United Scientific Corporation

and follow-up visits just to make sure you're getting the most out of your SPECTRACE. Send for our highly informative brochure now. Contact United. Sc...
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Peak separation you've never seen before. AI




News the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Klinische Chemie. In 1971, he received an honorary M.D. from the University of Uppsala. Professor Porath is a pioneer in the application of chromatography in biochemistry, particularly in the use of size-exclusion (gel) chromatography and affinity chromatography.

Call for Papers



New from this X-ray fluorescence analyzer.

A new and unique pulse processor gives our SPECTRACE™ analyzer guaranteed resolution of 150 eV —the best ever achieved in an energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer. This resolution, coupled with peak shifts no greater than 3 eV at maximum count rate, lets you detect light elements more reliably and quantify them more accurately. The spectrum at left above shows an actual peak separation using the new pulse processor. That at right, with overlapping peaks, was made using a conventional processor in the same analyzer. SPECTRACE 440 can make automatic unattended analyses of up to

40 samples —solids, liquids, powders or deposits on filter paper. Makes qualitative and quantitative analyses of all elements from Na to Pu. Handles samples from 1 mm in diameter to a foot high. Has superb sensitivity, repeatability and long-term stability. Our applications laboratory and engineering group will work with you to help solve your analytical problem. That way you know you'll get the results you want after your SPECTRACE is delivered. Over 50 SPECTRACE analyzers are now in use. And we'll give you the name of every single user — because we know every one will give you a favorable report. One thing they'll report is the service they get: personal instruction, an applications school, software school — and follow-up visits just to make sure you're getting the most out of your SPECTRACE. Send for our highly informative brochure now. Contact United Scientific Corporation, Analytical Instrument Division, Dept. C, 1400 Stierlin Road, RO. Box 1389, Mt. View, California 94042. Phone (415) 969-9400.



1st International Workshop on Trace Element Analytical Chemistry in Medicine and Biology Neuherberg, Germany. April 27-29, 1980. The general theme of the 1st Workshop is "the essential trace elements." The Workshop will consist of a series of invited papers on specific problem areas each followed by an extended discussion period in which all participants will be invited to take part. Short contributed papers are also solicited. The 1st Workshop will share a joint session on April 29 with the conference on "Biochemische Analytik." Abstracts of papers intended as contributions to the discussions must be submitted in English to the Organizing Committee by Nov. 30. They must not exceed one typed page, double spaced. The abstracts will be subjected to refereeing. Full manuscripts of accepted papers must be submitted by March 30, 1980. For more information, contact: Dr. P. Schramel, Gesellschaft fuer Strahlenund Umweltforschung PhysikalischTechnische Abteilung, Ingolstadter Landstrasse 1, D-8042 Neuherberg, F.R. Germany

Meetings International Conference of Lasers '79. Dec. 17-21. Orlando, Fla. Contact: V. J. Corcoran, Society for Optical and Quantum Electronics, PO Box 245, McLean, Va. 22101 63rd Canadian Chemical Conference and Exhibition. June 8-11, 1980. Ottawa, Ontario. Contact: Don Emmerson, 151 Slater St., Suite 906, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P5H3. 613-233-5623 7th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry, Medicine and Environmental Research. June 16-18, 1980. Milan, Italy. Contact: Alberto Frigerio, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Via Eritrea, 62—20157 Milan, Italy