UNION CARBIDE OLEFINS COMPANY - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

UNION CARBIDE OLEFINS COMPANY. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (5), pp 118A–118A. DOI: 10.1021/i650581a798. Publication Date: May 1958. Copyright ...
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NEW EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Vertical Dumper New lifter-dumper with rectangu­ lar, box-frame construction was de­ signed to solve high dumping prob­ lems. In one continuous move­ ment, it can lift 2500 pounds to any practical height and dump the load at a prescribed 45°. Dept. IEC, Essex Conveyors, Inc., 165 Franklin Ave., Nutley, N. J. 44

SAVE 6 5 % TO 8 0 % ON PROCESS SOLVENT COSTS Solvent recovery by t h e COLUMBIA Activated Carbon system can cut manu­ facturing costs in any operation where low-boiling organic solvent vapors can be collected. For instance . . . • Acetate fiber manufacture • Coating operations • Rotogravure printing • Plastics processing m Rubber products manufacture • Pharmaceutical production • Dry cleaning • Metal degreasing operations • Solvent extraction ι · Manufacture of smokeless powder Solvent recovery is the efficient, eco­ nomical way to recover solvents vaporized in manufacturing processes. W h a t sol­ vents can be recovered? Well, alcohols, esters, e t h e r s , k e t o n e s , hydrocarbons, chlorinated compounds, and practically all mixtures of these solvents can be recovered and reused. And look at these facts . . . recovery plant efficiency—more than 99%: cost of recovery—1 to 2i per pound. This means that the initial cost of solvents becomes a secondary consider­ ation because they can be used over and over again. Fire and health hazards are reduced, too! CARBIDE can tell you how a solvent recovery plant can efficiently and eco­ nomically recover your process solvents. W r i t e now for t h e booklet, " S o l v e n t Recovery by the COLUMBIA Activated Carbon System." Address Department B, Union Carbide Olefins Company, 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, New York.



Division of Union Carbide Corporation 3 0 E. 42nd Street, New York 17, Ν. Υ. "Columbia" and "Union Carbide" are registered trade marks of Union Carbide Corporation.

118 A

tive humidity. Dept. IEC, Cam- bridge Filter Corp., Syracuse, Ν. Υ. 46 Dynel Centrifuge Bags Increased operating efficiencies and reduced costs in labor and ma­ terial in the production of organic chemicals through use of dynel centrifuge bags is reported by one firm. The company uses dynel bags in its centrifugal extractors to hold chemicals during a moisture removal or spin-drying process. Filter bags cost $29.00 each. Dept. IEC, National Filter Media Corp., 1717 Dixwell Ave., New Haven, Conn. 47 Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Company has introduced new 8pound fire extinguisher. The ex­ tinguisher sprays a fine powder over the burning area. Heat from the fire causes a chemical reaction which releases a harmless, inert gas at an expansion ratio of 1100 to 1 at 500° F. The gas released smothers the fire almost instantly, reports the manufacturer. Dept. IEC, Fire King Corp., 501 Texas National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. 48 CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS

Difficult materials-handling can be relieved


Stainless Steel Filter Made with a one-piece drawn shell of No. 316 stainless steel, this new filter resists chemical attack and oxidation. Filter tubes are made from a variety of synthetic fibers, including nylon, Orion, Daeron, dynel, acetate, and glass fibers. Dept. IEC, Commercial Filters Corp., 2 Main St., Melrose, Mass. 45 New Medium for Filters New filter medium consists of a combination of selected glass and asbestos fibers. Manufacturer re­ ports minimum efficiency is 99.97% based on removal of 0.3-micron diameter particles. The asbestos fibers improve temperature resist­ ance, with filters available that will withstand 1000° F. and 100% rela­


Butyl Rubber and Microcrystalline Wax Coating Compound Unique compound is announced for coating and lamination proc­ esses. It is used for both func­ tional and decorative purposes. Also used as hot melt sealing ad­ hesive. Dept. IEC, Borden Chemi­ cal Co., Coating and Adhesives Dept., 103 Foster St., Peabody, Mass. 49 New Neoprene Paint Needs No Primer Weighing the advantages of pro­ tective coatings against low cost and workability of paint? A new neoprene-phenolic formulation, Corrocote 99, combines the best features of both. I t is a one-part, self-cure coating for general main­ tenance and corrosion control. Dept. IEC, Chemical Coating & Engineering Co., Inc., West Chester Pike, Edgemont, Pa. 50