United States Civil Service examinations for advisers - Journal of

United States Civil Service examinations for advisers. J. Chem. Educ. , 1931, 8 (4), p 660. DOI: 10.1021/ed008p660. Publication Date: April 1931. Note...
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APRIL. 1931

and structural identification to keep pace. Hence substances which prohably are no more alike in their chemical natures than are, for example, cholesterol and tryptophan, are for the present included under the one group name. The immediate significance of the discovery of vitamins was to make possible for the first time the formulation of a scientifically sound conception as to what chemical factors enter, from without the organism, into the life process. From being thus able to give, even if not yet quite explicitly, a qualitative definition of the adequate in nutrition, chemical research has promptly pressed forward toward the quantitative determination of the optimal. At first glance this might appear as simply another manifestation of the general tendency of present-day science to develop its quantitative aspects-to hold itself rigorously to the task of becoming constantly a more and more exact science. But this goes deeper than that. For we are finding that a food supply which is already adequate may he so improved by enrichment in certain of its chemical factors that the already normal life process is measurably bettered. The individual results are still within the range of the normal; but the average status of the life process is improved a t all stages of the life cycle: many young lives are saved; the level of positive health is raised; and adults live longer.

United States Civil-Service E m i n a t i o n s for Advisers. The United States CivilService Commission announces the fallowina named open mmpetitive examinations: BOYS' ADVISER. SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, $2600 a year. BOYS' ADVISER,RESERVATION A N D JUNIOR H I G H SCHOOL, $2000 a year, ADVISER'SASSISTANT, Boys, $1500 a year. Applications for the abovenamed positions must be on file with the United States Civil-Service Commission, Washington, D. C.. not later than March 25. 1931. The examinations are t o fill vacancies in the Indian Service. Competitors will not be required t o report for examination a t any place, but will be rated on their education and experience, and on their published writings or a thesis. For boys' adviser, either senior or junior high school, applicants must show graduation from a college or university of recognized standing, including or supplemented by certain specified courses, except that two years of suitable experience may be substituted for two years of the college work. I n addition t o meeting these requirements, boys' advisers, senior high school, must have had two years of certain specified experience, and boys' advisers, reservation or junior high schwl, one year of such experience. For adviser's assistant (boys), applicants must have a t least fourteen units of highschool work acceptable for college entrance. and two years of certain specified experience, except that one year of additional education may be substituted for one year of the required experience. Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil-Service Commission. Washington, D. C., or from the Secretary of the United States Civil-Service Board of Examiners a t the post-office or customhouse in any city.