Unfreezing standard-taper joints

Burlington. NJ 08016. 3Sargent-~elch Scientific Company. Skokie, IL 60076. Thomas Brown and Eldon H. Sund. Midwestern State University. Wichita Falls...
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Unfreezing Standard-Taper Joints Recently a note appeared1 that sug&?dted u~ingcarbonaredson drink la separate froren standard-taperjoints, whwh "works almost every time". We have discovered a method of unfrewing srandard-taper join&, which in our hands works every time Amixrureof Micro2 derprgont and Dun Seal3pump oil is placed on the )olnr. In a few minutes to a half hour t h e joint has lwsened. Sometimes soaking in hot water is necessary '~mid,R. J. Chem. Educ 1990, 67,875. 21nternational Products Corporation. Burlington. NJ 08016. 3Sargent-~elchScientificCompany. Skokie, IL 60076.

Thomas Brown and Eldon H. Sund Midwestern State University Wichita Falls. TX 76308

Volume 69 Number 5

May 1992