United States Steel Corporation - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - As the world's largest producer of steel, the United States Steel Corporation employs a large number of chemists and chemical engineers...
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United States Steel Corporation 525 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh 30, Pa.

f\* the world's largest producer of steel, the United States Steel Corporation employs? a large number of chemists and chemical engineers. What sometimes surprises the uninitiated is the wide variety of projects in both basic and applied research that engages the attention of our chemical research teams. This research covers an extensive range of problems related to steel, its components, and its by-products.

tory. The latter is a three-building unit that includes pilot-line facilities and mill-type equipment, as well as bench-scale laboratories, library facilities, conference rooms, and cafeteria. The Fundamental Research Laboratory contains chemistry, physics, and metallurgy laboratories of the traditional type, a scientific library, and offices for the scientific and administrative staffs.

Research Center

Important Work

The heart of U. S. Steel research is the new Research Center at Monroeville, Pa.. 15 miles east of Pittsburgh. Here, on a 142-acre hilltop, is the Edgar C. Bain Laboratory for Fundamental Research and the Applied Research Labora-

In the field of coal chemicals, a research program is under way to discover ways of recovering and using more of the multitude of chemicals available from coal tar and related products. U. S. Steel scientists are seeking

to discover ways of expanding the use of coals previously considered unfit for metallurgical coke, of increasing the recovery of coal in mining and beneficiation processes, of improving the L ke by better selection and blendi- 0 of coals, and of broadeiiin-- tl" neld of application of the inubitude of chemicals available from coal tar. U. S. Steel is expending considerable effort in developing new beneficiation processes for improving both the chemical and physical properties of steel making raw materials—especially iron ore. T o improve the operation of the blast furnace, research scientists are delving into a study of heterogeneous reactions, flow and heat transfer in packed beds, diffusion processes, liquid-liquid extraction,

The U S . Steel Research Cenier was opened in mid-1956. I t employs over 1000 research scientists and technicians engaged in both basic a n d applied research. Fundamental Research Laboratory ( l e f t ) and A p p l i e d Research Laboratory are 15 miles from Pittsburgh, Pa.


C& E N


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and many other methods familiar to the chemical engineer. Another important study involves the application of the fluidization technique and other chemical engineering principles to iron and steel processing. We are investigating the use of fluidized-hed techniques in the reduction of ores, in heatexchange problems, and in coal carbonization. Basic research is being conducted on the mechanisms and the general theory of high-temperature steelmaking processes. To fight corrosion, steel's greatest enemy, chemists and engineers are investigating the corrosion characteristics of many different steels exposed to various atmospheres and chemicals, and are studying plastics and organic coatings with a view to minimizing loss through corrosion, An important group of research activities centers around the development of new uses for stainless steel, which has unique corrosion resistance in many applications. U. S. Steel researchers are examining the entire field of electrodeposition to devise methods of improving t i n plate as well as methods of coating steel with aluminum and other metals. Applied research studies on the various problems listed above include the investigation and design of mill equipment to perform specified operations safely and economically.

By c o n t i n u o u s d i s f i i i a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s , c o n d u c t e d i n s u c h a p p a r a t u s a s p i c t u r e d , U . S. chemists aro s o l v i n g t h e many c h a l l e n g i n g p r o b l e m s In o b t a i n i n g a d d i t i o n a l c h e m i c a l s coal tar

Steel from

Rewarding Future The wide variety of research problems in an industry as hasic as steel affords plenty of opportunities for personal development under the competent guidance of some of the foremost research men in the steel industry. Chances of advancement arc commensurate with ability: 99% of t h e 20,000 men on the present corporation management team have attained their present positions through promotion within the organization. A career in research with United States Steel is a challenging and rewarding experience. If you desire further information, we shall be glad to send you a free copy of Paths of Opportunity. Write to United States Steel Corporation, Personnel Division, 525 William Pcnn Place, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. (ADVERTISEMENT)

In a p i l o t - s c a l e m o d e l o f a c o a l c h e m i c a l r e c o v e r y p l a n t , c h e m i c a l e n g i n e e r s a r e s t u d y i n g t h e u n i t o p e r a t i o n s i n v o l v e d in c o l l e c t i n g t h e c h e m i c a l s r e s u l t i n g f r o m t h e c a r b o n i z a t i o n o f c o a l


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