Understanding Chemical Patents A Guide for the Inventor - American

During their professional careers, many scientists will invent a process or object which can be protected under ... information, how to recognize that...
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New Products Refractive Index Detector for HPLC

Understanding Chemical Patents A Guide for the Inventor John T. Maynard During their professional careers, many scientists will invent a process or object which can be protected under a patent. This practical volume, written from the chemist's point of view, covers everything a working chemist or chemical engineer needs to know about this complex subject: how to read and understand patents, how to use patents as a source of information, how to recognize that an invention has been made, how to work with attorneys in seeking patent protection for an invention, how to keep adequate notebook records, how to watch for infringement, and many other practical suggestions. The special jargon used in patents is explained to facilitate dealings with patent attorneys, agents, and technical liason personnel. Dr. Maynard is an authority on patents, having been Chairman of the American Chemical Society Committee on Patent Matters and Division Head of Patents and Technical Information for E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co. He has drawn on over 20 year's experience in the field of patents to produce this clearly written, informative guide for the inventor.

Air Sampler

Model 156 Solid State Refractive Index Detector features an improved optical design, an LED light source and silicon photo diode sensors. The detector has a sensitivity of 5 X 1 0 ~ 6 R.I. units fullscale with attenuation from 1X to 64X and low noise, less than 1 % at 1X. The 8 μL· analytical flow cell is standard. Applications range f r o m the monitoring of non-UV absorbing compounds or sol­ vents having high UV cutoff, to c o m ­ pounds that absorb below 200 nm. $3300. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 414

ThermoSorb/N Air Sampler allows de­ tection down to 1 ppb artifact-free nitrosamines in most industrial environ­ ments when samples are analyzed by the nitrosamine-specific TEA Analyzer. The sampler is a cartridge which incor­ porates a collection sorbant and an arti­ fact trap that absorbs interfering sub­ stances. The cartridge, which clips onto a shirt collar, is used with an air sam­ pling pump. $160 for 20 cartridges and data logs; or $1330 for 10 cartridges, 10 shipping envelopes, data logs, and analysis. Thermo Electron Corp. 426

ICP Spectrometer

Digital Colorimeter

Plasma Spectromet provides simulta­ neous multielement analysis with an in­ ductively coupled plasma excitation source, an optional monochromator, and a Tektronix 4052 graphic comput­ ing system. The instrument's versatility includes choice of air path or vacuum optics and choice of specific analytical functions, determined by the user and programmed by the company. Baird Corp. 419

With the Type 24 Colorimeter, four modes of readout are selectable: transmittance, absorbance, concentration 0-199 and concentration 0-1999. There are eight narrow band filters with wave­ length peaks centered at 350, 420, 460, 490, 530, 570, 610 and 660 n m . The cuvette holder accepts a variety of round cuvettes as well as the standard square cuvettes. $395. Chemtrix, Inc.


HPLC Column Interference Filter The Helium-Neon Laser Line Interfer­ ence Filter has a bandwidth of 10 nm, transmission of 8 2 % minimum at 632.8 nm and is blocked 0.01 % from X-ray to 1200 nm. It is available in the 1 in. di­ ameter size with a clear aperture of %" diameter. Price: $60 each. Ditric Optics Inc. 428

Ultrasphere-Cyano, a column which contains a moderately polar chemically bonded phase material, can be used in both normal and reversed phase sepa­ ration modes. The cyano-phase packing offers column efficiencies of Ν > 65,000; peak shapes with 0.90 < As < 1.90; and extended column lifetimes. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 432

CONTENTS Introduction: the purposes ot patents · How to read a patent · Patents as an information source · Deciding whether to file a patent application · Obtaining patent protection; the independent inventor · Preparation of the patent application; determination of inventorship · Prosecuting the patent application · Interferences; the importance of records · Patent infringement; understanding patent claims · Making use of patents; enforcement and licensing · The employed inventor; assignments and employment agreements · Copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets; design and plant patents · Trends in patent law

146 pages (1978) $12.50 clothbound LC 77-28097 ISBN 0-8412-0347-4 SIS/American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash., D.C. 20036 Please send . copies of Understanding Chemical Patents at $12.50 per copy. U Check enclosed for $ D Bill me. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 40 cents elsewhere. Name Address City



Model DSC-2C Differential Scanning Calorimeter, which is based on the thermal null measuring principle, provides a temperature range of —175 to 725 °C and sensitivity to 0.01 millicalorie per second per inch display. Instrument control and data analysis are completely computerized by the TADS-101 Thermal Analysis Data Station. Complete programs for a variety of routine analyses are supplied, and the system is also fully programmable in BASIC Perkin-Elmer 404