United States Civil Service examination - Journal of Chemical

United States Civil Service examination. J. Chem. Educ. , 1928, 5 (2), p 176. DOI: 10.1021/ed005p176. Publication Date: February 1928. Cite this:J. Ch...
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creasing mastery over them. Undoubtedly, there are still more wonderful forces all about us concerning which we have as yet little or no knowledge. Some time the day may amve when he will have such command over the fundamental titanic energies of the world that a single miscreant may have it in his power to loosen these forces or so to disturb the balance of the universe as to obliterate man from its surface. Another way by which man may bring about his own extinction is that already suggested in his increasing knowledge and control over the life functions of the individual, so that it may be possible some day to annihilate the inhabitants of an entire continent by the use of chemicals or other agencies which will fatally disturb or interfere with these normal life processes. I t is, therefore, because I fear that man's rapidly advancing mastery over the forces of his universe threaten to outrun his own capacity to handle safely this tremendous increase in responsibility, that I have ventured to suggest the desirability of giving more thought to the improvement scientifically of man himself, in the firm belief that with chemistry and medicine actively cooperating in such an undertaking, man can make of himself a veritable demi-god, or else he will achieve his own destruction and that of his race. There is no problem which, in its importance to both individual and state, transcends this one, and it is a problem which can he solved only by science.

UNITED STATES CIVIL-SERVICE EXAMINATION The United States Civil-Serviee Commission announces an open competitive examination for Junior Chemical Engineer. Applications lor junior chemical engineer must he on file with the Civil-Service Commission a t Washington, D. C., notlaterthanFebruary 25th. The date for assembling of competitors will be stated on their admission cards, and will be about ten days after the close of receipt of applications. The entrance salary is $1860 a year in the District of Columbia. After the probational period required by the civil-service act and rnles, advancement in pay will depend upon individual efficiency, increased usefulness, and the occurrence of vacancies in higher positions. For appointment outside of Washingon, D. C., the salary will be approximately the same. The duties of this position are t o perform such work as routine testing, inspection of engineering material, preparing specifications for engineering material or apparatus, performing field work, making computations, assisting in conduct of experimental rexarch tests, compiling reports, and handling technical correspondence. Competitors will be rated on general physics, mathematics, general engineering, and chemical engineering. Full information may be obtained from the United States CivilSewice Commission a t Washington, D. C., or the secretary of the United States civil-service board of examiners a t thc post-office or customhouse in any city.