Union Carbide Corporation - American Chemical Society

Ltd., 38 Oxley St., Crows Nest, Sydney, S. S. W., Australia. Nov. 6 to 10—Infrared Spectroscopy. Los Angeles, Calif. Contact: Sadtler Research. Labo...
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Solid Macromolecuiar Compounds and Systems Structure and Function of Biopolymers L a n g u a g e s of t h e s y m p o s i u m will b e English a n d F r e n c h . P r e p r i n t s of t h e p a p e r s will b e d i s t r i b u t e d t o r e g i s t r a n t s a t t h e t i m e of t h e meeting a n d t h e p a ­ p e r s will b e published in a special issue of t h e Journal of Polymer Science. F u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on this m e e t i n g is available from t h e Organizing C o m ­ mittee: I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m on M a c r o m o l e c u l a r C h e m i s t r y , B o x 932, T e r m i n a l A, T o r o n t o , C a n a d a .

Electrochemistry Seminar T h e E i g h t h Seminar on E l e c t r o c h e m ­ i s t r y will b e a r r a n g e d b y a n d held a t t h e C e n t r a l Electrochemical R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e , K a r a i k u d i , I n d i a , D e c . 26 t o 29, 1967. Technical sessions will b e held on t h e following s u b j e c t s : elec­ t r o d e kinetics, electrochemical equi­ libria, a n d electroanalyses ; solid s t a t e electrochemistry ; corrosion ; electrodeposition a n d m e t a l finishing; b a t t e r ­ ies; electro-organic a n d electro-inor­ ganic p r o d u c t s ; electro thermies a n d electrometallurgy ; a n d technical-eco-

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Scheduled Courses in A n a l y t i c a l Techniques Nov. 2 to 3—ACS S h o r t Course on Solvent E x t r a c t i o n . Rochester, Ν . Υ. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. ( T e l : 202-737-3337). Nov. 2 to 4—ACS Short Course on T h e r m a l Methods of Analysis. Anaheim, Calif. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. ( T e l : 202-737-3337). Nov. 3 to 5—ACS Short Course on S p e c t r o m e t r y Identification of O r g a n i c Com­ pounds. Detroit, Mich. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. (Tel : 202-737-3337). Nov. 6 to 8—Gas Chromatography. Sydney, N . S. W., Australia. Contact: Varian P t y . Ltd., 38 Oxley St., Crows Nest, Sydney, S. S. W., Australia. Nov. 6 to 10—Infrared Spectroscopy. Los Angeles, Calif. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, P a . 19104. (Tel : 215-3827800). Nov. 10 to 12—ACS S h o r t Course on S p e c t r o m e t r y Identification of Organic Com­ pounds. Indianapolis, I n d . Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. (Tel : 202-737-3337). Nov. 13 to 15—Gas Chromatography. Melbourne, V i c , Australia. Contact: Varian P t y . Ltd., 38 Oxley St., Crows Nest, Sydney, N . S. W., Australia. Nov. 13 to 17—Two S e p a r a t e Courses: Gas C h r o m a t o g r a p h y ; Infrared Spectroscopy. Philadelphia, P a . Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Gar­ den St., Philadelphia, P a . 19104. ( T e l : 215-382-7800). Nov. 15 to 17—Gas Chromatography. Denver, Colo. Contact: Varian Aerograph, 2700 Mitchell Dr., W a l n u t Creek, Calif. Nov. 18 to 19—ACS Short Course on T h i n - L a y e r Chromatography. Cleveland, Ohio. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. ( T e l : 202-737-3337). Nov. 26 to 28—ACS Short Course on Interpretation of N M R Spectra. Baltimore, M d . Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. ( T e l : 207-737-3337). Nov. 30 to D e c . 2—ACS S h o r t Course on Interpretation of N M R Spectra. Cin­ cinnati, Ohio. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Six­ teenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. ( T e l : 202-737-3337). Nov. 30 to Dec. 2—Evaluation and Interpretation of Physical and Chemical T e s t i n g Methods. Holiday I n n , Kingsport, Tenn. Sponsor: Chemical Division, American Society for Quality Control. Contact: M r . Marshall T . Herron, Tennessee E a s t m a n Co., Bldg. 266, Kingsport, Tenn. Dec. 1 to 3—ACS Short Course on S p e c t r o m e t r y Identification of Organic Com­ pounds. Ashville, N . C. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. ( T e l : 202-737-3337). Dec. 4 to 8—Two S e p a r a t e Courses: Infrared Spectroscopy; Gas Chromatography. Philadelphia, P a . Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Gar­ den St., Philadelphia, P a . 19104. ( T e l : 215-382-7800). Dec. 8 to 10—ACS S h o r t Course on Spectrometric Identification of Organic Com­ pounds. Washington, D . C. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Soci­ ety, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C . 20036. ( T e l : 202-737-3337). Dec. 11 to 15—Two Separate Courses: Advanced Infrared Spectroscopy; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Philadelphia, P a . Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, P a . 19104. ( T e l : 215-382-7800). Dec. 13 to 15—Gas Chromatography. Baton Rouge, La. Contact: Varian Aerograph, 6400 Southwest Freeway, Suite 310, Houston, Texas. J a n . 24 to 25—ACS Short Course on T h i n - L a y e r Chromatography. Greensboro, N . C. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. ( T e l : 202-737-3337). . J a n . 27 to 28—ACS S h o r t Course on T h i n - L a y e r Chromatography. Birmingham, Ala. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. ( T e l : 202-737-3337). Feb. 2 to 3—ACS S h o r t Course on T h i n - L a y e r Chromatography. Chattanooga, Tenn. Contact: American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W . 20036. ( T e l : 202737-3337).