Understanding the Density Functional Dependence of DFT-Calculated

Mar 1, 2013 - Frisch , M. J. ; G.W. T. ; Schlegel , H. B. ; Scuseria , G. E. ; Robb , M. A. ; Cheeseman , J. R. ; Scalmani , G. ; Barone , V. ; Mennuc...
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Understanding the Density Functional Dependence of DFTCalculated Electronic Couplings in Organic Semiconductors Christopher Sutton, John S. Sears, Veaceslav Coropceanu, and Jean-Luc Brédas*,† School of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0400, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: We present an analysis of the magnitude of density functional theory (DFT)-calculated intermolecular electronic couplings (transfer integrals) in organic semiconductors to give insight into the impact that the choice of functional has on the value of this parameter, which is particularly important in the context of charge transport. The major factor determining the magnitude of the calculated transfer integrals is the amount of nonlocal Hartree−Fock (HF) exchange within a given functional, with the transfer integrals increasing by up to a factor of 2 when going from 0 to 100% HF exchange for a series of conventional functionals. We underline that these variations in the transfer integrals are in fact to be expected, with the computed transfer integrals evolving linearly with the amount of HF exchange. We also use a long-range corrected functional to tune the contributions of (semi)local and nonlocal HF exchanges and highlight their respective roles as a function of intermolecular separation. SECTION: Energy Conversion and Storage; Energy and Charge Transport electrons, vH(r) = ∫ dr′[n(r′)/|r−r′|], where n(r) is the electron density. The development of DFT functionals involves the approximation of the exchange-correlation potential, vxc(r), defined by the functional derivative of the exchange-correlation energy, vxc(r) = (∂Exc)/(∂n(r)). Numerous approximations have been developed for Exc beyond the local spin-density approximation (LSDA)10−12 to include generalized gradient approximation (GGA) functionals13−15 as well as meta-GGA approaches.16,17 A major advance in the performance of approximate DFT functionals arose with the development of hybrid functionals that employ the adiabatic connection to smoothly connect the noninteracting KS system to the physical interacting system,13,18 giving rise to the generalized KS (GKS) equations:


he electronic coupling (transfer integral) is a key microscopic parameter that plays a critical role in the description of the charge transport properties in organic semiconductors; strong electronic interactions between πconjugated molecules (i.e., large intermolecular wave function overlaps) are necessary to lead to large transfer integrals and large charge-carrier mobilities.1 Macroscopic properties such as the observed anisotropy of charge transport can also be explained via the directional dependence of the transfer integrals. The electronic couplings can be evaluated through quantum-mechanical calculations, for instance, at the density functional theory (DFT) level; direct comparisons can then be made between experimental data and the results of quantum mechanics (QM) calculations of the charge-transport parameters.2−8 However, it has been found that the computed transfer integrals are sensitive to the choice of the DFT functional.9 Therefore, it is useful to try to understand the origin of the performance of different DFT functionals in calculating the electronic couplings for prototypical πconjugated systems. Central to all DFT approaches is the construction of a model system with the same ground state density as the real system and a functional of that density that returns the energy of the real system. In the Kohn−Sham (KS) approximation to DFT, the solution of the ground-state density is obtained from the following independent-particle Schrödinger equation for the orbitals (φi) and eigenvalues (εi): −

1 2 ∇ + v(r ) + vH(r ) + vxc(r ) φi = εiφi 2

= εiφi


where vNL xc (r) is the exact nonlocal exchange from Hartree− Fock (HF) theory computed with the GKS orbitals and vα(r) xc (r) is the exchange-correlation potential, which now depends on the fraction of nonlocal exchange included in the model, α(r). The definition of a hybrid functional thus requires, in addition to the definition of the exchange-correlation potential, the designation of α(r). The standard global hybrid (GH) functionals include a static fraction of the coupling, i.e., α(r) = α, and numerous approximate functionals of this type have been developed with great success.19−22 However, the


where the first term is the kinetic energy operator, v(r) is the external potential, and vH(r) is the Hartree potential that defines the classical electrostatic interactions among the © 2013 American Chemical Society

1 2 ∇ + v(r ) + vH(r ) + α(r )vxcNL(r ) + vxcα(r)(r ) φi 2

Received: December 20, 2012 Accepted: March 1, 2013 Published: March 1, 2013 919

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz3021292 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 919−924

