qualified dealers! A “National” spectroscopic dealer is selected because of his ability to do this job. Friendly... you've known him for years; Se...
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Only "National" spectroscopic electrodes are supplied through dealers coast-to-coast -and who's responsible?

Yon —the spectroscopist—who values the friendship, service, and technical consultation offered by qualified dealers ! A "National" spectroscopic dealer is selected because of his ability to do this job. F r i e n d l y . . . you've known him for years ; Service . . . prompt electrode [shipment from stock ; Technical Competence . . . trained as a spectroscopist. Whenever you want complete spectroscopic service, call your dealer. He offers "National"

electrodes of f i n e s t s t r u c t u r e and new h i g h purity l e v e l s . . . 1 ppm maximum total ash cont e n t . . . 2 ppm per element maximum spot impurities . . . 6 ppm maximum total spot impurities. "National" is a reqistrred trade-mark of

UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION CARBON PRODUCTS DIVISION 270 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 In Canada: Union Caroide Canada Limited,Toronto

Circle No. 2 on Readers' Service Card


36, NO. 7, JUNE 1904


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