Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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UNIQUE CORN STARCH DERIVATIVE It's industry's first cationic starch. Name: CATO.® It

C A T O is now in production use in paper, textile

carries a cationic charge as an integral part of its

and other industries. It may well answer some special

polymeric structure. A strong affinity for negative sur­

need in your product or process. W e ' d be pleased

faces results. As demonstrated by migration \o the

to tell you more about C A T O . W r i t e , telling us

cathode of an electrophoresis cell.

something of the use y o u have in mind.

CATO has other unusual starch properties, includ­ ing greater clarity and increased stability. N e w ap­ plications appear month after month. As a size • stabilizer · binder · thickening agent · flocculant * retention aid · reenforcing agent·

STARCH and CHEMICAL C O R F> Ο R /Χ Τ Ι Ο Μ 750 Third Avenue, New York 17 3641 So. Washtenaw Avenue, Chicago 32 735 Battery Street, San Francisco 11