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Figure 1. Chemical structures of pentacene (left) and rubrene (right) single molecules and schematic representations of the herringbone pentacene dimer (from ref 41) and the cofacial rubrene dimer (from ref 42) used in the calculations.

low computational cost.50 While larger basis sets may impact the absolute magnitudes of the computed couplings and proper exponential decay of tAB,44,51 this is not anticipated to affect the analysis presented in this work. The geometries of the dimers were obtained from published crystal structures for rubrene42 and pentacene.41 For rubrene, the electronic couplings were calculated for the π-stacked pair in the a crystallographic direction of the unit cell (see Figure 1); for pentacene, the coupling was calculated for the pair of molecules in the diagonal direction of the herringbone-type structure (see Figure 1), which was previously calculated to be the direction of strongest coupling.2 The transfer integrals for both holes (tHAB) and electrons (tLAB) were considered. In all cases, the absolute magnitude of the electronic coupling is shown. In order to test the dependence of the calculated electronic coupling upon the HF exchange, different pure (semi)local and hybrid exchange-correlation functionals were considered: as LDA, the SVWN functional;12,52−54 as pure GGA functionals, the 1996 functional of Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE15,55) as well as the Becke exchange functional13 in combination with the correlation functional of Lee, Yang, and Parr56 (BLYP) and with the 1986 correlation functional from Perdew57 (BP86); as pure meta-GGA, the Truhlar M06-L58 functional. Hybrid GGA functionals were selected to be analogous to the pure GGA functionals indicated above: Adamo and Baron’s hybrid variant of the PBE functional (PBE059) as well as combinations of the three-parameter hybrid exchange functional from Becke with the LYP (B3LYP56,60,61) and P8657 (B3P86) correlation functionals. To include a hybrid-GGA with larger amounts of HF exchange, we also tested the BHandHLYP combination that includes 50% Becke exchange and 50% HF exchange combined with the LYP correlation functional. Hybrid meta-GGAs include the family of functionals from Truhlar: M06,62 M06-2X,62 and M06-HF,63,64 which include 27%, 54%, and 100% exact HF exchange, respectively, as well as the approximation from Boese and Martin (BMK65), which includes 42% HF exchange. In order to remove the possible dependence on the choice of the exchange-correlation functional, we also considered a general hybrid GGA functional (referred to as BαLYP) of the form:

approximate exchange-correlation potentials decay too quickly with distance, which results in a spurious self-repulsion due to the incomplete cancellation of the long-range Coulomb selfinteractions in vH(r).23,24 The Coulomb self-interactions are exactly canceled by HF exchange; thus, in principle, a GH approximation that completely incorporates the interacting system (α = 1) can overcome the spurious long-range selfrepulsion; however, this leads to localization errors25 and poor results in combination with standard (local) correlation functionals.26 Recent developments to overcome these issues in molecular compounds include long-range corrected (LRC) functionals that introduce a partitioning of the Coulomb operator using, for example, the standard error function:27−30 erf(ωr ) erfc(ωr ) 1 = + r r r


where ω represents the range-separation parameter. The LRC approaches have proven very successful for many applications of interest for organic electronics given the appropriate choice of ω (see recent reviews30,31). The impact of HF exchange on some of the important microscopic properties for charge transport, such as the reorganization energy, has been discussed previously.32−34 Variations in the calculated transfer integral values were seen for several methods, including HF and DFT;9 in fact, the authors of ref 9 noted that HF yields the largest electronic couplings for a model system, while smaller couplings were obtained when using GH methods. Electronic couplings calculated using HF have been shown to be some 20% larger than those from B3LYP.35 Here, we demonstrate that the transfer integral is expected to vary in an almost linear fashion with the fraction of incorporated HF exchange in a GH functional. To that end, we examine the sensitivity of the computed transfer integrals to the amount of fractional HF exchange for two prototypical πconjugated molecular semiconductors, pentacene and rubrene (see Figure 1). Both exhibit large single-crystal hole mobilities36−38 as a result of intrinsically large electronic couplings, which have been calculated previously with DFT methods.2,39,40 We report the computed transfer integrals in these two systems employing a broad range of standard hybrid and nonhybrid functionals. The effective transfer integrals, tAB = ⟨φA|H|φB⟩, (φi is the monomer-localized HOMO [LUMO] orbital for hole [electron] transport) were evaluated by using a fragment orbital approach in combination with a basis set orthogonalization procedure.43,44 All calculations were performed with the Gaussian 09, rev. B.01 suite of programs.45 The Pople 631G* basis set was employed in all cases;46−49 previous studies have demonstrated the reliability of this basis for intermolecular transfer integral computations, which provides accuracy with

