knows the savings that makes possible. Now, in contrast to this penny, look at the expenses involved when you shape your own: 1. Breakage. Graphite is...
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Can do-it-yourself" Electrodes meet the price of Mass-produced ones ? If you m a c h i n e your own spectroscopic electrodes from graphite rod, you're trying to beat mass-production prices with h a n d labor. Is it possible? Let's look at t h e statistics. At United, y o u can b u y either rods or preformed electrodes of ultra p u r e graphite. Rods a r e sold in 1 2 " lengths. F r o m one twelve-inch r o d , you can cut — allowing for cutting loss — seven IV2" electrodes. These will cost you, say, 19c apiece for t h e graphite alone, based on a r o u n d figure of $1.35 p e r rod. Now, a realistic figure for this same electrode, preformed by United, would b e roughly 20c. So, t h e difference between t h e cost to you of a l 1 /^" piece of graphite a n d t h e cost of a preformed, post-purified electrode would be only about one penny. United can offer you this because of high-volume production . . . a n d everyone knows t h e savings t h a t makes possible. Now, in contrast to this penny, look at t h e expenses involved when you shape your o w n : 1. Breakage. G r a p h i t e is brittle in narrow cross-section, a n d breakage common. If you buy preforms, we guarantee them to arrive undamaged . . . or we will replace. 2. Contamination. United post-purifies its electrodes after shaping. T h e y come to you with near-zero contamination ! Contrast, on t h e other h a n d , t h e countless impurities r o d can pick u p from machining a n d h a n d l i n g before u s e ! 3. Rejects. W e underwrite t h e quality of all o u r electrodes, and replace any faulty ones. W i t h electrodes you m a k e yourself, you must absorb all losses. 4. Rod inventory. Y o u must keep ample stock on h a n d a n d properly calculate cutting a n d grinding losses. 5. Equipment needed. Even if your expensive shaping machinery is already "written off", cutting a n d grinding tools wear out a n d r e q u i r e replacement. More cost. 6. Man-hours. T i m e needed for machining is expensive . . . particularly w h e n it's time t a k e n from imnortant l a b work. Does all this cost you a penny p e r electrode? More a p t to be a d i m e ! No matter how you look at it, preforms cost less. I n addition, they give you more accurate data, more reliability, and no mess. Is this n o t a b a r g a i n ? W e t h i n k it is. By all means, get t h e facts on United's preformed electrodes. Send t h e coupon for o u r new catalog (includes p r i c e s ) .

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United Carbon Products Co., Dept. A, Bay City, Mich, Please send me your new S-58 Spectroscopic Graphite Products Catalog. (No obligation).









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