United States Civil Service examinations - Journal of Chemical

United States Civil Service examinations. J. Chem. Educ. , 1927, 4 (4), p 426. DOI: 10.1021/ed004p426. Publication Date: April 1927. Cite this:J. Chem...
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UNITED STATES CIVIL-SERVICE EXAMINATIONS The United States Civil-Service Commission announces open competitive examinations for assistant scientific aid, $1500; junior scientific aid, $1320, and under laboratory apprentice, $1140. Applications for these positions must be on file with the Civil-Service Commission a t Washington, D. C., not later than April 30th. The date for assembling of competitors will be stated on their admission cards and will be about ten days after the close of receipt of amlications. .. The examinations are to fill vacancies in the Departmental Service, Washington, D. C.. including the Bureau of Standards, and vacancies in positions requiring- similar qualifications. The entrance salaries in the District of Columbia are indicated above. A probationary period of six months is required; advancement after that depends upon individual efficiency, increased usefulness, and the occurrence of vacancies in higher positions. For appointment in the field service the entrance salaries will be approximately the same. For the position of assistant scientificaid examination will be given in the following optional subjects: Advanced general physics, ceramics, chemical engineering, civil and mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, paper technology, physical metallurgy, physics and chemistry, and textile technology. For the positions of junior scientific aid and under laboratory apprentice separate registers will he established of those qualified in physics, those qualified in chemistry. and those qualified in both physics and chemistry. Full information and application blanks may be obtained from the United States Civil-Service Commission, Washmgon, D. C., or the secretary of the board of U. S. civil-service examiners a t the post-office or customhouse in any city. ~

The United States Civil-Service Commission announces open competitive euaminatians for mechanical laboratorian and metallurgical laboratorian. Applications for mechanical and metallurgical laboratorians must be on file with the Civil-Service Commission a t Washington, D. C., not later thanApril30th. Thedate for assembling of competitors will be stated on their admission cards and will be about t ao~lications. ten days after the close of r e c e i ~of .. The examinations are to fill vacancies in the United States Naval Academy, Annauolis, Md., a t $4.32 a day. and vacancies occurring in the Federal classified field service throughout the United States in positions requiring similar qualifications, a t approximately the same rate of pay. The duties are to assist in physical, chemical, and engineering laboratories; to set up chemical and physical apparatus, make repairs, and conduct experimental work; assist in making physical tests, heat treatment, and metallographic examination of metals; determination of transformation temperatures; calibration of instruments, such as pyrometers; calculation and plotting of results of tests; and making sketches and drawings of apparatus. Competitors will be rated on practical questions, and their education, training. andexperience. Full information and application blanks may he obtained from the United States Civil-Service Commission. Washington, D. C., or the secretary of the board of U. S. civil-service examiners a t the post-office or customhouse in any city.