigated the impact of mechanical stretching on channel dimension, domain orientation, and defect structures in ionic polymers. We measure water transport and anisotropy in a series of drawn Nafion 117 membranes, defining the draw ratios as L = final length (l) / initial length (l0) (19). We notice conservation of the diffusion tensor trace (independent of water uptake) and linear coupling between order parameter (by 2H splitting) and diffusion anisotropy. This evidence strongly demonstrates that these domains of channels behave like liquid crystals (33–36), simply reorienting along the uniaxial stretching direction without perturbing their dimensions and the nature of defect structures (character, density). Based on the absolute value of order parameter derived from X-ray data, the linear coupling between order parameter and diffusion anisotropy results in a molecular aspect ratio of 1.8, which agrees well with that of the diffusing water molecules (37). Ion Associations of Ionic Liquid Inside Ionic Polymers Figure 4 summarizes the diffusion ratio of Dcation/Danion for ILs inside ionic polymer membranes as a function of hydration level. We observe striking acceleration in anion diffusion than cation diffusion for BF4-based ILs ([C2mim][BF4], [C4mim][BF4]) at high hydration level. However, such an effect is relatively smaller for TfO-based ILs ([C2mim][TfO], [C4mim] [TfO]). We attribute these results to 1) the interactions of polymer-fixed sulfonate groups and cations 2) difference in basicity and ion pairing between [TfO]– and [BF4]–. SO3- groups on the polymer side chain can attract cations to hinder their motions. [TfO]– is more likely to pair up with cations since it is a stronger Lewis base than [BF4]–. Thus, [BF4]– can move relatively free and lead to enhanced anion diffusion for BF4-based ILs. On the other side, cations diffuse much faster than anions at low water content for [C2mim]-based ILs ([C2mim][TfO], [C2mim][BF4]), where Dcation/Danion reaches 2.5 and 3.1 for [C2mim][TfO] and [C2mim][BF4], respectively. Such an observation contradicts the general prediction that cation should diffuse slower within the SO3-matrix due to the strong coulombic attraction from the side chain. Considering that our measured cation and anion diffusion coefficients are both time independent, we rule out the difference in global viscosity experienced by different ions. In comparison with the diffusion ratio (Dcation/Danion ~1.3-1.5) for free state ILs, those novel phenomena strongly suggest the formation of ionic aggregates with specific features. We further propose that anionic aggregates are prevalent inside ionic polymers at low hydration level. Charge neutrality requires charge balance by means of more isolated cations which results in enhanced cation diffusion on average. For the ease of illustration, we use a simple aggregation model as shown in Figure 5 to explain this rationale. We only consider four types of ions: single, dipole, triple and quadrupole. Based on this model, anionic triple ions dominate at low hydration and lead to more isolated (single) cations with enhanced cation diffusion. Dipoles and quadrupoles do not produce imbalanced average D ratios since cations and anions are symmetrically distributed, and cationic triple ions will be less likely to exist as they contribute negatively to the observed D+Average. In other words, we conclude that anionic aggregates with 258 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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reduced diffusion are prevalent at low hydration, while the presence of more isolated cations results in faster cation diffusion on average.

Figure 4. Summary of diffusion ratio Dcation/Danion as a function of water content χwater for various types and uptakes of ILs inside Nafion membranes. Anion diffusion dramatically accelerates at higher hydration levels for BF4-based ILs, and Danion/Dcation reaches 3 and 4 for [C2mim][BF4] and [C4mim][BF4], respectively. At low hydration, cation diffusion becomes substantially faster than anion diffusion for [C2mim][TfO] and [C2mim][BF4], where Dcation/Danion reach 2.5 and 3.1 respectively.

Mapping Local Domain Information In our recent work, we attempt to use ILs to probe structural features such as domain structure and connectivity within the polymer network. Ionic liquids become ideal candidates for such an investigation due to the following reasons: 1) ILs find promising applications in polymer-based materials and devices, like batteries and soft mechanical actuator. 2) topological features strongly impact ion transport inside polymers, thus affecting the performance of materials and devices 3) these ionic “probes” can sense a shorter diffusion length scale on average due to their slow motions (~ 10-13 m2/s) inside polymers. As a result, they will more effectively report on the local structural heterogeneity rather than the average global structural information. Thus, one might obtain more detailed information that correlates ion motions with structural characteristics. Our preliminary results on ion diffusion coefficients (both Dcation and Danion) exhibit strong dependence on both gradient pulse duration (δ) and diffusion time (Δ), indicating the presence of local barriers sensed by diffusing ions. In agreement with experimental observations, further theoretical analysis and computational results explain the 259 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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finite gradient pulse effect and time-dependent diffusion behaviors. We estimate that the relevant length scale that characterizes the ionic domain size is a few hundred nm based on an empirical model for diffusion in a porous network. This study has relevance for fundamental understanding of IL-polymer interactions, ionic polymer morphology, improvement of IL diffusion studies, and the design of IL-polymer composite actuators.

