Understanding chemistry by developing body chemistry awareness

Understanding chemistry by developing body chemistry awareness. Paul M. Barelski. J. Chem. Educ. , 1976, 53 (7), p 450. DOI: 10.1021/ed053p450...
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Understanding Chemistry by Developing Body Chemistry Awareness Since the human body contains about 50 X loL5electrochemical solutions (cells), what better and more significant laboratory setting is there than one's own body? The activities outlined in the table below were conducted during the lecture part of our introductorycourse in an attempt to involve the student actively and personally in observing and experiencing chemistry, by developing body chemistry awareness. The first activity of the semester, eating peanuts, helped to build a relaxed atmosphere and tear down resistance to later exercises and provided a nice opportunity to discuss the concept of physical and chemical changes. A c t i v i t y d u r i n g Lecture 1 ) Eat Planter's D r y Roasted Peanuts

2) Eat l o l l i p o p

Chemical Connection 1 ) Physical (chewing) and Chemical ( d i w s t i o n l change. ~ . e t n cunit; and n u t r i t i o n a l data on label 2) G l u c o ~ e( 1 8 0 grams) in673 kilot o enerav .. (,~ calories) 31 EDineDhrine secretion ~

3) Stretching and bending exercises 4) Deep breathing exercirer 5) C o n t e m p l a t i o n on 1. 2. 3, and 4 6) Close eyer and rest t h e mind 7 ) Series o f tensing a n d relaxing hand muscles 81 ContemDlate t n e fact t h a t t h e r e a r e 5 0 X 1O''cellr i n b o d y and 1 0 0 X 10" atoms per cell 91 D r i n k f r u i t juice l o ) Contemplate electrical con. dUCtiYitY demonstration. S t r i k e f u n n y b o n e (not necessary)

A c t i v i t y d u r i n g Lecture 11) Eat salt c r y r t a l r 1 2 ) T o u c h ether p o u r e d on paper, Feels cool. Procerr o f sweating 131 E x o a n d chest muscles. air ' forced i n 141 Breathe t h r o w n nose t h e n through m o u t h

41 Gas exchange a n d oxidation of glucose 5) Cellular m e t a b o l i r m 1 5 ) Smell a m y l acetate and a m y l alcohol. Show i r spectra 1 6 ) Do various breathing enetcirer and test f o r CO, w i t h straws and Ba(OH1,

-- .- ..-. .

Chemical Connection 1 1 ) Salt dirroiver. Become t h i r s t y (secretion of varoprer;i") 1 2 ) Absorbed heat b y evaporation. K i n e t i c MOieCUIar T h e o r y 1 3 ) P = k I V . Boyle'r ~ a w 1 4 ) A i r entering t h r o u g h m o u t h w i l l b e dryer. lungs need water f o r solutions for oxygen exchange 15) Nose is a chemical detector a n d can dis. tinguish compounds on a basis o f molecular structure 1 6 ) T h e more CO, i n blood, t h e lower b l o o d p H . Bicarbonate b u f f e r


9) Restorer f l u i d and elect r o l y t e balance l o ) Nerve celir can electrochemically generate 100 m V

17) Eat an apple or orange. L o o k at label on "Neruine" or other calmative 18) Think of food 1 9 ) S i t i n sunlight 201 at nuts and d r i n k w a t e r

171 B o t h contain eiectrolyter and vitamin3 for proper nervous system metabolism 1 8 ) Thought causes chemical secretion o f saliva 1 9 ) Sunlight energy activates v i t a m i n D, 201 pratein. - ~ , , carbahvdrate ~ - -~~ ~ and l i p i d hydrolysis ~


One basic theme throughout the course was equilibrium, especially homeostasis. We did isometric and deep breathing exercises and pointed out the stimulant effects. We did resting and "meditation-like" exercises and pointed out the tranquilizing effects. Alternate tensing and relaxing of the hand muscles (a technique known as differential relaxation) allowed students to actuallv feel the had", twine eouilihrium. , .. t o achieve and maintain dvnsmic ,~ An i m p o r t a n t concept t h a t mn he rcnllzrd hy ihcw rxrrci~esi s t h a t drugs s u r h n s stimulants ur tranquilizers are n o t necessary (unless prerrrihed hy p h y s i e i n n i ~ Student* . h r u m e aware t h a t their hgdier dread" contain analc,gws e o m p m n d * and t h a t equilibrium ran he estnhlishcd or shifted in either direction as shoun in a c t i v i l i e r 3.6,: and 17 in t h e nccompnnymg ~~. table ~~

Southern West Virginia Community College Williamson. 25661

450 / Journal of Chemical Education



Paul M. Barelski