αE XHF + (1 − α)E XB3 + ECLYP


with variable amounts of HF exchange (EHF X ) and where the DFT nonlocal exchange and correlation corrections are defined to retrieve the B3LYP functional when α is 0.20. The transfer integral values evaluated from HF were also included for comparison. In addition, the LRC functional ωB9766 was considered to highlight the impact of ω for this important class 920

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz3021292 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 919−924

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Figure 2. Effective electronic coupling for HOMO−HOMO (tHAB) (filled symbols) and LUMO−LUMO (tLAB) (empty symbols) of rubrene (black circles) and pentacene (blue squares) with the following functionals from left to right (percentage of HF exchange in parentheses): SVWN (0%), PBE (0%), BP86 (0%), M06-L (0%), B3P86 (20%), B3LYP (20%), PBE0 (25%), M06 (27%), BMK (42%), BHandHLYP (50%), M06-2X (54%), M06-HF(100%) and HF.

Figure 3. Evolution of the tHAB (filled symbols) and tLAB (open symbols) values generated from eq 4 for rubrene (black circles) and pentacene (blue squares) with BαLYP as a function of varying amount of HF exchange.

off-diagonal contribution of vH(r) decays as 1/r. The remaining contributions to tAB will be determined by the specific form of the exchange-correlation potential and the coupling (α) of the noninteracting and interacting systems. However, it can be expected that the choice of semilocal functional will provide only a small contribution to the transfer integral for large intermolecular distances (vide inf ra) because of the short-range nature of the KS exchange potential vxc(r) that is exponentially decaying.67 Consequently, larger electronic couplings are calculated when the amount of nonlocal HF exchange (decaying as 1/r) is increased (α) and therefore, the amount of semilocal exchange is decreased proportionally. This will be

of functionals as well as to conveniently tune the length scale of the transition from DFT exchange to HF exchange. In order to understand the dependence of the transfer integral on the fraction of HF exchange, it is useful to consider the decay of GKS matrix elements with intermolecular separation between orbitals on the two monomers for each of the terms in eq 2 (i.e., ⟨φA|H|φB⟩). The two-center kinetic energy integrals and the two- and three-center nuclear attraction integrals arising in the off-diagonal contributions to −(1/2)∇2 and v(r) can be expanded as sums of two-center overlap integrals; these terms can thus be expected to decay exponentially with the separation between molecular sites. The 921

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz3021292 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 919−924