Figure 5. Ion associations of ILs inside the ~ 2 nm hydrophilic channels of Nafion membrane. At low water content, (a) negatively charged triple ions are prevalent due to strong electrostatic attractions among charged species, leaving more isolated cations and resulting in enhanced cation diffusion on average. At high water content (b), water dramatically reduces electrostatic interactions among cations and anions and leads to ion disassociation. Anions (especially [BF4]–) are released from local electrostatic networks and move relatively freely, while sulfonate groups fixed to polymer side chains attract cations and thus slow their average translational motion. Probing Ion Motions Using Electrophoretic NMR We also attempt to study motions of ions under an applied electric field to quantify the degree of ion associations. Electric-field driven, also known as electrophoretic NMR (ENMR), demonstrates to be a powerful tool for studying motions of ions and aggregates in solutions (38). In contrast to a normal diffusion spectrum, coherent motion of ions driven by the electric field will result in a net phase shift rather than signal attenuation. The phase shift can be calculated via equation (3):

Where γ is the nuclei gyromagnetic ratio, g is gradient strength, δ is gradient duration time, Δ is diffusion time, E is electric field strength and µ is ion electrophoretic mobility. For example, Figure 6 shows a series of 19F ENMR spectra for [BF4]– in a dilute solution. From the bottom up, spectral phase shift gradually increases with electric current, which also signifies an increment of electric field strength. According to equation (3), for a given set of γ, g, δ, Δ 260 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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and E values, one can estimate the ion mobility by examing the spectral phase shift. In this case, our measured ion mobility for [BF4]– is 6x10-8 m2s-1V-1. In further combination with the Nernst-Einstein equation, which relates molecular diffusion with mobility, these measurements will provide insight into quantifying the degree of ion associations.

Figure 6. Application of electrophoretic NMR allows measurement of ion mobility. Coherent ion motions result in an NMR spectral phase shift as shown above. From bottom to top, the increment in phase shift is associated with the increment of electric field strength, as indicated by the electric current value. In a dilute solution, the measured ion mobility for [BF4]– is 6x10-8 m2s-1V-1.

Conclusion We have quantified the alignment of hydrophilic channels in a series of ionic polymers, from Nafion 112 to Nafion 212 to aromatic-based multi-block copolymers using 2H NMR spectroscopy and pulsed-field-gradient NMR diffusometry. We conclude that Nafion 112 exhibits biaxial alignment mode whereas Nafion 212 (NRE212) and block copolymers both uniaxially align along their symmetry axes, which are perpendicular to the membrane plane. We further revealed the linear coupling between diffusion anisotropy and oritentational order parameter for mechanically stretched Nafion 117 membranes. These results strongly demonstrate that macroscopic mechanical deformation has no impact on channel dimensions, domain structure, and defect character. Combining ionic liquids (ILs) with ionic polymers, we observe that ion associations result in up to 4X faster cation than anion diffusion at lower hydration levels and 3X slower cation diffusion at higher hydration levels. When we use ILs as probes to map local structures in ionic polymers, ion diffusion coefficients exhibit strong 261 In NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

dependencies on diffusion time, signifying the presence of sub-micron domain boundaries. Finally, we also show that measurement of coherent ion motions via electrophoretic NMR renders a promising prospect to study ion transport and quantify ion associations.

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Acknowledgments We would like to graciously thank Professor James E. McGrath and Dr. Hae-Seung Lee at Virginia Tech for providing block copolymer samples, Professor Robert B. Moore and Dr. Abhishek Roy for providing N112, NRE212 and N117 membrane samples and Prof. Qiming Zhang at Pennsylvania State University for providing the IL samples and relevant information and discussions. We also thank Dong Wang and Prof. James R. Heflin for helpful discussion on ion associations and actuator bending test. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award number DMR 0844933 and CBET 0756439. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Experiments at PAL were supported in part by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Korea and POSTECH. This material is based upon work supported in part by the U.S. Army Research Office under Grant W911NF-07-1-0452 Ionic Liquids in Electro-Active Devices (ILEAD) MURI. Acknowledgment is made to the Donors of the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for partial support of this research and to Virginia Tech for startup funds.

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