Unique Lummus Engineering Development Center—30 Minutes From

Nov 12, 2010 - Unique Lummus Engineering Development Center—30 Minutes From Manhattan-Proves Out Processes Before ... C&EN Online News...
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BENCH-SCALE DISTILLATION EQUIPMENT. T h e Center has various types and sizes of apparatus to distill any size sample from one cc to a tank-car load.

Unique Lummus Engineering Development Center—30 Minutes From Manhattan-Proves Out Processes Before Construction At a new 150.000 square-foot Center n e a r the Newark Airport, the L u m m u s Company is expand­ ing a long-established engineering development p r o g r a m into a major service to the process indus­ tries. T h e intensive pilot plant investigations car­ ried out here will, in the years to come, spell the difference between rash gamble and sound plant investment for many manufacturers in the chemi­ cal, petroleum, pulp and paper and allied fields, F o r a complete description of The Center and how it can help you bridge the g a p between labo­ ratory research and successful production, write for the 16-page b r o c h u r e "Lummus Engineering Development Center." Address The L u m m u s Company, 385 Madison Avenue, New York 17, New York.

ΛΛΟδΤ PILOT UNITS a3 Tibe Crnnttieir .amr pontt ttiinjartfiinar fen ma s-ttAELcfiani ~buHcLîr±g ^blocks/" S k i d - m o n m l t e d cnairgniag: mmim- -=ΟΠ·ΓΒΙΙ a s ttJke· wnw acfiie-fffiBuoEdi tanks·, h e a t e r s .and p u m p s for Iran—fer anad aaar-itteniim^ Pmo*tr»ess €«pnspininieimti_ fiteire SELO-WTO in b a c k ­ g r o u n d c e n t e r , c a n ifoe ^i.d-efly ^ar5«nd_ A I! ojdlnii i=- «efl^nirii(rali er^nitnoi c a b i n e t . A l l s w i t c h e s , relays, a n d oonlir-oils naotil iWniisedl aim expllio>-Bio>im-piP>mo*iflira