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


values, tHAB and tLAB decrease to values that eventually become very close to the tHAB and tLAB values calculated with BαLYP using 0% HF exchange; this is due to HF exchange being essentially incorporated beyond the intermolecular separation, thereby having the dimer effectively treated with only semilocal exchange. To test other popular range-separated hybrid functionals, tAB for rubrene was also calculated using CAMB3LYP,27 HSE,69,70 and LC-ωPBE.29,71,72 The computed tHAB (tLAB) values are calculated to be 111 (62) meV for CAMB3LYP, 96 (51) meV for HSE, and 118 (68) meV for LCωPBE. It is worth pointing out that the ω value can be optimized nonempirically, namely by using Janak’s theorem,68 where the difference between the HOMO eigenvalue of the ground state and the vertical ionization potential is minimized.28 Using the ωB97 functional, for rubrene this yields an “IP-optimized” ω value of 0.161 bohr−1 and tHAB and tLAB values of 102 and 58 meV, respectively. This is in comparison to values of 128 and 75 meV for tHAB and tLAB with the default ω value of 0.400 bohr−1. Therefore, it can be seen that the IP-tuning procedure will change the effective amount of HF exchange, leading to a different magnitude of tAB (discussed above). Employing the IPtuning procedure to optimize the ω for LC-BLYP (ω = 0.163 bohr−1) and LC-ωPBE (ω = 0.161 bohr−1), tHAB (tLAB) values of 105 (58) and 97 (54) meV are obtained, respectively. Due to the similarity of the range-separation parameters, the longrange corrected functionals provide similar values for the transfer integral under the IP-optimized approximation. The differences in the computed couplings (∼8%) are similar to the differences observed between different global hybrid approximations having identical amounts of HF exchange. We have demonstrated that the amount of HF exchange substantially affects the intermolecular transfer integral in a linear fashion with respect to the fraction of nonlocal HF exchange incorporated in a standard hybrid functional. In fact, among different DFT functionals, the transfer integrals can vary by nearly a factor of 2 in the case of pentacene and rubrene. Importantly, these variations need to be taken into account when comparing electronic couplings obtained with dif ferent f unctionals. While the choice of the exchange-correlation functional also affects the computed transfer integrals, this influence is small and much less significant than the impact of the fraction of HF exchange included in the functionals considered here. A clear relationship can thus be established between the magnitude of the electronic couplings and the amount of HF exchange incorporated into the DFT methods we considered. Although previous studies have shown the magnitude of the transfer integrals to be affected by the amount of HF exchange, the direct and linear dependence highlighted here is a point that has been largely overlooked. We believe that the present analysis will be useful to better assess the impact of the DFT functionals in the determination of electronic couplings in organic semiconductors, a key parameter for charge transport.

demonstrated in the results below showing that the transfer integral is largely independent of the specific choice of the underlying semilocal functional and is linearly proportional to α. The results for the functionals described above are illustrated in Figure 2. For (semi)local exchange-correlation without HF exchange, the tHAB values for holes in rubrene are obtained with SVWN, PBE, BP86, BLYP, and M06-L to be 87, 84, 85, 85, and 85 meV, respectively. The inclusion of HF exchange results in a linear increase in magnitude of the electronic coupling; tHAB increases by over 60% when the HF exchange is increased from 0% to 100%. Nearly identical linear trends are observed for tLAB that increases by ∼100% in going from the pure functionals (∼43 meV) to the HF and M06-HF (∼85 meV) values. For pentacene, a similar behavior is observed: both tHAB and tLAB increase by about 60% with full incorporation of nonlocal HF exchange. The linear dependence of tAB as a function of HF exchange is better demonstrated in Figure 3 where we plot the BαLYP results with varying amounts of HF exchange; a perfectly linear evolution is then seen. This demonstrates that the minor deviations from the linear dependence observed in Figure 2 are due to the differences in the semilocal exchangecorrelation term. To further test the influence of HF exchange on the transfer integral, we considered the rubrene dimer with the ωB97 longrange corrected functional and varied the range-separation parameter ω (we note that the characteristic length 1/ω approximately corresponds to the distance at which the exchange transitions from mostly the short-range treatment, i.e., in this case DFT, to mostly the long-range treatment, i.e., HF). In Figure 4, the magnitudes of tHAB and tLAB are observed to

Figure 4. Evolution of the tHAB (filled symbols) and tLAB (empty symbols) values for rubrene calculated with ωB97, as a function of 1/ ω for ω between 0.500 and 0.050 bohr−1. The distance between the molecular planes of the two molecules is 3.70 Å, i.e., 6.98 bohr.

decrease with increasing characteristic length (decreasing ω), which is indicative of the impact of HF exchange on the magnitude of the transfer integral. At small 1/ω values, when the HF exchange is being incorporated at a shorter distance relative to the intermolecular separation, the HF exchange term increases the magnitude of the transfer integral; for 1/ω = 1.06 Å (ω = 0.500 bohr−1), tHAB and tLAB amount to 133 and 79 meV, respectively, i.e., values very close (ca. 93%) to those calculated with BαLYP using 100% HF exchange. However, at larger 1/ω


S Supporting Information *

All of the data from Figures 2, 3, and 4 are provided. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// pubs.acs.org.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. 922

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz3021292 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 919−924

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters



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The authors declare no competing financial interest. † Also at Department of Chemistry, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation under its MRSEC program (Award DMR0819885) and by Solvay.


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dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz3021292 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 919−924

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dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz3021292 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 919−924