Unequalled for Precise Research and Analytical Work - C&EN Global

Nov 5, 2010 - Eng. News , 1950, 28 (31), Inside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v028n031.ibc. Publication Date: July 31, 1950. Copyright © 1950 AMERICAN...
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Unequalled for Precise Research and A


-to within 0.02 PH!




Because of its unique design and the uncompromising quality that goes into every step of its construction, the Beckman Model G pH Meter is—by every standard— the unquestioned choice wherever utmost accuracy, versatility and laboratory convenience are desired.

Highest Accuracy The unique electronic circuit used in the Model G permits pH to be read directly from a large accurately-scaled potentiometer dial. Accuracy of the Model G is entirely independent of mechanical variations in a registering meter or of changes in the characteristics of the amplifier —a very important advantage in precise laboratory investigations. Moreover, since the sensitivity of this circuit reaches a peak at the point of reading — and falls off rapidly on either side —the instrument automatically provides maximum sensitivity at the pH value of the test sample. No sensitivity switches are necessary. Accuracy is further insured by built-in temperature compensation that automatically corrects for temperature effects over the range 10° to 40° C. And beyond this normal range compensation can be easily made by correction tables.

BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS control modern industries


As a result of these important features, readings can be made—and reproduced—to an accuracy within 0.02 pH unit.

Maximum Adaptability The Beckman Model G instrument is readily adaptable to virtually any type of pH measurement in research or laboratory applications. In addition to pH measurements, it can be used for electrometric titrations, and for oxidationreduction measurements over the range 1300 to +1300 millivolts with an accuracy to within two millivolts. Moreover, since it operates entirely on long-life self-contained batteries, the Model G can be used anywhere —in field, plant or laboratory. Equally important is the diversified line of Beclcman Glass Electrodes available for use with the Model G instrument —electrodes specially designed to meet the particular problems of such fields as industrial, medical, biological and agricultural research. And where a particular application requires different characteristics than found in any of the scores of Beckman electrodes regularly available, the Beckman research staff will be happy to develop and produce electrodes to meet your special needs.

-virtually unlimited!

There is a Beckman pH Electrode for every purpose! The many scores of different electrodes for use with the Beckman Model G pH Meter include types for use in the builtin shielded electrode compartment as well as self-shielded designs for use at remote distances from the instrument. The following are typical of the wide selection available MICRO GLASS ELECTRODES for samples as small as 1/10 drop. HIGH TEMPERATURE-ALL pH ELECTRODES, ("Amber" electrodes) for accurate pH measurements at temperatures to 130° C. over the entire pH range, 0 to 14. LOW TEMPERATURE-HIGH pH ELECTRODES, ("Type E " electrodes) for accurate measurement of high pH values at low temperatures. METALLIC ELECTRODES in p l a t i n u m , tungsten, gold and other metals for various potential measurements. FLOW TYPE ELECTRODES for measuring pH on continuously flowing samples . . . plus skin and hide electrodes, biological and medical electrodes, and a wide range of other types. A special bulletin outlining the many designs of Beckman pH Electrodes is available. Write for your free copy!

Your nearest authorized Beckman instrument dealer will be glad to show you the many advanced features in this fine instrument —or write direct for complete details. Beckman Instruments Inc., South Pasadena 1 3 , California FACTORY SERVICE BRANCHES: NEW YORK

Beckman Instruments include: pH Meters and Electrodes - Spectrophotometers - Radioactivity Meters - Special Instruments